Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

1 & 2. Brand risk - Critical non-conformances<br>1. Food - 1. Food hygiene - Critical non-conformances

  • 1.1 Are they any food safety critical non-conformance brand risks?<br>(red)

  • 1.2 Is there any food safety major non-conformance brand risks?<br>(amber)

2. Health & Safety - Critical non-conformances

  • 2.1 Are they any health & safety critical non-conformance brand<br>risks? (red)

  • 2.2 Is there any health & safety major non-conformance brand<br>risks? (amber)

3. Temperature control - 3. FOOD HYGIENE - Hygiene - Temperature control

  • 3.1 Is food within the required temperature control? Including<br>chilling, frozen, cooking, reheating, hot holding, temperatures

  • Checks found food which had been in a fridge for a signficant time,<br>was above 8C, which is unacceptable.

  • Chilled foods should not be overstocked/stocked up too early in the<br>service wells - no more that 1 hour before service

  • Door curtains at the entrance to the walk-in chiller/freezer should be<br>overlapping with no gaps, reaching the floor and not

  • Food should be cooled in shallow trays, in a single layer so it is all<br>in contact with the tray to reduce cooling time

  • Food should be cooled should be in trays that are made of metal<br>rather than plastic to reduce cooling time

  • Food should be reheated to a temperature of at least 75°C (82°C<br>Scotland)

  • Food should not be placed directly against the condenser

  • Foods being cooled down in the blast chiller should be reduced<br>below 8°C within 90 minutes

  • Foods should be chilled on an ice bath in the coolest part of the<br>kitchen as quickly as possible but always for less than 90 minutes<br>before being transferred to chilled storage

  • Foods should be cooked to a temperature of at least 75°C

  • Lids should be placed on the chilled service wells to ensure the<br>temperature remains as low as possible (and removed just before<br>service)

  • Peashoots must either be in a chilled well or in a container on an<br>ice-bath

Untitled page

  • 4. Contamination Control

4. FOOD HYGIENE - Hygiene - Contamination Control

  • 4.1 Are good practices and procedures being followed to prevent<br>cross contamination during storage?

  • All foods should be decanted out of cardboard prior to ambient and<br>chilled storage (except defrosted desserts, eggs, liquid egg, soy<br>sauce and oil)

  • All shelves must be labelled as RTE and non-RTE as applicable

  • Colour-coded chopping boards should be stored separately

  • Pots, pans and food storage contianers must be stored inverted

  • Take away packaging should be stored inverted when taken out of<br>original packaging

  • Damaged tins must be rejected from delivery

  • Defrosted foods should be drained before decanting

  • Designated areas for raw only and RTE areas only must be known<br>by all staff and correctly followed

  • Food contact equipment and utensils should not be stored on the<br>floor

  • Food contact equipment and utensils should not be stored under<br>the sink where there is a risk of cross contamination

5. Personal hygiene - 5. FOOD HYGIENE - Hygiene - Personal hygiene

  • 5.1 Are hand washing practices satisfactory?

  • 5.2 Are food handlers complying with personal hygiene policy<br>(correct protective clothing, jewellery, health and correct use of staff<br>room)?

  • 5.3 Hand wash basins accessible and stocked with soap, paper<br>towels and hot water

6. Stock rotation - 6. FOOD HYGIENE - Hygiene - Stock rotation

  • 6.1 Is the stock rotation of foods satisfactory ('Use by' dates/best<br>before dates)?

  • Defrosted food should be provided with a 'Use by' date using the<br>Sato printer

  • Sato label must be applied at the time of preparation

  • Stock must be rotated using FIFO principals, First In First Out

  • The sato printer label must not be changed / food must be discared<br>when label date has expired

  • Shakers must be labelled and dated for 7 days

  • Manufacturers date labels must not be altered

  • Opened/prepared food should be provided with a 'Use by' date<br>using the Sato printer

  • Sato printer must be kept updated and used at all time

  • Batch numbers must recorded on the sato label for tracability

  • Food must have the correct sato label

7. Allergen controls - 7. FOOD HYGIENE - Hygiene - Allergen controls & information

  • 7.1 Are controls over allergen contamination satisfactory?

  • 7.2 Are all staff fully trained on allergens and training up to date?

  • 7.3 Is the allergens process correctly demonstrated?

  • 7.4 Are staff able to answer correctly from the bank of allergen<br>questions?

8. Structure Condition and Cleanliness - 8. FOOD HYGIENE - Structure - Structure Condition and Cleanliness

  • 8.1 Is the structure of the non-public area clean and in good<br>condition?

9. Equipment Condition and Cleanliness - 9. FOOD HYGIENE - Structure - Equipment Condition and Cleanliness

  • 9.1 Is the kitchen cook line equipment clean and in a good<br>condition?

  • 9.2 Are the line fridge’s, plus kitchen line ( wells, surfaces, plus<br>equipment clean and in good condition)?

  • Seals and shelf runners should be clean and in good condition

  • The fridge seals should be no more than 10% damaged (food<br>fridge) & 20% damaged (non-food fridge)

  • Shelves should be clean and in good condition

  • Doors/under doors should be clean and in good condition

  • The fridge should be repaired

  • Hand contact points / handles must be cleaned

  • Other - Are the line fridge’s, plus kitchen line?

  • 9.3 Are kitchen small wares clean and in a good condition?

10. Pest control - 10. FOOD HYGIENE - Structure - Pest control

  • 10.1 Is pest control being properly managed?

  • 10.2 Is pest proofing satisfactory

  • An electric fly killer should be installed as per site<br>arrangements/service agreement

  • Ceiling Panels have been moved or damaged and must be fitted<br>correctly or replaced

  • Gaps around pipework should be filled

  • Holes in the wall or ceiling were noted - these should be filled

  • Opened windows to food areas should be closed or provided with<br>insect mesh

  • The defective electric fly killer should be repaired/replaced

  • External bins should always stay closed and bin area kept

  • The gap under the door/ between the doors to the exterior should be<br>proofed with a bristle strip

11.HACCP records - 11. FOOD HYGIENE - Confidence in management - HACCP records

  • 11.1 Is the current food safety manual present on-site?

  • 11.2 Are temperature checks being carried out and completed?

  • 11.3 Are delivery checks being carried out and records completed?

  • 11.4 Are calibration checks of temperature probes being<br>completed?

12. Staff medical records - 12. FOOD HYGIENE - Confidence in management - Staff medical records

  • 12.1 Are health assessment medical questionnaires and return-towork<br>forms being completed?

13. Cleaning records - 13. FOOD HYGIENE - Confidence in management - Cleaning records

  • 13.1 Are cleaning schedules in place and being followed/recorded?

14. Inspection records - 14. FOOD HYGIENE - Confidence in management - Inspection records

  • 14.1 Are there any outstanding issues from the last Environmental<br>Health Officer report ?

  • 14.2 Are there any outstanding actions from the last pest control<br>report?

15. Food hygiene training and knowledge - 15. FOOD HYGIENE - Confidence in management - Food hygiene training and knowledge

  • 15.1 Is food safety and hygiene training up to date?

  • 15.2 Does the Head Chef/ General Manager/the manager running<br>the shift have a good knowledge of HACCP?

  • 15.3 Are food safety policy documents displayed?

16. Internal Audits - 16. Internal Audits

  • 16.1 Have the action points from the previous audit been<br>addressed?

17. Structure, Condition and Cleanliness - 17. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Structure

  • 17.1 Is the structure of public areas clean and in a good condition?

18. Slips, trips and falls control - 18. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Slips, trips and falls control

  • 18.1 Are controls over slip hazards?

  • Floor matting is needed for the kitchen porter area

  • Mops/brooms should be stored on brackets

  • Pooled water/spillages on the floor should be removed

  • Slippery floor surfaces are noted - corrective actions applied - these<br>should be checked

  • The ‘wet floor’ warning sign should be displayed during cleaning<br>activities

  • The ‘wet floor’ warning sign should be removed once floor is dry

  • The ‘wet floor’ warning sign should be used for spillages

  • The over spill kit yellow cloths should be used for instance marking<br>and drying of spillages

  • Other - Are controls over slip hazards?

  • 18.2 Are controls over trip hazards?

19. Electrical safety - 19. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Electrical Safety

  • 19.1 Are controls over electrical hazards satisfactory?

  • An electrical warning sign should be displayed on the electrical<br>installation/door

  • The damaged electrical cable should be replaced/repaired.

  • The damaged electrical connection to equipment should be repaired

  • The damaged electrical equipment should be taken out of use or<br>repaired

  • The damaged plug needs to be repaired

  • The damaged electrical socket should be replaced

  • The sharp edges have the potential to cut into wiring

  • The damaged electrical switch should be repaired

  • Extension cables must not be used - unless approved by<br>maintenance and risk + compliance

  • Isolator switches must be labelled

  • Other - Are controls over electrical hazards satisfactory?

20. Fire safety - 20. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Fire Safety

  • 20.1 Are fire systems satisfactory?

  • Ansul system nozzels are adequately covering cook line

  • Emergency lighting should be provided within the fire escape route

  • Fire blanket should be available

  • The depressurised fire extinguisher should be serviced

  • The emergency exit door must be unlocked

  • The emergency exit route should be clearly signed

  • The emergency release mechanism on the final exit door should be<br>repaired

  • The fire alarm panel is showing a fault - this must be investigated<br>

  • The fire door closer is not operational - this needs to be repaired

  • The fire door should be closed

  • The fire escape route does not lead to a place of total safety - this<br>should be checked against FRA

  • should be checked against FRA<br>Unanswered<br>The fire escape route should be identified by way of a green and<br>white 'running person' sign

  • The fire extinguishers should be wall/floor mounted

  • The missing fire extinguisher should be replaced

  • The missing fire extinguisher signage should be replaced

21. Equipment safety - 21. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Equipment Safety

  • 21.1 Are controls over FOH equipment safety satisfactory<br>(signage/guarding/use)?

  • 21.2 Are controls over BOH equipment safety satisfactory<br>(signage/guarding/use)?

22. First aid - 22. HEALTH AND SAFETY - First aid

  • 22.1 First aid boxes should be available (office, staff room, corridor)

23. Manual handling - 23. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Manual handling

  • 23.1 Are there suitable controls over manual handling hazards?

24. Hazardous substances (COSHH) - 24. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Hazardous substances (COSHH)

  • 24.1 Are controls over hazardous substances satisfactory?

25. Personal protective equipment (PPE) - 25. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • 25.1 Is the suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) available?

  • 25.2 Is the suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) being<br>worn?

26. Health and safety practices - 26. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Health and safety practices

  • 26.1 Are there any incorrect/unsafe practices - burns?

  • 26.2 Are there any incorrect/unsafe practices - cuts?

  • 26.3 Are there any incorrect/unsafe practices - work at height?

  • 26.4 Are there any incorrect/unsafe practices?

27. Health and safety signage and staff information - 27. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Health and safety signage and staff information

  • 27.1 Are the correct health and safety signs and documents<br>displayed?

28. Health and safety training and knowledge - 28. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Health and safety training and knowledge

  • 28.1 Is health and safety training up to date?

  • All staff should receive induction training in health and safety when<br>they join the company

  • 'Awareness' health and safety training (2 hrs) should be provided<br>for all staff

  • RIDDOR, first aid, h+s policy and fire policy training received and<br>signed off by all staff

  • The HWDI guide training records should be completed for all staff

  • The HWDI guide training records should be dated

  • The HWDI training records should be signed by the trainee and the<br>trainer

  • The HWDI training should be following the schedule on trail

  • Other - Is health and safety training up to date?

  • 28.2 Have fire marshals & first aiders been designated and trained?

29. Health and safety records - 29 HEALTH AND SAFETY - Health and safety records

  • 29.1 Is the fire risk assessment available and actions completed?

  • 29.2 Are fire records available and complete?

  • 29.3 Have the weekly review of risk assessments been completed<br>and signed off by the GM?

  • 29.4 Have inspection records been completed and up to date?

  • 29.5 are equipment servicing records / inspection records available<br>and up to date?

30. Maintenance - 30. HEALTH AND SAFETY - Maintenance

  • 30.1 Are there significant maintenance issues affecting safety,<br>hygiene or trade which have not been identified and reported to<br>maintenance?

  • 30.2 Are there significant reported maintenance issues outstanding<br>and there is no evidence these have been chased by site?

  • 30.3 Are there significant maintenance issues affecting safety,<br>hygiene or trade, reported and effectively chased by site but remain<br>outstanding?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.