
  • SD37 - 4-Stage Clearance Site Audit Sheet - Issue 3 - April 2013

  • Document No:

  • Site:

  • Date:

  • Prepared by:

Job Details

  • Job Number:

  • Client:

  • Date:

  • Site Address:

  • Purpose of Audit:

  • Auditee's Name & Signature:

  • Auditor's Name & Signature:

Audit Summary:

  • Equipment:

  • Procedures:

  • Documentation:

  • Paperwork:

  • Comments:

Health & Safety:

  • Is the analyst clean shaven?

  • Is a shave kit available on site?

  • Is RPE available?

  • Is RPE clean and labelled?

  • Does the analyst have tyveks available?

  • Does the analyst have cover shoes available?

  • Does the analyst have safety boots available?

  • Does the analyst have a hi-viz jacket/vest available?

  • Does the analyst have a hard hat and/or bump cap available?

  • Does the analyst have gloves available?

  • Does the analyst have ear defenders available?

  • Does the analyst have safety glasses/goggles available?

  • Does the analyst have knee pads available?

  • Does the analyst have a first aid kit available?


  • Flowmeter numbers (long and short tubes):

  • Are the flowmeters within calibration date and correctly labelled?

  • Stage micrometer number:

  • Is the stage micrometer within calibration date and correctly labelled?

  • NPL test slide number:

  • Is the NPL within calibration date and correctly labelled?

  • Timer number:

  • Is the timer within calibration date and correctly labelled?

  • Air sampler numbers (including personal pump):

  • Do all air samplers have current service records and are they correctly labelled?

  • Microscope number:

  • Does the microscope have a current service record and is it correctly labelled?

  • Detail the cosmetic condition of the equipment and whether it is functioning correctly - identify any potential faults or actions required if the equipment is not labelled or calibrated:

  • Take the microscope out of phase and ask the analyst to set it up. Describe performance and detail any guidance required:


  • Does the analyst have a copy of HSG248 available?

  • Does the analyst have a copy of TP03 available?

  • Comments/Action Required?

Certificate of Reoccupation Procedures:

  • Job details:

Stage 1:

  • Has the analyst verified the generic risk assessments?

  • Has the analyst completed the document verification process satisfactorily?

  • Has the analyst conducted a satisfactory initial inspection of the exterior of the enclosure and adjacent areas?

  • Has the analyst conducted a satisfactory initial inspection of the hygiene facility and transit route?

  • Has the analyst conducted a satisfactory initial inspection of the waste route and waste storage area?

  • Further Comments and observations:

Stage 2:

  • Is the analyst's entry/exit procedure to/from the enclosure satisfactory?

  • Is the standard of the visual inspection satisfactory?

  • Has the analyst had to use any ladders/scaffold towers within the area? If so was this done correctly?

  • Further comments and observations:

Stage 3:

  • Has the analyst used an appropriate sampling strategy?

  • Did the analyst carry out the dust disturbance procedure correctly?

  • Further comments and observations:

Stage 4:

  • Has the analyst carried out a satisfactory inspection of the former enclosure area?

  • Has the analyst carried out a satisfactory inspection of the former work areas and the transit/waste route?

  • Further comments and observations:

Site Documentation:

  • Have the contractor signatures been collected as required?

  • Has the summary of works been completed adequately?

  • Further comments and observations:

Audit Summary:

  • Audit outcome:

Staff Feedback:

  • Is there anything that could make the analyst's job easier? (Please get the analyst to fill in Staff Feedback Form SD59 to be filed with Action Form SD06)

Required Actions:

  • Is any action required? Please note the action numbers (DD/MM/YYYY/01 etc - Please also fill in separate action forms SD06 for each action and complete the Action Log SD99)

  • Comments:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.