
  • Document No.

  • SD46 - Survey Site Audit Sheet - Issue 7 - April 2013

  • Site:

  • Conducted on

Job Details:

  • Job Number:

  • Client:

  • Date:

  • Site Address:
  • Front Photo:

  • Survey Level:

  • Survey Type:

  • Audit Type

  • Purpose of Audit:

  • Auditee's Signature:

  • Auditor's Signature:

  • Job Summary:

Health & Safety:

  • Is the surveyor clean shaven?

  • Is a shave kit available on site?

  • Is RPE available?

  • Is RPE clean and labelled?

  • Does the surveyor have safety boots available?

  • Does the surveyor have a hi-viz jacket/vest available?

  • Does the surveyor have a hard hat and/or bump cap available?

  • Does the surveyor have gloves available?

  • Does the surveyor have ear defenders available?

  • Does the surveyor have safety glasses/goggles available?

  • Does the surveyor have knee pads available?

  • Does the surveyor have a first aid kit available?

  • Are ladders labelled and suitable for use?

Initial Observations and Pre-Survey Procedures:

  • Guidance - Could cover: Completion of risk assessments, documentation, equipment, RPE, quality manual etc...

Survey Process/Procedure:

  • Guidance - Could include: Observations, room notes, inspection points, material assessment, priority assessment, photos, plans etc...

Sampling Strategy/Sample Collection:

  • Guidance - Could include: Types of material collected - frequency, size and procedure

Areas of No Access/Caveats:

  • Comments:


  • Comments:

Priority Risk Assessments:

  • If completed by site representative has the name been recorded?

  • Have the generic scores been used satisfactorily?

  • Has the unique score section been used satisfactorily?

Audit Summary:

  • Audit Outcome:

Staff Feedback:

  • Guidance: Is there anything that could make the surveyor's job easier? (Please get the surveyor to fill in Staff Feedback Form SD59 to be filed with Action Form SD06)

Required Actions:

  • Is any action required? Please note the action numbers (DD/MM/YYYY/01 etc - Please also fill in separate action forms SD06 for each action and complete the Action Log SD99)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.