Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Contact and Survey Reference
This form was started:
Contact Name and address details
Job number
Other relevant information?
This was completed by.....
STEP 1 - Information to be collected to plan survey
Description and use of property?
Number of buildings and or rooms?
Any unusual features? (underground sections, remote buildings....)
Do we have information with regard to age of buildings, alteration to buildings, extensions, dates.....
Are we aware of any plant on site?
Are any of the buildings listed in any way?
Do we know the scope of the works, do we have drawings or a description of the works?
Does the scope of the works go beyond the buildings detailed? Do we know a defined boundary ?
Do we have existing drawings for the site to be surveyed?
Are the premises vacant or occupied?
Are there any access restrictions? Who is responsible for our access?
Are the any specific or unique requirements or instructions?
Can damage be made on site? Who is responsible for making good?
Are there any specific site hazards?
Are existing services live? Who is responsible to confirm this...
Do we need permission to take photographs?
Do we know the approx number of samples to be taken, is this limited in any way?
Do we know the location of all services, ducts, electrics, lift shafts, HVAC?
Are there any existing asbestos surveys that can be used for the surveyors safety?
Is there any information with regard to ACM repairs previously carried out?
Any other relevant history with regard to the site, demolished buildings, buried ducts, shafts?
This was completed by.....
STEP 2 - Desk-top study
Do we have the full competence to undertake all the required works
What are our available resources?
What is the programme of works?
What equipment will be required to gain required access
Will additional trades be required to carry out our works? Making good, gain access....
What will the bulk sample strategy be? Will it be different from the quote..
What specific additional requirements will there be if this is a refurb / demo survey?
This was completed by.....
STEP 3 - Prepare the survey plan
Scope of works to be undertaken
Survey procedure.
Personnel and safety issues.
Report format required
This was completed by.....
STEP 4 - Risk Assessment
Has a risk assessment specific to this job been completed and what is its reference.
This was completed by.....