Title Page

  • Site

  • Client

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Business identification

  • 1. Is the street number clearly visible to the street?

  • 2. Is the business name clearly identified?

  • 3. Is the business identifiable from the rear?

  • 4. Is there a visitor sign in register? Are visitors issued with visitors ID passes?

  • 5. Do employees wear uniform and identification cards whilst on duty?

  • 6. Is there any evidence that visitors have been signed out and ID passes returned?

Warning Signs

  • 7. Are there appropriate warning signs posted around the perimeter of the property? E.g Premises under video surveillance/Trespassers Prosecuted

  • 8. Are there appropriate internal signs to guide visitors?

  • 9. Are signs clearly visible?


  • 10. Is landscaping around the business free from potential hiding places?

  • 11. Is landscaping regularly maintained?

  • 12. Is the business free from landscaping that would provide offenders access to areas of the business?

Fences and gates

  • 13. Are there boundary fences erected around the business?

  • 14. Are gates fitted?

  • 15. Are boundary fences and gates around the property able to restrict access? E.g Locks/ Self closing mechanism/ Plates fitted to gate locks?

  • 16. Are the boundary fences in good condition?

  • 17. Are the gates in good condition?

  • 18. Are the fences and gates of appropriate material?

Security Lighting

  • 19. Is there security lighting installed around the business?

  • 20. Is the security lighting operating?

  • 21. Is the business well lit?

  • 22. Are entry and exits well lit?

  • 23. Do you leave limited lighting inside the business on at night?

  • 24. Is lighting positioned in a way to reduce opportunities for vandalism? E.g Sensor lights installed?

Building design

  • 25. Is the building of solid enough construction to restrict unauthorised access? <br>

  • 26. Is the building secured to reduce the risk of vehicle ram raid? I.e. Bollards in place in front of entry doors?<br>

  • 27. Is there adequate protection against entry via the roof? <br>

  • 28. Are manholes secured? <br>

  • 29. Is it possible for Bio agents to be introduced into Storage Tanks?

  • 30. Are air conditioning vents secured? <br>

  • 31. Are customers prevented from accessing the area from which the air conditioning is operated? <br>

  • 32. Is the height of the counter appropriate for the business? Clear view of visitor whilst providing a barrier. <br>

  • 33. Can the counter be seen from outside the business? <br>

  • 34. Are customers prevented from accessing the area behind the counters?<br>

  • 35. Are customers prevented from accessing restricted areas?<br>

  • 36. Is shelving arranged to provide good sightlines within the store? <br>

Access to Power Board and Meters

  • 37. Is the powerboard enclosed in a cabinet or room? <br>

  • 38. Is the area/room fitted with a lock set approved by the local authority? <br>

  • 39. Is the letterbox fitted with an appropriate lock set? <br>


  • 40. Are all lifts access controlled to all levels? <br>

  • 41. Are lifts fitted with CCTV cameras? <br>

  • 42. Is the lift foyer covered by CCTV? <br>

  • 43. Are the lifts locked after and before business hours?


  • 44. Are the business’s external doors of solid construction?

  • 45. Are these doors fitted with quality lock sets to restrict access? E.g. Electronic access.

  • 46. Are entry/exit points clearly identified?

  • 47. Are all fire exit doors self-closing? <br>

  • 48. Are you able to gain entry to other levels via the fire stair case? <br>

  • 49. Are fire exit doors one way access only? <br>

  • 50. Do doors have a break glass alarm? <br>

  • 51. Are external door hinges mounted so they cannot be removed? <br>

  • 52. Can visitors be seen before access is allowed? <br>


  • 53. Are external windows to the business of good construction? <br>

  • 54. Are these windows fitted with quality lock sets? <br>

  • 55. Are windows free of promotional materials? E.g. No less than 90% of windows to be covered. <br>

  • 56. Are skylights secured? <br>

Property identification

  • 57. Have you recorded make, model and serial numbers of your business items (such as mobile phones, computers etc)? <br>

  • 58. Is all valuable property permanently marked with a corporate identifier? <br>

  • 59. Is your property photographed for identification? <br>

  • 60. Do you have insurance? <br>

  • 61. Are your property list and photographs kept somewhere safe?<br>


  • 62. Are your telephones pre-programmed with emergency contact numbers?<br>

  • 63. Can the telephone line be unlawfully tampered with? <br>


  • 64. Do you have a safe installed? <br>

  • 65. Is the safe securely anchored? <br>

  • 66. Is the safe in an appropriate position? <br>

  • 67. Does the safe have a drop-chute facility? <br>

  • 68. Is the safe kept locked? <br>

Key and valuables control

  • 69. Do you maintain a key register? <br>

  • 70. Are all spare keys secured? <br>

  • 71. Are keys to the safe adequately secured? <br>

  • 72. Have you supplied police with a current emergency contact list for their keyholders index?<br>

  • 73. Do staff have a location to secure their personal items? <br>

  • 74. Does this location have restricted access? <br>

Cash and mail handling

  • 75. Do you have established cash-handling procedures? <br>

  • 76. Do you have a lockable cash drawer? <br>

  • 77. Do you have irregular banking procedures? <br>

  • 78. Is a company used to transport cash? <br>

  • 79. Is money counted out of public view? <br>

  • 80. Do you have established mail–handling procedures? <br>

  • 81. Have you staff been trained in correct mailing procedures? <br>

  • 82. Does your business have a mail register? <br>

Alarm systems

  • 83. Is an intruder alarm system installed? <br>

  • 84. Is the intruder alarm monitored? <br>

  • 85. Does the alarm have a duress facility? <br>

  • 86. Does the system work?

  • 87. Do you check the system on a regular basis? <br>

  • 88. Does the alarm system need upgrading? <br>

  • 89. Are staff provided with their own individual access code? <br>

  • 90. Are access codes changed when employees cease employment? <br>

Surveillance equipment

  • 91. Do you have surveillance equipment installed? <br>

  • 92. Is footage archived? <br>

  • 93. Are cameras monitored? <br>

  • 94. Does the business have a customer TV monitor? <br>

  • 95. Does the camera system need upgrading? <br>

  • 96. Are cameras positioned so they survey all aspects of the business? <br>

  • 97. Are all camera faults reported? <br>

  • 98. How long is footage archived for? <br>

  • 99. Does your camera plan cover all necessary places that you need monitored? <br>

Office Security

  • 100. Does the business have a policy regarding clear desks / work spaces? E.g. All electronic devices to be secured overnight? <br>

  • 101. Are all draws / cabinets locked at the end of working day? <br>


  • 102. Is there a secure carpark? <br>

  • 103. Is the carpark covered by security surveillance? <br>

  • 104. Is there restricted access to the carpark? <br>

  • 105. Is there adequate lighting in the carpark? <br>

  • 106. Are car parks restricted to employees only? <br>


  • 107. Do you have security services on-site? <br>

  • 108. Do security services patrol your site?<br>

  • 108.1 How many times per day/night?

  • 109. Is there records of the security patrols available for viewing by tenants? <br>

  • 110. Do your staff know the contact details for the nearest: hospital/ police station/ fire station/ doctor? <br>

  • 111. Is there a reporting prcocess in place for security breaches? Notification & assessment process? <br>

  • 112. Are sensitive documents appropriately destroyed? Are security bins available? <br>

  • 113. Are computer passwords changed regularly? <br>

  • 114. Have your telephonists/reception staff been your trained in bomb awareness?

  • 115. Are garbage bins suitably located? <br>


  • 116. Have your staff been provided with security awareness training? <br>

  • 117. Have your staff been provided with ongoing training? <br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.