Annual Performance appraisal.
Please enter the staff members' name.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Officer's personal information
Main duty station
SIA licence number
1.0 Knowledge of the job.
1.1 Follows Company policy. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
1.2 Knows and understands procedures.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
1.3 Learns new responsibilities quickly and thoroughly. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
2.0 Quality of work.
2.1Thoroughness of work. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
2.2 Accuracy of work. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
3.0 Quantity of work.
3.1 Consistency of output. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
3.2 Utilisation of time. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
4.0 Adaptability.
4.1 Quick to learn new duties. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
4.2 Responds to constructive criticism.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.0 Attitude.
5.1 Responds to training<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.2 Interested in the work.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.3 Adjust well to new duties. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
5.4 Assists other employees.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
6.0 Dependability.
6.1 Effective under pressure.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
6.2 Follows instructions.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.0 Judgment.
7.1 Follows through on assignments.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.2 Considers all sides before committing to action. <br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.3 Eager to improve own performance.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
7.4 Pays attention to detail.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
8.0 Initiative.
8.1 Takes on difficult jobs.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
8.2 Sees things to be done and does them.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
9.0 Appearance.
9.1 Appropriate for the job.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
10.0 Attendance.
10.1 Number of days absence since last report.<br><br>
10.2 Overall dependability re attendance and punctuality.<br><br>
If conduct is unacceptable, then give reasons with evidence.
11.0 Recommendations re further training or other action.
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12.0 Feedback on HO and management
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13.0 General feedback, information
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All above information is accurate and was given/collected as part of Omni Security Services annual appraisal procedure.
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