1) Room number(s)
2) Room name(s)
3) Name of person responsible
4) Names of inspectors
- Heath Bagshaw
- Chris Bamber
- Alastair Bewsher
- Chris Boothman
- Veronica Buckingham-Bostock
- Roseanna Byrne
- John Cowpe
- Cath Davies
- Lydia Fawcett
- Jon Fellowes
- Michael Flynn
- Barry Gale
- Paul Lythgoe
- Steven May
- Lee Paul
- Steve Stockley
- Karen Theis
- John Waters
5) Date of inspection
6) Others present
Documents and Records
7) Is there a file containing all relevant H&S documents?
Where required, are the following documents available?
8) SEAES H&S policy document - available on School intranet
9) Laboratory policy and procedures (in the School policy document)
10) Equipment operation instructions
11) Emergency action procedures
12) Relevant H&S policy and guidance notes (available from the University Safety Services website)
Are the following records of training available?
13) Relevant University run H&S training courses
14) Specialist external training courses
15) Laboratory induction and training in use of equipment
Are the following records available and up to date?
16) Disposal of hazardous waste
17) Use of equipment log books
18) Maintenance of equipment log books
Risk Assessments
Have appropriate assessments of the following items been carried out?
20) Visual Display Units
21) Noise
22) Vibration
23) Lifting equipment
24) Pressure systems (NB. gas cylinders generally are not classified as pressure systems)
25) Radiological protection
26) Laser equipment
27) Biological agents
28) Manual handling
Other examinations and records (if relevant)
29) Electrical testing
30) Radiological protection (film badges/dosimeters)
31) Access equipment (ladders, steps etc)
32) Other
Guards, Emergency Equipment and Signs
Is the appropriate guarding in place for the following?
33) Moving parts (centrifuges, drives gears etc)
34) Emissions (X-rays, lasers etc)
35) Spark proof refrigerators/freezers
If required, are the following available?
36) First Aid box (NB. first aid boxes are not necessarily required if one is available nearby, in which case please state the location in the comment box)
37) If "yes" to Q36, is it fully stocked and up to date?
38) Special hazards (e.g. chemical spill) equipment
39) If "yes" to Q38, is it fully stocked and up to date?
40) Other
If required, are the following notices and signs displayed?
41) Overnight equipment running notice (If equipment is left "ON" overnight then a notice is required on the outer door indicating what to do and whom to contact in case of emergency)
42) Hazard area/restricted access
43) Individual hazard, prohibition and mandatory signs
Premises, Fixtures and Fittings
Are the following adequate and in good working order?
44) Lighting
45) Heating
46) General ventilation
47) Windows
48) Floors
49) Doors
Where fitted, are the following services in good order?
50) Electrical supply
51) Gas supply
52) Water Supply
53) Sink Waste
54) Telephone
55) Emergency alarm equipment (smoke detectors, alarm call point)
House Keeping
56) Is the room/area clean and tidy?
57) Is general storage adequate?
58) If required, is dangerous substances storage adequate?
59) If required, is gas cylinder storage adequate?
60) Are the floor and passages clear of obstructions?
61) If required, are personal wash facilities available?
62) If "yes" to Q61, are they (sink, soap, towel, etc) in good order?
Specialist Ventilation/Air Handling
63) Is there an appropriate dust extract system where required?
64) Is there an appropriate fume extract system where required?
65) Are the air flow test/maintenance records up to date?
66) If air handling is used, is it running and being maintained properly?
Are the following in good order and suitable for the intended purpose?
67) Chairs
68) Work surface (desk/table/bench)
69) Shelving (wall mounted/cupboards)
70) File cabinets
71) Window blinds
Health and Health Monitoring
Personal Health Surveillance
If required, have users been advised about the following health checks?
72) Visual Display Units (eye examination and ergonomic assessment if required)
73) Lasers (eye examination)
74) Radiological activity checks (film badges)
75) Any other
Personal Protective Equipment
If required, are the following used, stored and maintained correctly?
76) Laboratory coat etc
77) Gloves
78) Eye protection
79) Respiratory protection
80) Footwear
81) Hearing protection
Biological Hazards
82) Are there any samples containing biological agents?
83) If "yes" to Q82, are the relevant control measures in place?
84) If required, have legionella risk assessments been completed?
85) If "yes" to Q83, are the relevant control measures in place?
86) If the area is used to culture and enumerate microorganisms, are the precautions adequate?
Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses
87) Have all users been informed of the importance of, and procedures for, reporting accidents, incidents and near misses?
Further Actions
Further action required, including an agreed date by which any action must be carried out. NB. This section MUST be filled in to finish the audit.
Please highlight examples of good H&S practice observed in this lab/workshop/store. NB. This section MUST be filled in to finish the audit.
Responsible person
Responsible person 2
External SEAES inspector
External SEAES inspector 2