Grower Name
Barn/Room name
Last Visit
Visit Date
Service Person
Barn Information
Age of Calves
Number of calves started
Number of calves present
Is the barn clean?
What needs to be cleaned
- Buckets/Feed Isles
- Feeding equipment
- Mixing equipment
- Outside of barn
- Other
Are the divider panels still in?
When was the last time the calves were shaved?
Is the mixing and feeding equipment being sanitized daily?
Why not?
Overall barn condition
Calf Health
Mortality % and number of calves lost
% of underperforming calves
What is the HGB?
Calf condition
How many ounces/pounds does the schedule call for?
How many ounces of milk are they on?
How many pounds are they on?
How many ounces of grain are they on?
Notes and Comments
Grower was at the farm