Audit Title
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Underground flammable liquid and combustible liquid tanks
Vent terminals for underground flammable liquid (e.g. petroleum) tanks have a flame arrester fitted Note: Flame arrester may also satisfy the protective cage requirement below
There are no combustible materials (e.g. wood chips, dry leaves, rubbish) within 3 m of the vent pipes
The vent outlet is 4 m or more above ground level and for petrol at least 4 m laterally from any opening into a building and 2 m for diesel.
Ignition sources (e.g. electrics, overhead power lines) are outside the hazardous area (i.e. more than 1.5 m in all directions, from vent outlet to ground level
Emergency stop on each dispenser is regularly tested (e.g. monthly) for compliant operation
Hoses are free of cracks, fractures, leakage, or movement between hose and fittings
Impact protection is installed (e.g. bollards) or dispenser is located so potential damage (e.g. from vehicles) is minimised
Prominent ‘STOP ENGINE – NO SMOKING’ sign is displayed on or near the dispenser Note: The standard ‘no smoking’ warning symbol may be used in lieu of the words ‘no smoking’
Lettering on the ‘STOP ENGINE – NO SMOKING’ sign is at least 50 mm high
There is no latching device on the nozzle of self-service dispensers or where there is a preset facility (i.e. a dispenser where a value or quantity of fuel may be pre-selected
Areas around the dispensers and payment unit are sufficiently lit to provide a safe working environment whenever the unit is available for service
LP gas underground tanks for automotive use
LP Gas above-ground tanks for automotive use
An emergency information panel (EIP) placard is posted on above-ground tanks or at tank storage areas
There is a sign at the above-ground tank or tank storage area showing either standard warning symbols of at least 100 mm diameter or words saying ‘FLAMMABLE GAS’ and ‘NO SMOKING’, or a warning sign (in lettering of at least 50 mm high) prohibiting smoking and ignition sources If the area is isolated by a fence, the signs must be visible from outside the fence and all points of access
Each activation point for the emergency shut-down system has a sign with instructions (in red or dark lettering at least 20 mm high on a white background) on how to activate the system Note: The instructions may be given on same sign as ‘LP GAS EMERGENCY STOP’
Tanks are at least 6 m from any other above-ground tank, package store or filling area for flammable or combustible materials
Tanks are at least 2 m from any vent outlet of a flammable liquid store (e.g. vents for underground tanks)
Tank impact protection is at least equivalent to highway crash barriers (i.e. 700 mm high and at least 1.5 m from the tank
There are no combustible materials within 3 m of the LP Gas tanks
The site has a clear exit for fuel tankers so vehicles leave by driving forward without needing to reverse
Tanks that are no longer in service have been decommissioned and gas-freed
For single tanks with a capacity of 8 kL or less, there must be access to a tap with sufficient water pressure to operate a garden hose
Hose reels are installed near all tanks with capacities greater than 8 kL Note: Fire extinguishers of type 2A 60B(E) may be substituted for hose reels where there is a single tank with a capacity of 16 kL or less and the water supply is insufficient
There are enough hose reels to ensure that water hose nozzles can reach everywhere within 5 m of the tank and tanker standing area
The ground below tanks and for at least 1.5 m beyond each tank is either paved or resistant to saturation by flammable liquids
LP Gas Vehicle Filling
Communication system is available so attendant can speak to anyone using the LP Gas dispenser
Two spare standard metal automotive filler caps (spare fuel caps) are kept on site in case the vehicle fill point leaks
Signs with standard warning symbols of at least 100 mm diameter or words saying ‘STOP ENGINE – NO SMOKING’ (in red or dark lettering at least 50 mm high on a white background) are displayed at or adjacent to the filling area
Driver instruction signs are displayed in a readily visible location at each LP Gas dispenser (see Figure 5)
Dispensers have signs with LP Gas filling instructions (see Figure 6)
A sign with the LP Gas emergency procedure is readily visible outside the service station building and another sign with the procedure is prominently displayed inside the building or office
Hoses are free of cracks, fractures, leakage, or movement between hose and fittings, and are inspected at least monthly
Fuel is not released when the unconnected (i.e. not attached to a vehicle fill point) nozzle trigger is operated
For dispensers that are open to the public, the nozzle can be locked to the dispenser when the unit is not available for operation
Self-service dispensers are supervised from a control centre (console) by an attendant who is specifically in charge of fuel dispensing
LP Gas Exchange Cages
The capacity of each cylinder within a cage is 25 L or less
Cylinder cages are outdoors
The maximum aggregate capacity of cylinders per cage, or groups of cages, is 2,500 L
The front of each cage has a dangerous goods class label (i.e. red diamond-shaped sign for Division 2.1 f lammable gases) measuring 250 mm square The front of each cage has a ‘FLAMMABLE GASES – NO SMOKING, NO FLAME’ warning sign Note: Standard warning symbols may be used instead
Cages are separated by at least 3 m from groups of cylinder cages (no more than 2,500 L per group)
Cages are separated by at least 1 m from any building opening
Cages are separated by at least 1 m from the hose reach of an LP Gas decanting cylinder
Cages are separated by at least 1.5 m horizontally from any ignition source
Cages are separated by at least 0.5 m vertically from any ignition source
Cages are separated by at least 1.5 m from any pit, drain, basement, public place 5 or fuel dispenser
Cages are separated by at least 5 m from any LP Gas tank Cages are separated by at least 3 m from any above-ground tank containing dangerous goods other than LP Gas
Cages are separated by at least 3 m horizontally from any accumulation of combustible materials (e.g. rubbish bin, firewood, engine oil)
Cages are separated by at least 2 m from any structure limiting access past the cage
Cages are clear on at least two sides from any wall, solid display or other item that could restrict air flow
There must be no smoking or ignition sources within 3 m of any point where flammable liquid might be exposed
Vehicle engines must be switched off while refuelling
Fill and dip caps (e.g. underground tanks) must be maintained in a liquid-tight condition
There are procedures to manage spills, especially a spill of flammable liquid on clothing
There are no combustible materials in the fill point spill box for underground tanks
There is no liquid in the spill containment sumps (if fitted) under spill boxes
Main emergency stop is available to shut off power to all dispensing units
Main emergency stop is readily accessible in an emergency (i.e. there is clear access to the emergency stop with no obstructions such as racks, shelves or spill kits)
Main emergency stop activation device (e.g. switch or button) is clearly labelled ‘EMERGENCY STOP’
Main emergency stop is routinely tested to ensure it functions properly Note: Every emergency stop point at LP Gas installations must be tested at least monthly
Minimum of two powder-type fire extinguishers provided at service station
Minimum rating of at least 2A 60B(E) per extinguisher
Extinguishers are located near dispensers or other item being protected
Extinguishers are accessible without undue danger in an emergency
Fire extinguishers are routinely serviced at least every 6 months
Each extinguisher location is marked by a ‘FIRE EXTINGUISHER’ sign mounted at least 2 m above ground
Inventory records are maintained and reconciled for flammable and combustible liquids received, stored and dispensed
Records are maintained for operational training and retraining in use of the LP Gas system including, maintenance, inspection and managing abnormal incidents and near misses
Emergency procedures are available for fire, spillage, accident, equipment failure and other potential abnormalities or emergencies
Employees are trained in the use of emergency equipment
Emergency plan is regularly reviewed and updated as required
Spill kit is complete and readily available
Telephone is located adjacent to the control console
List of emergency telephone numbers, including the fire brigade, ambulance services and other emergency responders is prominently displayed near the control centre (console) telephone