Title Page
Site Name
Site category
- Water Treatment Works
- Reservoir
- Pumping Station
- Borehole
- Contact Tank
- Boosters
- Water Tower
- Offices
- Depot
Conducted on
carried out by
Are there any works ongoing at the site?
What works are occurring?
Who is undertaking the works?
- Murphys
- Clancy
- Enisca Browne
- Stonburys
- J Brownes
- Other
Contractor or client Toolbox Talk / environmental induction undertaken/recorded.
Emissions and noise from vehicles, generators, pumps, etc. minimised using best practice (i.e. engines turned off if not in use, silencers installed, noise abatement fencing in place etc.).
Reinstatement planned / undertaken as detailed in the Environmental Appendix.
Are bunds / drip trays under static plant and if necessary plant left immobile for prolonged period.
Environmental Documents
Copy of Environmental documents held on site and in date – visible / easily accessible by responsible person
Environmental verbal reporting chain on site – visible / easily accessible by responsible person.
Housekeeping and Storage
Is waste being stored appropriately? Are skips (if any) in good condition?
What is the issue?
Site housekeeping in order (i.e. no litter, site secure, welfare units in good order, etc.).
Vehicles restricted to agreed areas only (parking and movement).
Are there any materials or equipment stored incorrectly?
Please give examples:
Chemicals / Fuels / oils all stored appropriately?
Are the appropriate Licences / Assents/ MS held on site – visible / easily accessible by responsible person?
Is there any new wildlife potential on site since last visit?
What new species are on site? Evidence can include burrows, droppings, tracks, sightings etc.
Have any new invasive plant species been identified on site?
What species?
Have any new protected plant species been identified on site?
What species?
Are the appropriate ecological mitigation in place as detailed in Environmental Appendix if works ongoing (i.e. ramps in excavations, spoil covered appropriately)?
Vegetation clearance undertaken authorised?
Are there any BNG areas on site?
Are they being properly maintained?
Please explain how the area is not being properly maintained.
Are there any new diseased trees on site?
What tree(s)? Add a brief description of location.
Have works (if any) impacted any trees?
Are the works being undertaken in accordance with NJUG: Vol.4 2007 (e.g. hand digging where necessary, RPA maintained)?
Avoided damage to any tree roots >25mm by works.
Have works adjacent to or on sensitive trees been completed as per Env App (e.g. excavation adjacent to TPOs supervised).
Water Environment
Appropriate mitigation measures in place as detailed in the Environmental Appendix (i.e. silt control measures in place for works close to watercourses / drains)?
Appropriate Flood Risk Activity – Environmental Permit / Exemption or Ordinary Watercourse Consent held on site – visible / easily accessible by responsible person?
Is the watercourse free from any signs of pollution in watercourse, if applicable.
Spill kits available on site and fully stocked?
Is there any visible oil/diesel on the ground?
Please attached a photo and add any notes using the note option.
Archaeology and Heritage
Have any known archaeological artefacts / areas been impacted in any ways?
What has been impacted?
Health & Safety
Do you have any negative health and safety observations?
Please explain and describe your observation.
Extra Notes