Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Procedural Issues
Site Documentation
Is the Construction Phase H&S Plan available?
Tap to enter information
Is there evidence that the Plan is being regularly reviewed?
Is the F10 displayed?
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Is the F10 completed correctly and in a readable condition?
Is the statutory law poster displayed?
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Is the poster completed correctly?
Contracts Managers HS Tour
Has a Health & Safety Tour been carried out in the last 4 weeks<br>
Risk assessments and method statements?
Are contractors RAMS readily available?
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Is there evidence that contractors have signed RAMS to confirm compliance?
Is there a review process for contractors RAMS?
Communication and training
Is there evidence that contractors have been approved as competent and adequately resourced?
Is there evidence that contractors have had a site induction?
Is there evidence that a process exists for regular consultation with the workforce?
Is there evidence that toolbox talks are being carried out?
Have toolbox talks been carried out within the last week?
Is there evidence that site managers have the relevant competencies? (SMSTS/IOSH/CSCS Management card etc.)
Is there evidence that ongoing site hazards are being communicated to the workforce?
Is there evidence of site monitoring being carried out by the Principal Contractor? (inspections/audits etc)
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Have outstanding actions been closed out?
Is there evidence of site monitoring being carried out by trade contractors?
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Have outstanding actions been closed out?
Equipment Management
Is there evidence that work equipment inspection and maintenance is being monitored?
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Is the system being followed and is evidence up-to-date?
Is statutory documentation (LOLER/scaffold registers etc) available?
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Is evidence up-to-date?
Environmental Management
Is there a site environmental management system in place?
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Is there evidence that the environmental management system is being explained to workers (i.e. at indUction)?
Is the environmental management system being followed on site?
Emergency Procedures
Are suitable procedures in place for fire and other similar emergencies?
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Are emergency procedures being followed?
Are there adequate first aid kits and trained, nominated first aiders on site?
Is there a documented incident reporting procedure in place?
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Are incidents being reported in accordance with the procedure?
Site Issues
Is the site perimiter secure and readily identifiable as a construction site?
Are unauthorised persons prevented from access onto site as far as reasonable?
Are access routes clear and unambiguous?
Is housekeeping acceptable?
Has adequate lighting been provided in all inspected work areas?
Are personnel and plant/equipment kept apart where reasonable?
Is work equipment being used safely?
Are there any health hazards on site that are not being adequately controlled (noise, vibration, dust, asbestos, chemicals etc.)?
Are all personnel working at height working safely?
Are welfare facilities acceptable and fully compliant with schedule 2 of CDM2015?
Are there any other hazards to personnel on this site?
Signed by site H&S Advisor
Signed by Clients representative