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1. Risk Assessment & Method Statement
Site Induction completed? Risk assessment and Method statement complete, briefed and signed by all current operatives on site carrying out the specific tasks stated in the daily task briefing. Does the site attendance sheet correspond with the Method statement and Risk assessment register?
2. Daily task briefings, Toolbox Talks and safe systems of work
Have daily activity task briefings, dynamic risk assessments been carried out and safe systems of work developed, signed, dated and briefed for the current tasks being undertaken? Are toolbox talks being carried out?
3. Accidents, Incident, Near Misses
Have all accidents, incidents, near misses, good catches and environmental impacts been reported, recorded, investigated and closed out appropriately prior to inspection?
4. Pedestrian, plant, material segregation and Lighting
Have all pedestrians, vehicles and plant been segregated with suitable barriers do the operatives understand that walkways must be used at all times. Is there Adequate lighting that is suitable for the operations and does it prevent shadows and dark spotting or light pollution? Does emergency lighting indicate safe access and egress?
5. Access and Egress
Access and egress from work areas safe and suitable, free from 'ankle breakers', clean, clear and civilised, appropriate use of proprietary equipment such as stairs, MEWPS and pecos, maintained emergency escape routes, signage, lighting and emergency lighting, defined and managed?
6. Work at Height and Edge Protection
Working platforms, brakes and outriggers, scaffolds, constructed in accordance with the design, weekly and statutory inspections, exclusion zones, harnesses, trained and competent operatives, application of the work at height hierarchy, safe working practices, emergency rescue plans, handrails, top and mid rail, scaffold/ toe boards, footings and foundations, condition, storage of materials, tool tethering and falling materials, SWL not exceeded? Are any Passive Fall Arrest measures been deployed i.e. safety netting, bags, harness use (inertia reels) etc? Are there precautions to stop people falling through fragile materials on the roof e.g. by providing barriers, covers or working platforms?
7. Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment - (LOLER)
(LOLER) LOLER certification, In-date Lifting Identification tags, Before-use, daily and weekly inspections completed, exclusion zones, training and competency, ground conditions and temporary works assessment? Is there a competent person present to operate machinery? Has the FLT / MEWP been checked daily and recorded on the plant inspection sheet? Is the ground level appropriate (at time of inspection) to operate on?
8. Plant, tools and Equipment - (PUWER)
(PUWER) Correct Plant/ equipment used and designed for the task, Before-use checks, daily and weekly inspections completed, guarding in place and operational, safety features in use and operational, good condition and free from damage, cables and extensions free from damage, PAT tested, battery powered or 110v, on-hire inspection records? Are personnel using low voltage for tools and equipment e.g. battery-operated tools or low voltage systems? Are RCDs checked daily by users and properly maintained?
9. Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
Elimination and minimisation of risk to vibration log and records, rotation of operatives, elimination of hand tools / mechanise, TBT's and communications on HAV's, maintained equipment and tooling, occupational health checks and questionnaires completed
10. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Application of hierarchy, COSHH assessments completed, held and communicated, controls in line with assessments, localised and in site file, signed and dated, all substances identified, correct storage, right containers, CHIP labelled and substances known, Are there any quantities of flammable materials, liquids and gases If so, are they kept to a minimum? Are there flammable or combustible waste that have not been stored in suitable bins or skips?
11. 5-Point PPE, additional and Specific PPE and RPE
Appropriate application of hierarchy, 5-point PPE minimum or in line with the Client/ Projects requirements, suitable and fit for purpose, in accordance with risk assessment or safe system of work, issue recorded in PPE Register, stored on site? Is task specific PPE and RPE Available and being use? Has the PPE Register been completed on site for the current operatives working?
12. Manual Handling
Elimination, mechanical aids, TILE - assessment of the task, signed and dated, trained workforce, training in kinetic lifting techniques? Use of mechanical equipment to be used to eliminate the need for Manual Handling?
13. Working around live services
Clear and concise drawings/ photographs, Isolation certificates, work permits, all services clearly marked, red/ green marker paint, working from cut ends, service tags, warning tape. Lighting conditions, exclusion zones, correct use of tools?
14. Task lighting
Adequate, suitable, maintained, orientation, suitable for task and operations, prevents shadows and dark spotting or light pollution, emergency lighting for safe access and egress?
15. Safe use of ladders
Ladder suitable for the works, the foot of the ladder supported on a firm level surface, ladder securely fixed, fitted with non-slip feet, ladder is erected at a safe angle (1: 4), class 1 will only be used on construction sites, before-use checks to be carried out and an in-date, signed ladder tag?
16. Storage of materials and Housekeeping
Housekeeping, safe stacking and storage of materials, Regular site walks, clear access routes, ground conditions, Plant and pedestrian segregation, safe traffic routes with signage?
17. Environmental Dust
(Dust) Management of risk, removal through on tool extraction, Dust extraction unit filters cleaned and recorded, suppression and dampening down, RPE, COSHH assessment, appropriate risk assessment, third party impact and control;
18. Environmental Noise
(Noise) Controlled at source, screening, acoustic barriers and abatement, identified and signed zoning, noise assessments - dosimetry, monitoring and analysis, TBT's and communications, PPE, appropriate risk assessment, third party impact and control, occupational health checks and questionnaires completed
19. Asbestos ACM's
Have Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's) been identified on site and are these areas known and identified, Is an Asbestos survey report available and are operatives Asbestos trained?
20. Work Quality
Workmanship and Material Non-conformance's, NCR's issued for workmanship for works under the control of JPJ materials supplied and used, recorded, tracked and actioned to ensure close-out? Has all JPJ stock and materials been adequately stored on site? Are these arrangements safe? Has care been taken to avoid damage to the material during installation process?
Observations F.A.O. the Principal contractor
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Any advice/ assistance, required from the Health and Safety Manager at the time of the inspection