Title Page
Conducted on
Office number:
Site Manager/ Safety Rep:
Prepared by
Cell number
Auditor Signature
Notes to Client
1) All will be treated as an Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Audit unless requested. <br>2) To be compliant 85% will need to be attained if your company is found <br> non-compliant a request for another audit may be requested within 2-4 weeks depending on the seriousness of the non-conformance. <br>3) As an employer it is absolutely essential that you are conversant with the OHS ACT 85 of 1993 and its regulations as this audit is based primarily on the said legislation. <br>4) other requirements to be held to SANS, MSDS, and manufacturers' requirements and guidelines. <br>
SHE Policy and is it signed by the CEO
Environmental Policy and is it signed by the CEO
Quality Policy and is it signed by the CEO
Smoking Policy and is it signed by the CEO
Drug and Alcohol policy and is it signed by the CEO
Copy of the OHS Act on site
Make provisions to get one
Letter of Good Standing
what is the reason you dont have one
Organogram for the safety personnel in the company
Induction Syllabus
Induction Training
Copy of a Mandatory agreement 37.2
Appointment 16.1
Appointment 16.2
Supervisor of Plant and machinery 8.2i
Health and safety Representative 19.3
Why dont you have one?
Management committee member 17.1
First Aider GSR3
Why not?
Fire Equipment Inspector ERW9 /CR29(H)
Competent Fire Fighter CR29(1)
Why dont you have a Fire fighter
Operator of Lifting equipment DMR18.11 Forklift driver
Stacking Supervisor 8.2
Lifting Gear Inspector GMR18.13
Pressure Equipment Inspector PE13.1
Portable electrical Equipment inspector EMR 9
Ladder Inspector GSR 13A
EVAC Warden
Why not?
Fall protection planner CR10(1)
Risk Assessor CR9(1)
Incident Investigator GAR9
Machinary Inspector GMR 2(1)
HCA Controller
Have they been trained with MSDS's
Handtool Inspector Sec 8.4
SHE Reps and Committee
Are SHE reps needed
Is a SHE Rep committee been established?
Do they hold meetings according to the set standards?
Are the minutes for these meetings available?
Are minutes signed by the CEO?
Why were they not signed?
Are the SHE communications communicated to the employees
Why have they not been communicated?
Do staff know to advise about off-site incidents/injuries
Safety reports on any injuries that the workplace
Why not?
First Aid Register
need to get one
Fire Equipment register
need to get one
PPE Register/ Issue
Need to get one
Have the staff received PPE been trained on how to use it?
Why not
Portable electrical equipment
Need to get one
Equipment under Pressure
Need to get one
Lifting Equipment register
stop activity still its been sorted
Vehicle checklist
why doesn't the company have one?
Electrical DB Board
Is there a current COC?
When will it be resolved
Forklift Pre-use inspection
General electrical equipment
Working Environment
Working Environment
Is it too hot?
Is it too cold?
Why is it too cold
Is there adequate ventilation?
Is the lighting level adequate?
Is the environment dusty?
Health and Safety notice displayed?
- Yes
- No
Is the work environment noisy?
Is there a designated smoking area far away as possible from the building
Are being inspected tidy, clean and well organised?
Access ways obstructed?
- Yes
- No
why have these areas not been cleared
Tripping hazards (including floor finishes)?
All electrical cleaning equipment in good working order?
All equipment stored under correct conditions?
Is the building and associated structures in a good general state
Rubbish disposal area clean and clear?
Material storage
Material Storage
Correctly stored?
Shelving overloaded/stacked incorrectly?
what is the reason for the bad stacking and storage
Shelving in good condition?
Suitable access to high level storage?
Is all portable equipment tested and labeled?
Leads undamaged?
Trailing leads?
Sockets overloaded?
why are there overloaded sockets
Ladders/step ladders
Company I.D./marking?
Ladders/Step Ladders
Checklist for Ladder inspections
why is there no inspection checklist
Procedure for inspection/records?
Procedure for erection? (trolley ladder)
Kitchen areas
Kitchen Areas
Safety notices in place?
Cleaning schedule in place?
Bathroom Facilities
Toilet Facilities
Toilet area clean and tidy?
is there an inspection list
why is there no inspection list in place
Adequate soap?
Hand towels/drying facilities in place and working?
Adequate toilet paper?
First Aid
First Aid
Name of the appointed person displayed?
Telephone number for appointed person displayed?
Emergency telephone number displayed?
Accident reporting procedure in place?
First aid box adequate for the size of the company
Does the Employer know the OHS legislation regarding GSR3?
Does the First Aid box has sufficient stock
This will need to be completed
Is the contest still within their expiry date?
These items will need to be replaced
Fire Precautions
Fire Precaution
Routes clear of obstructions?
why are these areas obstructed
Fire doors open outward?
Is the building old?
these doors will either need to be replaced or signage put up to acknowledge that they open the wrong way
Fire doors propped open?
Emergency lighting adequate?
Why not?
Evacuation routes clearly signed?
Are they the incorrect direction
Are their sufficient signs?
advise where more signs are necessary
Extinguishers in place?
Extinguishers in date?
Correct type?
Identification label in place?
Hose reels tested?
Why not?
Smoke/heat detectors checked?
Fire instructions
Fire Instructions
Posted up?
Current and up to date?
Has bi-annual evacuation been undertaken?
When will it be done
Was it successful?
When will it be redone?
Is the emergency assembly appoint clearly marked
What is the reason for this
Fire risk assessment checked?
why was it not checked off
Chemical Hazard Agents
Exposure adequately controlled?
What Measures are in place: PPE
Eliminated the Issue
Design Change
Is the datasheet information available? (MSDS)
why is it not Available?
When will it be arranged?
Spillage procedure in place?
Correctly stored?
Correctly disposed of?
Disposal of hazardous waste in place?
Flammable liquids correctly stored/signed?
All guards in place?
Kept clean of rubbish?
Emergency stop buttons fitted?
Safety warning notices in place?
Risk assessment in place?
have they been filled in
PPE (personal protective equipment)
Correct type for hazard identified?
Good condition?
Correctly stored?
Outside areas
Outside Areas
Roadways in good condition?
Pavements in good condition?
Access ramps in place?
Steps clear of obstructions and clean?
Hand rails in good condition?
All notices in place?