
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Shop

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Supervisor

2.0 - General Condition

  • 2.1 - Is the OSHA poster up to date?

  • 2.4 - Is the entrance to the yard and office clean and tidy? Company Standard

  • 2.5 - Are aisles marked and kept clear? Standard 1910.

  • 2.6 - Are materials in process and finished product neatly stored?

  • 2.7 - Are rubbish containers provided and used (waste baskets in a safe position

  • 2.8 - Is lighting and ventilation adequate for intended process?

  • 2.9 - Is the overall condition of the building and maintenance good? Company Standard

  • 2.10 - Are the clean up procedures adequate? Standard

  • 2.12 - Is good house keeping maintained? Standard

  • 2.13 - Mechanics trained on safety procedures?

  • 2.14 - Is the Storm Water Plan available, and current? EPA Standard

  • 2.15 - Is the shop and yard free of oil stains.

3.0 - Machinery

  • 3.3 - Are machine guards in place on all grinders, saws, etc., and in good condition

  • 3.1 - Are machines kept clean? Company Standard

  • 3.2 - Is machine area kept clear of obstructions? Company Standards

  • 3.4 - Are lock out tag procedures followed.<br>

  • Are trucks been work with have lock out tags.<br>Battery cables disconnected and lock out

  • 3.5 - Do only authorized personnel operate equipment? Company Standard

  • 3.6 - Do mechanics wear proper clothing?

  • 3.7 - Are potential hazards blocked with barriers to prevent injury?

  • 3.8 Are Air Compressors In safe working conditions<br>With cage cover

  • 3.9 - Is stationary machinery securely anchored to prevent moving

  • 3.11 - Are all powered and hand tools in good condition and free of defects?

  • 3.14 - Are drip pans in place to prevent spills?

  • 3.15 - Is lighting adequate?

  • 3.16 - Is noise level controlled? Standar

  • 3.17 - Are gas can metal and secure ?

4.0 - Electrical

  • 4.1 - Are extension cords in good shape, grounding plug in place, insulation in good shape and free of any tape?

  • 4.4 - Any broken plugs, sockets, or switches?

  • 4.7 - Are inside breaker switches labeled?

  • 4.9 - Is access to control boxes kept clear?

  • 4.14 - Extension cords not hanging from metal structures; piping, nails, hooks, ladders, or scaffolds?

  • 4.15 - No extension cords pass through walls, ceilings, doors, or windows? Company Standard

  • 4.16 - Extension cords are not subject to vehicle traffic and/or equipment traffic? Company Standard

  • 4.17 - Are extension cords across walkways? Standard

  • 4.18 - Are extension cords free of splices or tape?

  • 4.19 - Are portable power tools in good condition?

5.0 - Fire Prevention and Flammable Materials

  • 5.1 - Are oxygen and acetylene bottles properly stored and chained?

  • 5.2 - Are compressed gas cylinders stored 20 ft. away from heat sources.

  • 5.3 - Are oxygen and acetylene stored 20 ft. apart or by a 5 ft. high,l?

  • 5.4 - Are fire extinguishers clearly marked and easily accessible?

  • 5.5 - Are fire extinguishers checked by a third party annually and tagged?

  • 5.6 - Are extinguishers readily available near welding, painting, and oily clean up areas?

  • 5.7 - Are stored items kept from accumulation that could cause a hazard (i.e. tripping,fire,explosion or pest harborage)?

  • 5.8 - Are "No Smoking" signs displayed and enforced in designated areas?

  • 5.10 - Are Flammables in approved flammable cabinets? Standard

  • 5.12 - Are all soiled rags stored in approved metal containers with gravity type closing lids?

  • 5.13 - Are fire exits kept clear, accessible and clearly marked?

  • 5.14 - Do fire exits open easily from the inside? Standard

  • 5.15 - Are all doors marked with "exit" or "not an exit" signs?

  • 5.16 - Are static discharge wires used when transferring flammables from one container to another? (Caps)

  • 5.17 - Are attic and platform storage areas clean and free of trash?

  • 5.18 - Are propane bottles stored outside, have identifying signs, and secure?

6.0 - Material Handling and Storage

  • 6.1 - Are conveniently placed racks and bins for small parts provided? Company Standard

  • 6.3 - Is adequate clearance provided for material handling equipment and are clearance signs posted?

  • 6.5 - Are dollies or jack stands, and auto jacks in good condition?

  • 6.6 - Are hazardous chemicals handled with proper PPE when required?

  • 6.7 - Do all employees use proper lifting methods? Company Standard

  • 6.9 - Are fork lift compressed gas cylinders inspected to insure they are in good condition?

  • 6.11 - Are fork lift operators properly trained and records on file? Standard

7.0 - First Aid

  • 7.1 - Is a trained first aider available on site? Standard 1910.151(b)

  • 7.2 - Is first aid given promptly and by a first aider for minor injuries?

  • 7.3 - Are company emergency numbers posted along with the incident reporting protocol map? Company Standard

  • 7.5 - Is there a practical first aid manual on location? Company Standard

  • 7.7 - Are first aid cabinets and contents clean and orderly?

  • 7.8 - Are contents regularly checked? Company Standard

  • 7.9 - Are cabinet clearly labeled? Company Standard

  • 7.10 - Are cabinets easily accessible? Company Standard

8.0 Safety Equipment

  • 8.1 - Is personal protective equipment maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition?

  • 8.2 - Is face and eye protection used when there is a reasonable probability of injury (i.e. welding, cutting, grinding, etc.)?

  • 8.4 - Is foot protection used when there is a probability of injury?

  • 8.5 - Is respiratory protection used where there is a danger from dust, fog fumes, smoke, vapors, etc.?

  • 8.6 - Are employees using hearing protection in required areas or when exposed to high levels of noise?

9.0 Walkways

  • 9.1 - Are isles and passageways kept clear? Standard

  • 9.2 - Are isles and walkways marked? Standard

  • 9.3 - Are wet floors covered with non-slip a material? Standard

  • 9.4 - Are holes in the floor, sidewalk or other walking surfaces repaired properly, covered or otherwise made safe? Standard

  • 9.5 - Are materials or equipment stored in a such a way that sharp projectives will not interfere with the walkway?

  • 9.6 - Are spills cleaned up immediately?

11.0 - Hazard Communication

  • 11.1 - Is there a MSDS station with a list of the chemicals in the workplace

  • 11.2 - I there a written hazard communication program?

  • 11.3 - Are MSDS sheets readily available to employees? Standard

  • 11.4 - Is there an employee training program for hazardous substances?

  • 11.6 - Are containers labeled properly? Standard

  • 11.7 - Do chemical storage areas have adequate containment?

  • 11.8 - Are eye wash stations easily accessible? Standard

13.0 - Outside - Environmental

  • 13.1 - Materials and stored equipment covered?

  • 13.2 - Drum storage area under cover?

  • 13.3 - All drums have plugs in holes?

  • 13.4 - Are empty drums stored on their sides so rain water can not collect in them?

  • 13.5 - Are empty drums disposed of in a timely manner?

  • 13.7 - Are surface areas clear of potential pollutants and oil stains?

  • 13.8 - Spill kits on site, stocked and ready for use?

  • 13.9 - Lids on dumpsters closed and in good condition?

  • 13.10 - Is metal dumpster free of material that are covered in oils or chemicals?

  • 13.11 - Is the wash bay free of garbage and debris?

Safety cones

  • Are safety cones 36 inches <br>

  • Are safety cones stencils and in good condition


  • Are all drains free of debris and cleared of water


  • Are restrooms cleans and in good working conditions

Fuel Stations

  • Are fuel stations secure

  • Fuel hose in good condition

  • Fuel hose properly stored

  • Fuel hose free of leaks

Air & Water hose

  • Air or Water Hose properly stored


  • Grass and weeds maintain around shop<br>

  • Trash kept inside trash cans

  • Add signature

  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.