Project name/no
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Administrative Procedures
Lack of/or inadequate Site Safety Plan?
Failure to obtain permits (Council, EPA, WHS, also Hot Works, Confined Space etc)
Lack of, or inadequate, induction for workers, contractors, visitors?
Lack or, or inadequate, supervisory arrangements?
Lack of/or inadequate training, licenses, skills, experience?
Lack of/or inadequate Safe Work Method Statements (SWSM) for high- risk work?
Lack of, or inadequate system to review SWMS as needed?
Lack of/or inadequate incident notification procedures?
Lack of, or inadequate, routine inspections, monitoring, audits?
Lack of/or inadequate consultative arrangements?
Authorisations, certificates and qualifications
Do all personnel hold a general construction safety induction card?
Do all personnel on site have a valid and current NAC induction card?
Do all personnel have the appropriate training, certifications for the activities they are undertaking?
Risk assessment
Has a job risk assessment (JRA) been completed in full detailing all specific site risks for the activities?
Are all personnel including visitors signed onto the JRA?
1. Working at Heights
Fall risks of 2m or more? (including voids, pits, and trenches)
Lack of edge protection?
Unsafe or incomplete edge protection?
2. Plant and Equipment
Does all machinery (excavators ect) have a manual located on the device?
Have pre-starts been completed on all plant and equipment on the day of the audit?
Unsafe or damaged plant/equipment? (including missing or damaged guards)
Incorrect plant /equipment for job? (e.g. grinding discs for cutting)
Unsafe or incompatible attachments used with plant/equipment?
Unlicensed operators?
Lack of safe work instructions?
Lack of training in safe operation, clean-up and maintenance?
Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
Lack of inspection regime?
Are dynometers being used when cable is being pulled?<br>
3. Scaffolds
Unlicensed persons erecting scaffold above 4m?
Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
Lack of inspection protocol for scaffold?
Incompatible scaffold components? Unlabelled or do not meet AS?
Safe Work Load (SWL) exceeded? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)
4. Lifting Equipment
Unsafe or damaged plant?
Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines?
Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection?
Lack of SWL information displayed?
Lack of daily inspection protocol?
Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?
Lifting equipment unlabelled, does not meet AS, no SWL displayed?
Unlicensed operators?
Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
SWL of plant or any lifting equipment exceeded?
5. Harness and Equipment
Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment?
Incompatible hooks/equipment?
Unlabelled or does not meet AS?
Unsafe or uncertified anchor points?
Lack of inspection protocol for equipment?
Lack of or inadequate formal training for operators?
6. Ladders
Unsafe or damaged ladders?
Unsafe positioning of ladders?
Ladder not properly secured?
Ladder unsuitable for job? (e.g. metal ladder used for electrical work)
7. Hazardous Manual Tasks
Lack of identification hazardous manual tasks?
Lack of assessment of hazardous manual tasks?
Inadequate risk controls? (examples: no job rotation, lighter loads, trolleys, lifting equipment, etc)
Lack of training in risk controls and safe lifting/ team lifting techniques?
8. Hazardous Chemical (including fuel and oil)
Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
Incompatible chemicals stored near each other?
Inadequate spill containment equipment?
Safety Data Sheets not accessible on site?
Lack of emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc?
Excessive quantities stored on site or in vehicles?
Insufficient ventilation?
Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?
Unsuitable storage containers? (unlabeled or stored in food containers)
9. Emergency Response
Lack of, or no emergency plans for site?
Emergency procedures not displayed at site?
Lack of training and rehearsal of emergency plans?
Lack of, or inadequate first aid kits aid equipment for site?
Insufficient access to formally trained First Aiders for all shifts?
Unsuitable or inadequate communication equipment?
10. Traffic Management
Lack of, or inadequate, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
Lack of training in TMP for all persons on site? <br>(contractors and visitors)
Inadequate controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
11. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Lack of, or inadequate PPE (including sun protection) and in good order ?<br>For Western Power sites minimum PPE is hard hats, safety glasses, safety boots, high vis shirt, long sleeve pants, gloves on glove clips at all times.
Are gloves being used for all manual handling tasks that require them?
Lack of system to issue, inspect, replace and monitor PPE?
Lack of training in safe use, clean-up and inspection of PPE?
12. Work Environment
Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
Insufficient lighting?
Inadequate housekeeping?
Lack of, or inadequate noise/ vibration control?
13. Electrical Hazards
Unsafe electrical leads? (damaged, out of test date or untested)
Lack of RCD protection?
Contact with underground assets?
Contact with overhead electrical lines?
Overloading outlets?
Leads placed on ground or on metal structures?
Electrical equipment near water?
Electrical equipment near flammables?
Electrical equipment near chemicals that could cause damage?
Electrical leads that may be damaged from contact with moving machinery parts?
Electrical leads on work surfaces?
Lack of Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures for electrical equipment?
14. Environmental Hazards
Lack of/or inadequate Environmental Management plan (EMP)?
AirPollution Control
Lack of/or inadequate, dust suppression system?
Are stockpiles of dusty materials (size with more than 20 bags cement) covered or watered?
Are all vehicles carrying dusty loads covered/watered over prior to leaving the site?
Are demolition work areas watered? (E.g. Trimming activities by using breaker?)
Are dusty roads paved and/or sprayed with water?
Are dust controlled during percussive drilling or rock breaking?
Are plant and equipment well maintained? (Any black smoke observed, please indicate the plant/equipment and location).
Is dark smoke controlled from plant?
Are there enclosures around the main dust-generating activities? (E.g. Grout mixing)
Hoarding (not <2.4m) provided along boundaries and properly maintained (any damage/opening observed, please indicate the location).
Are speed control measures applied? (E.g. Speed limit sign)
Water Pollution Control
Lack of/or inadequate systems to prevent contaminants entering stormwater drains?
Lack of water re-use systems?
Are water discharge licenses valid?
Are conditions of the license complied with? (Check the monitoring records and observe physically)
Are wastewater treatment system being used and properly maintained on site? (E.g. Desilting tank)
Are there any wastewater discharged to the storm drains? Is the waste water being treated?
Are measures provided to properly direct effluent to silt removal facilities? (E.g. Provide earth bunds/ U-channels)
Are u-channels and manholes free of silt and sediment?
Are sedimentation traps and tanks free of silt and sediment?
Are all manholes on-site covered and sealed?
Are sandbags/earth bund adopted to prevent washing away of sand/silt and wastewater to drains, catchpit, public road, and footpath?
Are vehicles and plants cleaned before leaving the site?
Are wheel washing facilities well maintained to prevent overflow, flooding sediment?
Is sand and silt settled out in wheel washing bay and removed?
Is the public road/area around the site entrance and site hoarding kept clean and free of muddy water?
Is domestic water directed to septic tanks or chemical toilets?
Noise Control
Is the CNP (construction noise permit) valid for work during restricted hours?
Are copies of the valid construction noise permits posted at the site entrance/exit?
Do air compressors and generators operate with doors closed?
Is idle plant/equipment turned off or throttle down?
Do air compressors and hand held breakers have valid noise emission labels (NEL)?
Any noise mitigation measures adopted (e.g. Use noise barrier/enclosure)?
Are silenced equipments utilised?
Waste Management
Is the site kept clean and tidy? (E.g. Litter free, good housekeeping)
Are separate chutes used for inert and non-inert wastes?
Are separated labelled containers/areas provided for facilitating recycling and waste segregation?
Are construction wastes collected and disposed of properly by licensed contractors?
Are chemical wastes, is any, collected and disposed of properly by licensed collectors?
Are chemical wastes properly stored and labelled?
Are oil drums and plants/equipments provided with drip trays?
Are drip trays free of oil and water?
Is there any oil spillage? Clean-up the contaminated soil immediately?
Is litter, foam or other objectionable matters in nearby water drain/sewer cleaned?
Are asbestos wastes handled by licensed professionals?
Storage of Chemicals and dangerous good
Are chemical stored and labelled correctly?
Does the storage of DG comply with license conditions ( include types of quantities if DG store is available, check the DG store license)?
Are proper measures to control oil spillage during maintenance or to control other chemicals spillage? (E.g. Provide drip trays)
Are spill kits/sand/saw dust used for absorbing chemical spillage readily accessible?
Protection of Flora,Fauna and Historical Heritage
Are disturbance to terrestrial flora minimised? (E.g. Plants to be preserved)
Are disturbance to terrestrial fauna minimised? ( if rare species identified)?
Any historical heritage exists in site? If yes, ensure appropriate measures taken to preserve it.
Resource Conservation
Is water recycled wherever possible for dust suppression?
Is eat pipe leakage and wastage prevented?
Are diesel-powered plants and equipments shut off while not in used to reduce expensive use?
Are energy conservation practices adopted?
Are metal or other alternatives used to minimise the use of timber?
Are materials stored in good condition to prevent deterioration and wastage (e.g. Covered, separated)?
Are pesticides used under the requirement of agriculture, fisheries and other conservation department?
Corrective Actions
Enter any corrective actions that will be undertaken
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On site representative
Auditor's signature