
  • Site name

  • Conducted on

  • Inspected by Brandon Pregizer

Office and Ergonomics

  • Chairs in good condition and properly adjusted. 1pt

  • Monitor at a reasonable height. 1pt

  • Team member can demonstrate proper posture while sitting. 2pt

  • Computer/cords installed properly, no trip hazards, powerbar not overloaded. 1pt

  • Computers, phone, faxes printers clean & free of dust. 1pt

  • Office is neat and tidy and well organized. No signs of clutter. 5pt

  • Emergency phone numbers posted by phone. 1pt

Fire Safety and Security

  • Extinguishers clear of obstructions. 3pt

  • Have all the fire extinguishers been checked and signed off on a monthly basis. 5pt

  • How many Fire extinguisher were not inspected.

  • Is the fire extinguisher and mount brackets in good condition. 5pt<br>e.g fully charged, pin in place, securely mounted to the wall.

  • Fire extinguishers inspected in the last year. 2pt

  • When was the last annual fire extinguisher inspection

  • Fire extinguishers signs posted (easily identified). 1pt

  • FE mounted mounted no higher than 5 feet 1pt

  • Check Smoke Detector (if site has one). 1pt

  • Fire extinguisher nearby electric testing area and chemical storage unit. 1pt

Firstaid Kits and Eyewash Stations

  • Eye wash stations are accessible and easily identified, clean and expiry date checked.

  • First aid kits and eye wash stations are accessible and easily identified. 2pt

  • First-aid kits clean, stocked, expiry dates are checked. 5pt

  • Which First-aid items are not present or in low of supplies.

  • How many first-aid kits are clean, stocked, expiry dates are checked.

  • When does the anti septic wipes expire. Note: Choose the most recent expiry date

  • First aid reports accessible by each first aid kit. 3pt

  • Sufficient number of first aiders on site. 3pt

  • How many first aiders are on site

Entrances, Exits,

  • Emergency exits unobstructed from the inside and outside. 5pt

  • Emergency exits sign light bulbs illuminating light. 5pt<br>

  • Site maps by emergency exits/ 1pt

  • Doorways and staircases clear of material and equipment. 1pt

  • Emergency lighting tested and working. 3pt

  • Adequate doorways and ramps. 1pt

  • Back door locked from the outside. 2pt


  • Are all the light bulbs illuminating light. 2pt

  • How many light bulbs are burnt out

  • Windows covered with blinds, drapes, or other means of controlling sunlight. 1pt

  • Electric cords are in good condition. 2pt

  • Plugs sockets and light switches in good condition. 2pt

  • Electric cords tucked away to reduce tripping hazards. 2pt

  • Gas meters unobstructed. 3pt

  • Electrical panels unobstructed

  • Wash rooms clean, hand soap, paper towel and toilet paper is available. 2pt

  • Lunch room clean: microwave, fridge, sink, cupboards. 2pt

  • Floor surfaces even. 1pt

  • Work area neat and tidy, no signs of clutter. 5pt<br>

  • Aisles clear of merchandise, debris, and tripping hazards. 5pt<br>

  • Main aisles at least 1 meter wide. 1pt

  • Is the site entrance mats properly placed. 3pt

  • Carpets and tiles in good condition. 1pt

  • Are the floors dry at site entrance and everywhere else. 3pt

  • Are there wet floor signs posted. 3pt

  • Stairs and handrails in good condition. 1pt

  • Ladders/stepstool in safe accessible location and in good condition. 1pt


  • MSDS binder available, updated (within 3 years). 5pt<br>

  • Chemicals stored in a upright position and away from heat source. 3pt

  • Donated chemicals disposed of properly and are not being used by staff. 5pt

  • Clear Spray bottles labelled properly with name of chemical, safety precautions, and refer to MSDS. 5pt

Parking Lot/Sidewalks

  • Side walks and pathway to garbage bin clear of ice, snow, & garbage. 10pt<br><br>

  • Side walk Maintenance logbook being filled out (seasonal). 5pt

  • Shopping carts brought inside within a reasonable time. 2pt

Health and Safety Board/Binder

  • H & S Board neat and tidy. 5pt

  • OHS handbook accessible. 2pt

  • Health and Safety Policy Binder accessible. 2pt

  • Weekly Site Inspections be completed consistently. 10pt<br>

  • H&S board updated: emergency contact, H&S bulletins, first aiders, site map: Refer to Policy 817. 10pts

  • Which forms were not updated on the H&S board

  • How many of the forms are updated. 1pt each form for a total score of 14 Reminder: Emergency contact, first aiders, and H&S ambassadors is each 1 pt

  • DWIS updated “Days Without Injury Sign”. 2pt

  • How many days without Injury

  • Date it was last updated

Store, Processing, DC, Warehouse

  • Is this a store, DC, or a warehouse

  • Are pictures mounted or placed no higher than five (5) feet from the ground, if so they must have signage advising customers to ask for help removing the picture. 3pt

  • Fatigue mats provided to team members. 1pt

  • Vulcan's filled no higher then the yellow line. 5pt

  • Filled totes stacked no higher than 4. 2pt

  • Empty totes stacked no higher then 15. 2pt

  • Totes can be lifted with 2 fingers. 2pt

  • Merchandise stored on shelves properly eg: heavy on bottom light on top, items not protruding into the aisles. 1pt

  • Are racks and shelves in good condition and stable. 1pt

  • Are signs and fixtures securely fastened to the wall? e.g pictures, posters, fixtures. 1pt

  • Are Gaylords placed on the right size pallet. 2pt

  • Is it clean around dumpster/compactor. 3pt

  • Are Operators properly trained. 5pt

  • Operator daily forklift check-list filled out consistently. 5pt<br>

  • Is the equipment regularly maintained? Forklift, Compactor, Pallet Jack, Bailer. 5pt

  • Does the site have a forklift?

  • When was the Forklift last maintained

  • Does the site have a Bailer machine.

  • When was the Bailer last maintained

  • Does the site have a compactor.

  • When was the Compactor last maintained

  • Does the site have a Pallet jack

  • When was the Pallet jack last maintained

PPE Check

  • Are steel-toed boots being worn for specific job tasks e.g: operating forklift or pallet jack, handling a pallet or furniture, working at the donation door. 5pt

  • Are cut resistant gloves being worn for specific job tasks e.g: handling unprocessed donations, receiving donations at donor door, handling pallets. 5pt

  • Are the donation attendants wearing their safety vest. 5pt

Team member Survey - Yes when team member answers correctly, place No if answered incorrectly or is unsure

  • Survey 1

  • Enter Name

  • How do you use a fire extinguisher? P.A.S.S. 1pt<br>Answer: pull aim squeeze and sweep, point at the base of the fire

  • If you are injured, what are you to do? (tell your supervisor or manager right away). 1pt<br>Answer: Report the injury to your manager or supervisor right away

  • Do you know what WHMIS and MSDS is and what it means? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) is worker awareness program about the hazardous chemicals in the workplace.<br>2. WHIMS educates workers on Responsibilities of the supplier, employer, and the worker. Procedures for safely storing, using and handling hazardous chemicals Properly labeling clear spray bottles with a workplace label 8 hazard symbols ex: fire, compressed gas, corrosive etc. What MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) are and the location of the binder

  • Do you know the OIS (Occupational Injury Services) clinic is and the benefits it offers? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. Same day access to a physician with a background in occupational medicine and WCB-Alberta training (target wait time of 30 minutes or less)<br>2. Don’t have to pay for forms to be filled out that usually cost $60<br>3. The doctor will create an individualized modified work plan to help you recover quickly and safely so you may return to your regular work duties when you’re better.

  • What is your sites emergency evacuation plan in case of a fire, tornado, gas leak or bomb threat? 2pt

  • Survey 2

  • Enter Name

  • How do you use a fire extinguisher? P.A.S.S. 1pt<br>Answer: pull aim squeeze and sweep, point at the base of the fire

  • If you are injured, what are you to do? (tell your supervisor or manager right away). 1pt<br>Answer: Report the injury to your manager or supervisor right away

  • Do you know what WHMIS and MSDS is and what it means? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) is worker awareness program about the hazardous chemicals in the workplace.<br>2. WHIMS educates workers on Responsibilities of the supplier, employer, and the worker. Procedures for safely storing, using and handling hazardous chemicals Properly labeling clear spray bottles with a workplace label 8 hazard symbols ex: fire, compressed gas, corrosive etc. What MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) are and the location of the binder

  • Do you know the OIS (Occupational Injury Services) clinic is and the benefits it offers? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. Same day access to a physician with a background in occupational medicine and WCB-Alberta training (target wait time of 30 minutes or less)<br>2. Don’t have to pay for forms to be filled out that usually cost $60<br>3. The doctor will create an individualized modified work plan to help you recover quickly and safely so you may return to your regular work duties when you’re better.

  • What is your sites emergency evacuation plan in case of a fire, tornado, gas leak or bomb threat? 2pt

  • Survey 3

  • What is your sites emergency evacuation plan in case of a fire, tornado, gas leak or bomb threat? 2pt

  • Enter Name

  • How do you use a fire extinguisher? P.A.S.S. 1pt<br>Answer: pull aim squeeze and sweep, point at the base of the fire

  • If you are injured, what are you to do? (tell your supervisor or manager right away). 1pt<br>Answer: Report the injury to your manager or supervisor right away

  • Do you know what WHMIS and MSDS is and what it means? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) is worker awareness program about the hazardous chemicals in the workplace.<br>2. WHIMS educates workers on Responsibilities of the supplier, employer, and the worker. Procedures for safely storing, using and handling hazardous chemicals Properly labeling clear spray bottles with a workplace label 8 hazard symbols ex: fire, compressed gas, corrosive etc. What MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) are and the location of the binder

  • Do you know the OIS (Occupational Injury Services) clinic is and the benefits it offers? 2pt<br>Answer:<br>1. Same day access to a physician with a background in occupational medicine and WCB-Alberta training (target wait time of 30 minutes or less)<br>2. Don’t have to pay for forms to be filled out that usually cost $60<br>3. The doctor will create an individualized modified work plan to help you recover quickly and safely so you may return to your regular work duties when you’re better.

Additional Notes and signatures

  • Notes

  • Notes

  • Health and Safety Advisor Signature

  • Supervisor or H&S Ambassador signature

  • Manager or assistance manager signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.