Site & Personnel Details

  • Client

  • Site Address

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

1) - Introduction

  • At Craven Scaffolding Limited, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of workplace safety and regulatory compliance. This Site Safety Observation Audit was a crucial component of our proactive approach to health and safety management.
    Our in-house health and safety manager has conducted a comprehensive site audit, employing systematic sampling of working practices and evaluating process and risk controls. This methodology allows us to effectively assess compliance with current legislation and industry best practices. The audit scope encompasses key regulatory frameworks, including but not limited to:
     The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
     The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
     The Work at Height Regulations 2005
     Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002
     Construction Design & Management Regulations 2015

    This audit serves multiple critical purposes:
     Identifying potential hazards and risk factors before they lead to incidents
     Ensuring compliance with statutory requirements and industry standards
     Promoting best practices in site operations
     Reinforcing our commitment to continuous improvement in safety performance
     Supporting our zero-harm objective across all operations

    The findings presented in this report will form the basis for targeted improvements and recommendations in our safety management system, helping to prevent future incidents and enhance overall site safety. We have documented both areas of excellence and opportunities for enhancement, providing actionable recommendations for implementation.

    Craven Scaffolding Limited extends sincere appreciation to all audit participants for their engagement and valuable contributions to this process. Their cooperation and commitment to safety are fundamental to the continuous improvement of our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) and the overall success of our safety initiatives.

    This report should be reviewed by all relevant stakeholders and used as a tool for implementing necessary changes and improvements to our safety protocols. Regular follow-up assessments will be conducted to monitor the effectiveness of implemented recommendations and ensure sustained compliance with safety standards.

2) - Audit Scope

  • This Site Safety Observation Audit encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of safety practices, procedures and compliance measures. The Site Observation Audit which is conducted by Craven Scaffolding Limited will demonstrate our proactive approach to incident prevention and safety management.

    The scope of this audit includes:

    1. Physical Site Inspection
     Scaffolding structures and assemblies
     Access and egress points
     Working platforms and surfaces
     Storage areas and material handling zones
     Site organisation and housekeeping
     Safety signage and barriers

    2. Documentation Review
     Risk assessments and method statements (RAMS)
     Training records and competency certificates
     Toolbox talk documentation
     Previous incident reports and corrective actions

    3. Operational Practices Assessment
     Work at height procedures
     Manual handling techniques
     Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compliance
     Communication protocols

    4. Regulatory Compliance Verification
    The audit evaluates adherence to key legislation including:
     The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
     The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
     The Work at Height Regulations 2005
     Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, as amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002
     Construction Design & Management Regulations 2015

    5. Performance Monitoring
     Safety behaviour observations
     Safe system of work implementation
     Risk control measure effectiveness
     Near-miss reporting and investigation procedures
     Recommendation & Corrective Action implementation and follow-up

    6. Communication and Consultation
     Worker engagement in safety practices
     Safety briefing effectiveness
     Reporting mechanisms

    The audit methodology employs:
     Direct observation of working practices
     Personnel interviews across all levels
     Document sampling and review
     Assessment of risk control measures
     Evaluation of safety management systems

    This comprehensive scope ensures a thorough evaluation of all safety-critical aspects of our scaffolding and general site operations, providing a solid foundation for continuous improvement in our safety performance and regulatory compliance.

3) - Summary of key Findings

  • Summary of key Findings

4) - Audit Findings

    Audit Findings
  • Area

  • Finding Description

  • Category

  • Risk Rating

  • Observation

  • Recommendation

  • Corrective Action

5) - Audit Sign Off

  • Signature

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