
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Project / Site Name

  • Supervisor / Foreman at time of this inspection

  • Select site weather conditions at time of this inspection (select all that apply)

  • Describe weather conditions on site today

  • Current activities being undertaken on site (select all that apply)

  • Describe activities being undertaken on site

Health & Safety Site Evaluation

Construction Phase Plan

  • Is the Construction Phase Plan to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is the Construction Phase Plan on site and available to view?

  • Is this project notifiable to the HSE?<br>

  • Is the F10 Notice Displayed?

  • Have all site personnel been inducted?

  • Is the daily signing in register up to date?

  • Other

Method Statements

  • Are Method Staements to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have method statements been compiled for all relevant tasks?

  • Have the contents of all method statements been distributed to all appropriate personnel?

  • Other

Risk Assessments

  • Are Risk Assessments to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have risk assessments been compiled for all relevant tasks

  • Have the contents of all risk assessments been distributed to all appropriate personnel

  • Other

Statutory Notices

  • Are Statutory Notices to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is the Health and Safety law notice displayed?

  • Is the Public Liability Insurance displayed?

  • Other


  • Is Training to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have all site personnel been trained in tasked being undertaken?

  • Take a random sample of a CSCS card

  • Have all site personnel undertaken an induction?

  • Has Asbestos awareness training been given to all site personnel?

  • Is the Asbestos awareness training up to date?

  • Have the appropriate personnel undergone Abrasive Wheel Training?

  • Other

Welfare/First Aid Facilities

  • Are Welfare/first aid facilities to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are welfare facilities being provided as per schedule 2 of CDM2015?

  • Running Hot/warm water (where reasonably practicable)?

  • Seats with backs?

  • Means of preparing a meal?

  • Toilet facility?

  • Means of boiling water?

  • Drinking water?

  • Soap and means of drying hands?

  • Adequate drinking vessels?

  • Adequate tables?

  • Are first aid cabinets and contents clean and orderly?

  • Is there adequate Eye Wash available?

  • Are the contents of the First Aid Kit all in date?

  • First aid cabinets clearly labelled?

  • Is there easy access to first aid cabinets?

  • Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?

  • Are first aid trained persons known to workers and accessible?

  • Are emergency numbers displayed?

  • Other

Site Security

  • Is site security to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are site entry and exit points clearly designated?

  • Is clear signage requiring visitors to check in posted?

  • Is site perimeter fenced off appropriately with required site public signage posted?

  • Are all entries and exits closed and locked at night and during weekends?

  • If applicable, are site alarm systems functioning as expected?

  • If applicable, are site security procedures (guard patrols, security checks etc) undertaken as required and reviewed regularly?

  • Other

Fire Prevention & Emergency

  • Are fire and emergency procedures to be inspected in this audit?

  • Fire Safety Arrangements:<br>(Site evacuation arrangements - fire alarms, fire fighting equipment, emergency escape routes, assembly points etc.)

Traffic Management

  • Is Traffic Management to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is there workplace traffic management in place?<br>(Separation of workplace & vehicles - traffic management, pedestrian access/walkways, barriers, signage etc.)

  • Other

Permits to Work

  • Are Permits to Work to be inspected in this audit?

  • are the appropriate permits to work in place and in date?

  • Other

Access Equipment

  • Is Access Equipment to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is the inspection register up to date?

  • Are site operatives trained to use the appropriate equipment?

  • Other

Tools & Plant

  • Is Tools & Plant to be inspected in this audit?

  • Valid inspection & maintenance certification and tags, electrical equipment tested, tagged and in date.

  • Are site operatives trained to use the appropriate equipment?

  • Other

Storage of Materials

  • Is Storage of Materials to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are materials being safely stored on site eg. Timber, Blocks & Bricks, Drainage Rings etc.?

  • Are LPG cylinders being correctly stored on site eg. Full containers store in a cages environment away from empty cylinders?

  • Are fuel oils being stored correctly eg. Petrol in appropriate containers and diesel in bunded tank?

  • Other

Manual Handling

  • Is Manual Handling to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have all site personnel undergone a manual handling training course?

  • Are handling aides/equipment available for heavy items/loads, are safe lifting techniques being employed where observed.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • Are Hazardous Substances to be inspected in this audit?

  • are all COSHH assessments and material data sheets in place?

  • Have all site personnel read and understood the contents of the COSHH assessments?

  • Other

Noise and Vibration

  • Is Noise and Vibration to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have site personnel be adequately trained to minimise the exposure of noise and vibration?

  • Is a Hand, Arm vibration calculator being used?

  • Other

Services, Gas, Electric etc.

  • Are Services, Gas, Electric etc. to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have all buried and overhead services been identified?

  • Has exposure to services been identified and risk assessed eg. overhead power cables?

  • Have appropriate actions been taken to safeguard buried and overhead services?

  • Other

Lifting Equipment

  • Are Lifting Equipment to be inspected in this audit?

  • Lifting Equipment maintained and inspected

  • Other

Confined Spaces

  • Are Confined Spaces to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are all site personnel working in confined spaces trained accordingly?

  • Is there a permit to enter in place?

  • Are all necessary procedures in place in case of an emergency taking place in a confined place?

  • Has the atmosphere in the confined space been tested and recorded?

  • Other

Working at Heights

  • Is Working at Heights to be inspected in this audit?

  • Have all site personnel working at heights received working at height training?

  • Has the working at height area been inspected eg. Scaffold structures and towers, fixed guard rails etc.?

  • Is the ladder register up to date and all ladders uniquely identified?

  • Are ladders secured at the head or stabilisers fitted to the foot of the ladder?

  • Are stand off brackets being used where appropriate?

  • Other


  • Is Signage to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is all appropriate construction site signage being displayed?

  • Other

Work Environment

  • Are Work Environment issues to be inspected in this audit?

  • Safe access / egress free from hazards and obstructions, Good housekeeping, hazard and safety signage on entrance(s) clearly visible.

  • Other


  • Are there any Other/General issues to be inspected in this audit?

  • Are visitors to site adequately escorted and supervised ensuring, correct issue of PPE/RPE and given the appropriate induction information?

  • Other

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)

  • Is Personal Protective Equipment to be inspected in this audit?

  • Is head protection worn correctly and where required?

  • Is eye protection worn where required?

  • Are the correct forms of eye protection worn for tasks being completed?

  • Is hearing protection worn in designated areas?

  • Are the correct forms of hand protection worn for manual tasks?

  • Is respiratory protection worn where dust, mist or fumes are present?

  • Is footwear in good condition and of correct type?<br>

  • Are high-vis vests or clothing worn at all times outside the office?

  • Are safety harnesses appropriately worn at height?<br>

  • Is additional PPE used where required?

  • Are staff aware of correct PPE for tasks they are trained to perform?

  • Are Life Jackets and Life saving devices made available when working alongside, above and on water?

  • Is there safe storage for PPE/RPE when not in use?

  • Have all site personnel been issued with appropriate PPE/RPE and signed for receipt of equipment?

  • Other

Safe Working

  • Is the safe working of operatives to be checked in this audit?

  • What specific operation are operatives doing during this inspection?

  • Are operatives carrying out the works as per the safe method within the associated method statement and risk assessments?

  • What is not being done? and / or improvements made

Environmental Controls / Waste management

  • Are the Environmental Controls / Waste management to be inspected in this audit ?

  • Is waste disposed of correctly, are waste transfer notes available, are spill kits accessible where the likelihood of a spill may occur, are there any other <br>environmental issues such as noise or dust and are there adequate controls in place ?.

  • Has the Company got an Environmental Policy in place?

  • Is the Environmental Policy being adhered to on site?

Asbestos Management Survey

  • Is the Asbestos Management Survey available for inspection

Refurbishment & Demolition Asbestos Survey

  • Has the Refurbishment & Demolition Asbestos Survey been carried out as per the requirements of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012


  • Is a Safe System of Work and Risk Assessments for the excavation works ? Is there a CAT & GENNY equipment available to survey for buried services ? is the detection equipment tested and calibrated within the last 12 months and tagged ?.

General Comments

  • Any further comments / observations or recommendations arising from this inspection?

  • Add any additional relevant photos

  • Have all required corrective actions been added as Actions to this inspection?

  • Please add any corrective actions to the appropriate questions above before completing this report

Sign Off

  • Name & Signature of Inspector

  • Name & Signature of Site Supervisor / Foreman

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.