Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection Details
Entity Name
Attendess Mashroat:
Lead signature for the visit
Entity Attendess:
1.1 Asset Register (AR)
Is there an asset register system and is it operating?
Is there an up-to-date database for the asset register?
Is the database computerized?
Is there an asset tagging / labelling system?
Do the supervisory personnel and contractors use the asset tagging system?
1.2 Condition Assessment (CA)
Has a condition assessment been completed and when?
Does the asset condition asset survey building facilities ?
Does the asset condition survey cover FM MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing etc.) systems ?
Was the assest condition survey carried out by a 3rd Party ? If so obtain details
Are the supervisor team and contractors aware of the conditional assessment results?
Is there a standard form for completing / updating the condition assessment?
1.3 Critical Assets
Is there a mechanism to identify critical assets?
Is there an up to date list of critical assets?
Are there contingency arrangements in place for failure of critical assets ?
Is this covered under the scope of the O&M contract ?
Are records kept to support maintenance of critical assets ?
1.4 Asset Management System (AMS)
Is there an AMS system in place?
Is the AMS operational and used to track maintenance activities?
Does the AMS cover the Entity's Buildings ?
Does the AMS cover the Building Systems ? (eg A/C, Lighting, etc)
Does the AMS cover the components within the systems ? (eg pumps, compressors, etc)
2.1 Structure / O&M supervision
Are O&M inspections performed by an Qualified / Competent engineer?
Is there sufficient O&M inspections and supervisory personnel?
Do Entity personnel make periodic inspections of the work of the O&M contractor?
Are the inspections documented?
Does the Entity have qualified technical staff on site to oversee Contractor O&M activities
Is an O&M Organizational Structure available for the Facility covered by the Site Visit - Obtain Copy
Does the Contractor have permanent O&M Management / supervisory staff on site ?
Is an O&M Organizational Structure Available for the Contractor Staff?
Do Standard Operating Procedures (S.O.P.s) exist for Maintenance activities on site ?
Are copies of the SOPs available to be shared with Mashroat ? If so arrange for copies
Are Entity staff and contractors trained to follow the SOPs
Is the scope of the O&M contract understood by the Entity Management / Supervision / Staff on Site
Is the scope of the O&M contract understood by the Contractor Management / Supervision on Site
Is a copy of the O&M maintenance contract available to review ?
Is a copy of the O&M maintenance contract available to share with Mashroat ?
Is the contractor operating to defined KPIs within the O&M contract ?
Is the contractor meeting the KPIs set out in the contract ?
Are copies of Contractor O&M Performance available to share with Mashroat
Does Site Management consider Contractor resources (headcount / skill-set / structure ) are adequate ?
3. Facility Management Systems Checklist
3.1 Risk Management & Safety Processes (1)
Is there a fire alarm system for evacuation of personnel etc.?
Are there fire suppression / fire fighting systems ?
Is the fire suppression / fighting system operational and working?
Are regular tests undertaken to the fire systems and recorded?
Do the tests meet regulatory testing requirements?
Is the fire system linked to a Building Management System (BMS)?
Does regular testing of other systems (eg A/C, water systems) take place and are records kept ?
Is the Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system working?
Is Emergency / Back Up equipment working, maintained and regularly tested?
Do records exist for the testing and are they available to share ?
Is there a list of Hard FM systems on site (eg Fire, Water, Electrical, A/C) ? Obtain a copy if available
Are these systems under a planned maintenace programme?
3.2 Risk Management & Safety Processes (2)
Does the Entity have HSE Policies and procedures - are these available to share if required?
Does the Site provide an Induction process for Entity Staff?
Does the Site provide an Induction process for Contractor Staff?
Does this induction process cover Health and Safety Requirements ?
Does the Entity / Site operate a Permit to Work system for selective O&M activities
Are written Method Statements available and in use to support Permit to Work O&M activities
Are records kept to demonstrate permit to work, methods statements, risk assessments?
Does the Entity conduct regular evacuation procedures with the approval of civil defence ?
Are Health and Safety Audits performed on the site and are records kept ?
4.1 Planned Preventive Maintenance (PPM)
Is there a PPM schedule for maintenace activities?
Is the PPM documented and records kept ?
Does the PPM schedule cover 100% of Facilities Management Assets?
Does the PPM schedule cover more than 50% of Facilities Management Assets?
Does the PPM schedule cover less than 50% of Facilities Management Assets?
Is the PPM schedule (if it exists) on schedule or behind schedule?
4.2 Maintenance Work System
Is there a system for receiving a job order?
Is there a priority classification for each job?
Is there a system for tracking jobs?
Is the maintenance work completed documented?
Is there a system to measure jobs raised against jobs completed?
4.3 Customer Satisfaction
Is there a framework / approach to measure customer / end user satisfaction of O&M activity?
Does the customer / user feedback result in O&M improvement?
4.4 Maintenance Reports
Do Enity / Site Staff make regular audits of the work done by the O&M Contractor
Do Review meetings of O&M activity take place between Entity staff and Contractor Management ?
4.5 Maintenance Manual
Is there a periodic report for maintenance works completed?
Are there maintenance manuals for equipment / assets ?
Do the maintenance manuals cover 100% of equipment / assets ?
4.6 Maintenace / O&M Stores
Are there defined material stores on site for O&M spares and equipment?
Are critical spares kept on site or easily available to ensure service disruption is minimized ?
Are the O&M spares and equipment stores under the control of the Contractor ?
Is there a stores record keeping system and is it operating?
Is there an inventory management system in place ?
Are hazardous materials stored correctly on site / in the store?
5. Staff Technical / O&M Competences
Do Job Descriptions exist for Entity staff
Are Entity's O&M staff skills & capabilities validated against job requirements
Do Training records exist for Entity's Technical / O&M staff ?
Do you train your Entity O&M staff internally ?
Is this training accredited ?
Do you use external training providers ?
Is this training accredited ?
Are performance reviews undertaken for entity's staff and do records exist?
Do job descriptions exist for Contractor staff ?
Are Contractor O&M skills & capabilities validated against job requirements?
Can the Entity access training / competency records for Contractor staff ?
5.2 Staff Health & Safety Competences
Do the Entity's staff receive Health & Safety Training and do records exist ?
Do the Contractor's staff receive Health & Safety Training and do records exist ?
Is there a Health and Safety Committee on site ?
Is there a Qualified Health and Safety Professional on site ?
If not are designated individuals assigned Health & Safety roles?