Conducted on
Prepared by
External Wall Coverings
How tall are the buildings at the development?
Is there cladding on the building?
Is there a significant amount of cladding on the buildings?
Are you aware if the cladding is ACM, MCM or HPL?
Are there Balconies at the development?
Do the Balconies stack vertically?
Are the Balconies constructed from a combustible material?
Are the Balconies covered with a combustible material?
Are the Balconies directly linked by combustible material?
External Items
Are the garden/grounds in a good condition?
Is the car park in a good condition?
Are there any abandoned vehicles?
Are there any abandoned vehicles?
Is the external decoration of the block in a good condition?
Is the bin store in a good condition?
Has bulky or excessive waste been placed within the bin store?
Does the bins/bin store require a clean?
Is there any dumped rubbish or large items in the external areas?
Is the bike store in a good condition?
Have items, that are not bikes, been left within the store?
Are there any items such as BBQs on balconies?
Are any residents hanging washing from their balconies?
Are the drains in good condition?
Are there any external gangways or stairways? (Metal or otherwise)
Do they appear to be in a good condition?
Is the external lighting working properly?
Are all fences in good condition?
Are there any for sale or to let boards?
Does the guttering/downpipes appear to be in good condition?
Are there any overflow leaks?
Is the paving in good condition?
Is there any play equipment?
Does the Play equipment appear to be in a good condition?
Is the roof in good condition?
Are there any individual satellite dishes?
Are there any SWALES?
Do they appear to be in a good condition?
Is the vegitation condition growth satisfactory? (Density, weed growth, coverage etc)
Does any part of the system require weeding, pruning or mowing?
Signage & Notices
Is the block name signage in place?
Is the correct bin store signage in place?
Is the correct road name signage in place?
Mechanical & Electrical Equipment
Is there an Aerial & Satellite System?
Does the external part of the aerial and satellite system appear to be in good order?
Are there Mechanical Gates?
Are the gates in working order?
Do the gates stop moving when they meet or sense an obstruction?
Is the paintwork on the gates in a good condition?
Are there Automatic Bollards?
Are the bollards in working order?
Are the Solar PV Panels Present?
Do the PV Panels appear to be in good condition?
Fire Equipment and Safety Checks
Are there any Dry/Wet Risers?
Are the riser outlets locked and in good condition?
Is the correct signage on the dry riser outlets?
Are there any Fire Hydrants?
Do the Fire Hydrants appear to be in a good condition?
Meter Readings
Is there an electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there electricity another meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Is there another electricity meter to read?
Other Items
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Is there another issue to report?
Signature of Inspector