Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Contractor Name + Site Name
Audit Date:
Conducted by:
No of employees on site?
Mandatory Agreement in file and signed?
Sub Contractor appointment done?
Letter of Good Standing on file?
Letter of good standing valid?
Index available for contents of file?
Health and Safety Specs available?
OHSAct and Conatruction Regulations 2014 available on file?
Health and Safety Policy available?
Health and Safety Policy Signed by the CEO and dated?
Company internal induction done?
Principle Contractor induction done and proof on file?
Toolbox talks
Toolbox talks done?
Proof of toolbox talk communication on file?
Proof of PPE issue available on file?
PPE Policy available and communicated?
16(2) Appointment available?
Construction Supervisor
Assistant Supervisor
Risk Assessor
Safety Representative
Emergency Co Ordinator
Fire Equipment Inspector
Fire Fighter
Hand Tool Inspector<br>
PPE Inspector
Stacking and Storage
Incident Investigator
Risk Assessments
Risk Assessment Procedure available?
Monitor and Review plan?
Risk Matrix?
Risk assessments available in the file?
Task specific risk assessments communicated and proof of communication available?
DSTI's completed and communicated daily?
All risk assessments communicated?
Hand tool checklist
Hand tool register
Fire Extinguisher register
Fire Extinguisher checklist
Hygiene + Housekeeping
Wacker Bomag
Portable Electrical Checklist
Extension Cords
Monthly She Rep checklist
PPE checklist
Excavations Inspections
Register for MSDS's completed?
MSDS's Communicated?
Any incidents to report?
Safe Work Procedures
Safe Work Procedures on file
Procedures communicated and proof available?