Title Page
Document No.4
Audit TitleHarvesting Compliance Check Sheet Snig/Extraction Track Crossing
Client / Warda Pty Ltd
Prepared by Cara McMurtrie
Crossing ID
- Depression
- Line
- Watercourse
- Causeway
- Culvert
- Bridge
- Gully Stuffer
Is the location and type of crossing approved and marked in the field ( not permissible to cross wetlands or swamps; if IHL 3, not permissible to cross watercourse [ie has permanent or semi-permanent surface water flow]; may only cross drainage line with permanent structure.
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
If you answered no,how would you rate the incident
Track surface drained at 5-20 meters. Note Mandatory on drainage lines and watercourses. Use on drainage depressions where practical.
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident as
Is the crossing stable?. Guidance: - causeways must have stable surface or erosion resistant material; gully stuffers must be removed if they become unstable during operation.
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident
- Non Reportable
- Low
- Medium
- High Severity incident
Right angled clearing and approach Guidance: - Approach may only be angled if it reduces ground and soil disturbance.
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident
- Non Reportable
- Low
- Medium
- High Severity incident
Is spoil removed from drainage feature and disturbed areas reshape and stabilised.
- Yes
- No
- Not Applicable
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident
Is the disturbed areas 20 meters either side of watercourse or drainage line stabilised?.<br>Guidance: this does not include the track surface or drainage structures.
If you answered no how would you rate the incident?
Is the vegetation and ground disturbance minimised with filter strip, protection zone,operational zone and buffer strip either side of crossing.
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident as,
Are bridge embankments protected from table drain discharge and structures installed to prevent bridge pavement from entering drainage feature where practical.
If you answered no how would you rate the incident?.
Causeway surface, on either side, is no more than 10cm higher than invert of drainage feature, ( fish passage ), maintain natural flow of water course.
If the answer is no, how would you rate the incident?.
Is dispersible soil covered with stable material 20 meters either side of crossing?.<br>Guidance; includes road surface and table drain batters if dispersible.
If the answer is no, how would you rate the incident?.
Are temporary crossings removed and bed banks reshaped and stabilised?.
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident?.
Is the crossing constructed as planned, including implementation of any site-specific conditions?.<br>
If you answered no, how would you rate the incident?.