Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the site clean of trash and debree?
Is grass or brush kept clean from underneath and around the solar panels an combiner boxes?
Is the service building or control room area kept clean?
Are adequate bathroom facilities for employees and contractors available?
Is fresh drinking water available for employees and contractors?
Are electrical buildings (if applicable) kept clean?
Emergency Action Plan
Does the site have a plan in place?
Is local emergency services posted with phone numbers (medical, fire, law enforcement, management on duty)?
Has the services listed above been asked to visit the site?
In case of an injury or other accident on site do employees know who to call?
Do employees know evacuation routes?
Does the emergency plan address severe weather?
Does the emergency plan address outside threats?
Are OSHA, Federal, and State required information posted in a conspicous location?
Are high voltage areas including electrical rooms and switch yards posted with proper HV signs?
Are breakers and electrical panels labeled with arc flash requirements?
Are fire extinguisher locations identified?
Does the site have a visitor policy?
Does the site perform job hazard analysis for tasks performed by the employees on site and are these kept on file?
Has the site performed a PPE hazard analysis for the identified risks or tasks performed?
Do employees perform a job safety briefing before each task?
Does the site have a LOTO procedure?
Does the LOTO procedure address contractors who work on site equipment?
Does the site maintain an arc flash procedure?
Has an arc flash assessment been performed on the electrical system for the site?
Does the site have a HazCom plan?
Does the site have a fire protection/prevention plan?
Does the site maintain SDS's for all chemicals kept on site?
Does management complete proficiency assessment on site employees?
Safety Equipment
Are hard hats, safety glasses, and hearing protection readily available for employees?
Are safety boots or shoes required when performing work on site?
Does the site maintain High Voltage gloves and are they tested according to manufacture requirements?
Are protective gloves required to be worn when working with or around solar panels?
Are first aid kits maintained on site and inspected at least monthly?
Does the site have an AED?
Does the site maintain and use arc flash protective clothing when required by the procedure?
Are adequate fire extinguishers located on site?
Are fire extinguishers inspected monthly and annually and records maintained?
Does the area where the batteries are located have an emergency eyewash with at least 15 minute flow capasity?
Are the batteries terminals protected from accidental contact?
Does the electrical room where batteries are located provided with adequate ventilation?
Have employees received training on the site emergency plan?
Do site employees receive electrical safety training?
Does employees receive LOTO training?
Are employees trained in arc flash protection?
Do employees receive personal protective equipment use training?
Are employees trained in CPR, First Aid, and AED?
Have employees received training on how to perform a JHA or Job Briefing?
Does the site perform a contractor orientation before allowing work to be started on site?
Are contractors apprised of how to contact emergency services during orientation?
Is there a method in place to verify contractors are qualified to perform the assigned work?
During contractor work at night is there a company employee on site to coordinate work?
Are contractors required to have a current drug screen?
Does the site have contract security?
Does the security company provide a report to the site employees (daily, weekly, monthly)?
Is the site fenced and gated?
Does the gate stay closed at all times and access only allowed by the site employee?
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