Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Maintenance Organisation

  • Contractor

  • Date

  • Contractor's CEC accreditation number


  • Has the Contractor completed the site induction?

  • Has the Contractor completed a Safe Work Method Statement?

  • Identify any obstructions or structures that may be causing shading or shadowing the Solar panel array in current situation and in the foreseeable future.

  • Clear surrounding vegetation as a bushfire protection measure.

  • Ensure appropriate controls are in place for working safely at heights.

  • Is any major defect found? Isolate the system if major defects are found.

PV Modules and Mounting Structures

  • The monitoring system is fully operational, including firmware up to date? (Investigate and rectify any alert notifications received.)

  • Are the Modules Cleaned? (When cleaning water and detergent is to be used only.)

Check and resolve any visual defects for all individual modules including:

  • Dirt, debris, or soiling?

  • Fractures (chips or cracks on the panels)?

  • Browning or discoloration of the solar panels?

  • Moisture penetration (can appear as bubbles or streaks)?

  • Signs of rust or corrosion on the frame?

  • Obstructions such as leaf litter preventing airflow beneath the PV arrays?

  • Non-UV rated cabling is not exposed to direct sunlight?

  • Check that cabling is secured in place and not hanging loose?

  • Check for loose and missing panel clamps?

Check and ensure the following are compliant

  • Signage & labelling (including noting Signs of UV Damage)?

  • Modules are securely fastened to mounting rails?

  • Check mounting rails are securely fastened to roof?

  • The solar panels are appropriately tilted to the horizontal in the intended direction?

  • The panels have appropriate ventilation? (Remove any items/objects that are causing blockage)

Wiring and Electrical

  • Are there any recalled electrical items in use?

  • Connections are checked for tightness, corrosion and deterioration?

  • PV array electrical output is consistent with prevailing weather conditions?

  • DNSP checks (if applicable)?

  • Check all earthing connections for tightness, Corrosion, earth continuity and earth resistance (both DC and AC)?

  • Check mechanical integrity of all conduits/cable tray?

  • Array number: String:
  • Nameplate VOC(V)

  • Nameplate AOC(A)

  • No load condition VOC(V)

  • No load condition VOC(V)

  • Under load condition VOC(V)

  • Under load condition VOC(V)


Inspect roof level and ground level DC isolator boxes for:

  • Tightness of connections?

  • Water accumulation/build-up?

  • Integrity of lid seals?

  • Integrity of cable entrance, gland, and/or conduit sealing?

  • Integrity of mounting support?

Protective Devices

Inspect the following:

  • Fuses and fuse holders if in use (maintained degree of protection of at least IPXXB or IP2X)?

  • Verify operation of CBs and RCDs?

  • Verify operation of earth fault protection system?

  • Verify operation of solar array isolation devices?


Inspect Inverter for:

  • Accessibility / Ventilation?

  • Any error codes in accordance with the manufacturer’s documentation?

  • Is inverter station operating correctly?

  • No objects are located around the inverter that may impede the flow of air for cooling?

  • Run anti-islanding test on the inverter?

  • Service inverter in accordance with the inverter manufacturer’s documentation?

Inverters Details:

    Inverter number:
  • Inverter Capacity in KW

  • Measured Output (kW)

  • Last 12 Months of Generation

Solar Production (last 12 months)

  • Optimal solar production

Inverter Cage

  • Check the inverter cage is locked and has restricted access?

  • Conduct a visual check to verify the structural integrity of the inverter cage?

  • Ensure appropriate labels are visible?

  • Ensure the cage is locked?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.