
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel interacted with during audit


  • 1.1 Current Emergency Evacuation Plan & Procedure displayed in appropriate positions around site

  • 1.2 Fire Extinguishers are marked correctly on evacuation plan

  • 1.3 Emergency assembly & Muster points are highlighted on the evacuation plan

  • 1.4 Location of First Aid kits are marked on the evacuation plan

  • 1.5 Emergency Exits are marked correctly on evacuation plan

  • 1.6 Emergency Numbers displayed on evacuation plan and include

  • 1.6 Emergency Numbers displayed on evacuation plan include:

  • * Local Police Station

  • * Local Fire Brigade

  • * Local Hospital

  • * Western Power or electricity source

  • * Gas

  • * Chemwatch

  • * Water & Sewerage

  • * Site Managers phone number

  • 1.7 Firefighting equipment in place and in good condition

  • 1.8 Fire extinguishers are correct type for the area

  • 1.9 Fire extinguisher signage is in place and correct

  • 1.10 Fire extinguishers are serviced every 6 months and fitted with anti-tamper tags

  • 1.11 1 metre clearance maintained around fire fighting equipment

  • 1.12 Access to fire fighting equipment is clear

  • 1.13 Fire Breaks in place and adequate if near site boundries

  • 1.14 Access to switchboards is clear and unobstructed

  • 1.15 Smoke alarms fitted in buildings as required

  • 1.16 Emergency assembly / muster area(s) sign posted

  • 1.17 Emergency assembly / muster area(s) have a clear path to them and are free of debris

  • 1.18 First Aid kits are available with correct signage displayed

  • 1.19 First Aid kits in good condition and fully stocked (contents list is located on inside of kit - check)

  • 1.20 Are names of first aiders on site located on the first aid kit

  • 1.21 Sign in sheets accurate

  • 1.23 Exits and stairs clear and unobstructed

2 House Keeping

  • 2.1 Access / Egress to work sites

  • 2.2 Caps on star pickets & rebar

  • 2.3 Rubbish bins provided and used

  • 2.4 Materials neatly stacked

  • 2.5 Work platforms clear

  • 2.6 Adequate lighting - night work

  • 2.7 All hoses off ground

  • 2.8 Correct signage in place & readable

  • 2.9 Hazardous Sub's labeling & storage

  • 2.10 Waste stored / removed correctly

  • 2.11 Recycling is occurring

  • 2.12 Do employees pick up stock / litter / spillages off floor & site area

3 Offices and Ablutions

  • 3.1 Crib room clean, tidy and hygienic

  • 3.2 Floors are clean, clear with a safe path of travel throughout area

  • 3.3 Floor coverings / surfaces in good condition

  • 3.4 Toilets clean and hygienic

  • 3.5 No evidence of sewage spills or overflows

  • 3.6 Barricading / signs in place where required

  • 3.7 Access and Egress; trip hazards, condition of flooring, anti-slip, handrails

  • 3.8 Emergency Evacuation Plan

  • 3.9 Air conditioning & Ventilation adequate and filters clean

  • 3.10 Filing Cabinets / Shelving - not overloaded

  • 3.11 Leads, Lighting, Emergency Lighting

  • 3.12 Housekeeping, cleanliness, food / rubbish disposal, hygienic

  • 3.13 Individuals Work Stations are clean and walkways not obstructed

  • 3.14 Office equipment; Shredder protected, good height, ventilation, noise

  • 3.15 Equipment such as chairs, desks, computers, etc. are in good working condition

  • 3.16 Lights are working, covers in place where required and adequate for the job

  • 3.17 Double adaptors and non RCD power boards are not being used

  • 3.18 Electrically operated machines have current testing and tagging (includes kitchen appliances older than 12 months

  • 3.19 Power points and power leads are good condition (no leads across floors or on wet surfaces)

  • 3.20 First Aid Kit available

  • 3.21 MSDS available

4 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • 4.1 PPE available at the worksite

  • 4.2 All appropriate PPE being worn

5 Mechanical / Workshop

  • 5.1 9" grinders not in use

  • 5.2 Clips fitted to all hoses

  • 5.3 Correct discs used in grinders

  • 5.4 Ladders secured and tagged

  • 5.5 guards fitted to machinery/ tools

  • 5.6 Portable electrical equipment Tagged and current

  • 5.7 Wheel chocks in use / available

  • 5.8 Hand held tools are in good condition and stored appropriately

  • 5.11 Are sufficient stocks of PPE kept?

  • 5.12 Manual handling aids available

  • 5.13 Gas bottles secured / protected from damage or falling over ( e.g strapped or chained to secured fixture)

  • 5.14 Ladders used are in good working condition and quarterly tagged

  • 5.15 Safety warning signs present:

  • * Manual Handling

  • * Eye protection

  • * Keep out - Authorized Personnel only

  • * Visitors report to the Office

  • * Chemicals

  • 5.16 Employees are wearing correct PPE

  • 5.17 A register of authorized employees to operate plant / equipment is available

  • 5.18 Stacked items are safe - not overhanging or leaning

  • 5.19 Are pallets in good condition?

6 Electrical

  • 6.1 Electrical leads, plugs etc are in good condition

  • 6.2 ELCB / RCD used for portable tools

  • 6.3 All equipment tagged correctly

  • 6.4 Leads off ground not near water

  • 6.5 Isolations appropriate & completed

  • 6.6 Earth leads on welders good condition

7 Vehicles and Mobile Equipment

  • 7.1 All vehicles reverse parking or parked fundamentally stable

  • 7.2 Road rules are being followed

  • 7.3 Vehicles meet site requirements

  • 7.4 Daily Pre-start inspection completed and logged on all machinery

  • 7.5 Are equipment prestarts completed by employees

  • 7.7 Are Corrective Actions of defects completed in a timely manner

  • 7.8 Flashing lights & headlights working and being used

  • 7.9 Maintained, clean and sanitary

  • 7.10 Spotter used as required

  • 7.11 Clean / No loose debris

  • 7.12 Radio procedures being followed

8 Traffic Management

  • 8.1 Full segregation of HV - LV and pedestrians is in place

  • 8.2 Park up areas are correct

  • 8.3 Traffic management plans are in place

  • 8.4 Management plans publicised

  • 8.5 Speed limits are marked correctly

9 Roads and Surfaces

  • 9.1 Windrows correct height

  • 9.2 Surfaces firm and safe

  • 9.3 Roads adequate width

  • 9.4 Delineators in place

10 Excavations and Mining

  • 10.1 Trenches and stock piles are correctly battered back

  • 10.2 Barricaded correctly

  • 10.3 Easy entry and exit to Digger

  • 10.4 Loading of Trucks sequenced

  • 10.5 Correct method of digging is being used

  • 10.6 Park up areas are defined

  • 10.7 All signals appropriate

11 Job Start

  • 11.1 SWMS or JHA appropriate & completed

  • 11.2 SWMS or JHA on the job and understood

  • 11.3 Take 5's have been completed and sighted by the inspector

  • 11.4 Permits are appropriate & completed

  • 11.5 Isolations appropriate & completed

  • 11.6 Work area demarked and sign posted

  • 11.7 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for chemicals at the workplace

  • 11.8 Access/egress to work area is safe

12 Occupational Health

  • 12.1 Dust levels low and controlled

  • 12.2 Noise levels acceptable

  • 12.3 Fibrous Material is being controlled

  • 12.4 Vibration is being controlled

13 Hot Work

  • 13.1 Permit in place

  • 13.2 Flashback arresters on cylinders and hand pieces

  • 13.3 All equip (hoses, etc) in good condition

  • 13.4 Fire extinguishers available for all Hot Work

  • 13.5 Earth clamps in correct location

14 Working at Heights

  • 14.1 WAH is being eliminated where possible

  • 14.2 Fall arrest equipment used

  • 14.3 Permit to work at Height in place

  • 14.4 Spotters in place as required

  • 14.5 Drop zone barricading in place

  • 14.6 Dropped objects prevention is in place

15 Craneage Operations

  • 15.1 Crane log books and documentation in place in the crane

  • 15.2 Cranes set up correctly

  • 15.3 Crane operator competent

  • 15.4 Crane lift plan or risk assessment in place

  • 15.5 Crane suitable for the task

16 Confined Space

  • 16.1 Confined space permit in place

  • 16.2 Sentry space permit in place

  • 16.3 Procedure being followed

  • 16.4 Space safe

17 Hydrocarbon Storage

  • 17.1 All hydrocarbon materials inside bunds

  • 17.2 Oil spill equipment available, status

  • 17.3 No evidence of stains / spillage

  • 17.4 Bunds fully effective

  • 17.5 Fuel-containing equipment and plant in trays or provided with other bunding

18 Flora and Fauna

  • 18.1 All clearing approved

  • 18.2 VDAs in place for all activities

  • 18.3 Rehabilitation carried out correctly

  • 18.4 Priority flora is identified and fenced

  • 18.5 Topsoil stockpiled and signposted

  • 18.6 No evidence of unauthorized disturbance

  • 18.7 Easy exit for fauna from trenches & pits

  • 18.8 Bore caps in place & conduit ends taped

  • 18.9 All weed free certificates in place

  • 18.10 No weeds growing in project areas

19 Water Management

  • 19.1 Work area taps, pipes and pumps are in good condition and not leaking

  • 19.2 Water holding facilities appropriately constructed (drainage of standpipes, depth)

20 Erosion

  • 20.1 No erosion from stockpiles

  • 20.2 No erosion of gullies and streams

22 Occupational Health and Safety Administration

  • 22.1 Is there a procedure for personnel to refuse working where they feel that injury or harm could occur to themselves or to other people

  • 22.2 Danger Tags are available and being used correctly site wide

  • 22.3 Current Company HSE Policies are on display in a prominent position

  • 22.4 Is the management team (Project Manager, Supervisors etc.) actively involved in Health and Safety activities

  • 22.5 Are employees given an opportunity to provide feedback or suggestions on Health & Safety matters

  • 22.6 Have Site Specific Risk Assessments been completed on contractors

  • 22.7 Is the Site Specific Risk Assessment Current

  • 22.8 Are controls been put in place to control hazards identified (review site specific risk assessment)

  • 22.9 Has the employee completed Specific Training for their role (review on the job training records)

  • 22.10 Employees who conduct specialized tasks have received Verification of Competencies ( VOC) or appropriate training if required (check employee personnel files for record of training (Assessment Matrix)

  • 22.11 Has each crew been established with a First Aider (check training matrix)

  • 22.12 Employees who conduct specialized tasks have received appropriate training in WHS Related Matters

23 Chemicals

  • 23.1 Are only approved chemicals being used as per the Approved Chemical Register

  • 23.2 Chemicals stored on site are not expired or obsolete

  • 23.3 Chemicals are not decanted (substances must be in original containers with original labels)

  • 23.4 Are all the chemicals clearly labelled

  • 23.5 Material Safety Data Sheets present at location where Chemicals are kept and easily accessible

  • 23.6 Containers in which chemicals are stored are in good condition and are not leaking

  • 23.7 Nominated area in which chemicals are stored is locked allowing only restricted access and bundled

  • 23.8 Gas bottles secured/ protected from damage or falling over (e.g strapped or chained to secured fixture)

  • 23.9 Is there adequate ventilation where chemicals are stored?

  • 23.10 Spill kits available and fully stocked

  • 23.11 Are emergency showers or eye wash stations available & easily assessable?


  • Remarks

  • Person completing form

  • Witness/Participant

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.