Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Report Details

  • Name Of Auditor

  • Store Location
  • Date Of Inspection

  • Signature of Auditor.

  • Any Notes?

Shop Front


  • Are the shop windows clean?<br>

  • Is the shop front clean and clear of rubbish such as but ends, weeds, chewing gum etc.<br>

  • Are any side entrances clean and well presented.<br>

  • Is the sign clean and not damaged?<br>


  • Window POS, inlcuding digital, correct and to guidance?

  • Is legal store signage displayed (Opening Times, No Smoking, Smoke Cloke)

  • Do the trading times match what is displayed on CTI and our website? <br>

  • Check opening hours vs competition<br>

  • Is the chalkboard message appropriate for demographic?<br>

  • Is A Frame outside where permittable, no damage and correct POS displayed?<br>


  • No signs of tampering with front locks<br>

  • Are lights fully working?<br>

  • Is the chalkboard in good condition? IE. not fading in colour<br>

Shop Floor


  • Is the carpet clean and hoovered? Does it need replacing?<br>

  • Is the shop floor and display units clean and dust free?<br>


  • Are all the lights working in the store? Is the store well lit?<br>

  • Demo tables in good condition and clean?<br>

  • Back door code working?<br>

  • All property challenges reported and logged?<br>


  • Is the store merchandised to latest POS Guidelines?<br>

  • All POS clean with no rips or damage?<br>

  • All digital displays working in store?<br>

  • Are all dummy phones present? <br>

  • Are all live handsets / Tablets demo ready, charged as per live demo P&P? <br>

  • Are screens on devices clean and no fingerprints present?<br>

  • All devices priced correctly, check latest pricing cascade / pricing and promo tool?<br>

  • Leaflets current and appropriately positioned?<br>

  • Is the CIOT section complete with correct content and tablet working?<br>

  • Business area set up?<br>


  • All accessories priced Correctly? <br>

  • Accessories pulled forward with no gaps?<br>

  • All accessories lines out?<br>

  • Accessories well merchandised and lined up?<br>


  • Are chairs tucked in?<br>

  • Till areas clean and tidy.<br>

  • Draws checked and clear of junk.<br>

  • Do we have top up cards?<br>

  • Are bins under tills emptied?<br>

  • Are all units locked and keys with Key Holder?<br>

  • All till points fully equipped? (Stationary , Paper etc)

Back of House

  • Toilets, clean tidy, with toilet paper, hand soap and air freshener?

  • Kitchen clean and tidy?

  • Fridge clean and in use?

  • Microwave clean and in working order?

  • Cupboards clear of junk and damaged items?

  • Bins clean and emptied?

  • Old POS removed and destroyed?

  • Old uniform removed?

  • POS and shop-fittings well organised and not over stocked?

  • Damaged shop fittings removed?

  • Stairs clean and clear of rubbish?

  • Fire exits clear of obstructions?

  • Fire exits clear outside?

  • Back of house clean and tidy?

  • Noticeboards and Communications up to date and being used?

  • Daily sales tracker visible?

  • Store commission tracker in place?

  • Store TNPS performance visible ?

  • Store lockers organised ?

  • Back office door secured at all times?

  • Meeting room clean?

Office and Admin


  • Do the rotas match footfall requirements?

  • Team rotas in place and 5 weeks done minimum?

  • Rotas to match FTE?

  • Weekly Kronos signed off- Mondays?


  • Correct Posters Displayed in the Back Office?

  • 1 Assurance Quick Check

  • 2.H&S Policy

  • 3.Environment Policy

  • 4.Quality Policy

  • 5.WEEE Policy

  • 6. WEEE One Pager

  • 7.Employee Liability Certificate

  • 8.Public Liability Certificate

  • 9.H&S Law Poster

  • 10.Absolute Rules Poster

  • 11.PCI Poster

  • 12.My name is Susan Poster

Store Phone

  • Is the Store phone working and with the manager on the day?

  • Are all voicemails listened to and responded?

  • Appropriate voice message on voicemail left and compliant?

Repairs/Courtesy Phones

  • Are courtsey phones cleansed reconciled each week against Jack Levels and Loan Phone report?

  • Repairs checked in store?

  • Repairs checked on store system?

  • Store using Appointment booking?

  • Is the Tech laptop working and used?


Uniform and Cleanliness

  • Are colleagues wearing appropriate Uniform ?<br>–White long-sleeve t-shirts (M&F) as appropriate<br>–Red polo shirts – Advisor and Tech Team (M&F)<br>–Fleece (M&F) as appropriate<br>–Name Badge<br>–Footwear - Converse style<br>- Dark Blue Jeans (no rip/tear)

  • Are all the team well groomed and condition of uniform well presentable?


  • Buisness advisor with phone, email and electronic business card set up?

Training and Development

  • Advisor development plans in place and folders up to date?

  • Team training and comms log in place and being used?

  • Are the team up to date with Fuse briefings? Check and Test?

  • Are 121's in place and recorded for all team members?

  • Evidence of coaching on the run in place?

  • Evidence of performance management in place?

Actions from Regional Meeting


  • Coaching Sheets Sent to Andrew.hendrick@vodafone.com

  • Appoint a TNPS champion within your store?

  • Use the word cloud, what words crop up?


  • Use of Accord Discounts<br>Discount Used for <br>30% Additional Tablet/phone<br>20% Additional MIFI/dongle<br>10% Additional SIMO <br>

  • Over Target NBA second line

  • Competitor Analysis? Give 3 Examples


  • Any evidence of engaging the local community? Please add notes.

  • Any Store Incentives for selling CIOT?

  • Tech adviser Plans set for current month? sent to Andrew.hendrick@vodafone.com?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.