Title Page

  • Organisation

  • undefined

  • undefined

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Head of Directorate

Management Commitment

  • Where is safety perceived to be in management’s priorities?

  • How visible are senior leaders in the workplace?

  • Do they talk about safety when in the workplace and is this visible to the workforce?

  • Do they deal quickly and effectively with safety issues raised?

  • Do their actions show balance between safety and production?

  • Are managers trusted with to address safety matters pro-actively?

  • How are the above points demonstrated to the workforce?


  • Is there effective two-way communication regarding safety?

  • How often are safety issues discussed with middle management?

  • How often are safety issues discussed with colleagues?

  • Are safety objectives clearly communicated to employees?

  • How open are are employees with regards to discussing safety?

Employee Involvement

  • Employees at all levels are involved in safety matters?

  • Select from range

  • Employees are asked for input regarding safety issues?

  • Employees report near misses and unsafe conditions?

  • Employees have suitable mediums for discussing safety? (Workshops, committee meetings etc.)

  • Safety is perceived as everybody’s responsibility?

  • There is genuine cooperation with regards to safety?

Training and Information

  • Employees are confident they have the training and information they need to fulfil their role?

  • A suitable system is in place to identify training needs?

  • Training is effective in meeting the needs of the employee?

  • Employees perception of hazards and risks is accurate?


  • Managers give feedback on safety performance?

  • Managers are likely to notice unsafe acts and address them?

  • Where required, disciplinary action is applied to safety issues?

  • Do employees feel safe whilst at work?

Procedural Compliance

  • Employees are familiar with the relevant procedures and processes regarding safety critical aspects of their work?

  • Are procedures followed by employees and recognised as organisational standards for addressing risk?

  • Employees are consultant on the development of procedures and able to provide inputb

  • Procedures are linked to risk and unnecessary procedures are considered for withdrawal?

  • Procedures are audited for continuous improvement, streamlining and improving user interface?


  • The organisation truly learns from accident history and incident reporting?

  • Management are aware of the outcomes of accident investigations?

  • Those who report near misses and unsafe conditions receive feedback?


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.