Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Date

  • Visit reference


    Add sub-contractor
  • undefined

Section 1: Site set-up

  • Section 1: site-set up, statutory signs and notices, welfare facilities, First Aid,

Site set-up

  • Is the site entrance adequately and clearly signed?

  • Is the site secure from unauthorized access at all times?

  • Has safe means of access and egress been provided to and from places of work

  • Are pedestrian routes provided and clearly signed?

  • Have traffic routes been designed to segregate pedestrians and vehicles?

  • Where possible can vehicles turn where necessary rather than reversing?

  • Is all required statutory signage displayed? e.g. escape routes, mandatory PPE, no smoking etc.

Welfare Facilities

  • Are welfare facilities suitable and sufficient for the number of operatives on site and compliant with Schedule 2 (CDM 2015)

First Aid

  • Are there adequate and appropriate first aid provisions on site, including an appointed first aider/emergency first-aider?

  • Is the first aid notice complete and displayed?

Section 2: Management Arrangements

  • Section 2: statutory documentation, construction phase plan, fire and emergency Procedures, induction, traffic management

Statutory Documentation

  • Are sub-contractor risk assessments and method statements available for review?

  • Is there evidence that risk assessments and method statements are being reviewed?

  • Is there evidence that risk assessments and method statements are being communicated to sub-contractors?

  • Are statutory notices clearly displayed?

Construction Phase Plan

  • Is there a copy of the CPP available on site?

  • Is there evidence that the CPP is regularly reviewed and updated?

Fire and Emergency Procedures

  • Has a person responsible for fire safety arrangements on site been identified?

  • Has a construction project specific fire risk assessment been completed and available for review?

  • Is there evidence that the fire risk assessment is reviewed?

  • Is there a Site fire management plan in place with emergency arrangements and site plan(s) prepared showing suitable escape routes and fire points?

  • detection equipment and fire extinguishers are available at all work locations, and that they are regularly maintained?

  • Are all emergency routes and exits clearly indicated by statutory signs and lighting?

  • Are there suitable arrangements in place to manage hot-works?

  • Are externally stored combustible materials and bins kept away from buildings?

Induction and Training

  • Is there evidence that all staff, including visitors receive a site specific induction

  • Is evidence of competence recorded for sub-contractors where required?

  • Is internal training up to date for the site management team?

Traffic and Logistics Management

  • Is there a traffic management procedure in place?

  • Does the traffic management plan reflect the conditions currently on site?

  • Are material storage areas identified?

  • Are materials stored in a safe manner?

Public Interface

  • Has risk to the public been suitably assessed and are measures in place to ensure, where required, any interactions with members of the public are free from risk

  • Has sufficient information been made available to the public regarding construction processes?

  • Have site management engaged with local residents regarding potential disruptions

  • is the public highway maintained and free from debris and contaminents from construction traffic

Section 3: General Safety

  • Section 3: electrical safety, plant and equipment, COSHH, manual handling, housekeeping, noise, vibration

Electrical Safety

  • Is electrical equipment being used, managed and stored in a suitable and compliant manner?

  • Is all portable electrical equipment subjected to periodic PA testing?

  • Are RCD’s used on existing mains voltage?

  • Are cables and leads protected from damage?

  • Is there evidence that cabins are tested within the recommended frequency?

  • Are there safe systems in place for isolation of electrical systems? (lock-out, tag-out etc.)

Plant and Equipment

  • Are the statutory inspection records available for the plant and equipment on site?

  • Do sub-contractor RAMS contain sufficient information assessing the risks and controls associated with specific plant and equipment?

  • Are operating keys kept secure to prevent unauthorized use?

  • Is the equipment suitable for the job?

  • Are suitable instructions on the use and daily maintenance of equipment available?

  • Is there a system in place to quarantine defective plant and equipment until rectified by competent contractor?


  • Have COSHH assessments been carried out on all substances that have been identified as hazardous to health?

  • Are the COSHH product data sheets held on site?

  • Is there an effective system for the receipt, storage, issue, use and disposal of all hazardous substances?

  • Have necessary controls and precautions been identified and put into place e.g. can the material or process be substituted or contained and, if not, is the correct PPE provided and used?

Manual Handling

  • Have the risks associated with manual handling activities been assessed?

  • Are the weights of loads recorded and clearly marked?

  • Have suitable manual handling aids been provided? (curb lifters, pump trucks etc.)


  • Are working areas clean and tidy?

  • Are walkways free from materials and trailing leads?

  • Are materials stored in designated lay-down areas?


  • Are any present noise issues being suitably controlled?

  • Has the risks associated with noise from processes, plant and activities been assessed?

  • Has suitable hearing protection been provided?


  • Has the risk associated with with vibration emitted from processes, plant and activities been assessed?

  • Have suitable control measures been implemented?

Section 4: High Risk Activities

  • Section 4: work at height, plant and vehicle movements, lifting operations, temporary works, scaffolding, excavations, services - underground and overhead, confined spaces, demolition

Work at Height

  • Has the duty holder carried out a risk assessment and identified work at height activities and appropriate precautions?

  • Are working at height procedures and arrangements suitable, sufficient and proportionate to the risk?

  • Are barriers and platforms erected to prevent people or materials from falling from flat, sloping roofs or where fall risk is present?

  • Have all fragile roofs and fragile areas of roofing on site been clearly identified, marked out and protected?

  • Are guard-rails and toe-boards provided where there is no permanent edge protection?

  • Has suitable access and egress been provided for all work at height access equipment?

  • Is there evidence that statutory inspections have been carried out?

  • Has suitable segregation been provided below the working area?

  • Where collective measures are not practicable, hass suitable fall protection equipment been provided?

  • Is fall protection installed as per guidance and manufacturers instructions (i.e. FASET netting)?

  • Is access equipment free from visible signs of defects and damage?

Lifting Operations

  • Is there sufficient evidence that lifting operations have have been suitably planned?

  • Has a competent person been appointed to plan, and supervise each lift?

  • Is there evidence that all lifting equipment and accessories have been subject to thorough examinations within the required timeframe? (LOLER 1998)

  • Is there a lift plan and a method statement for the operation that has been briefed to all personnel involved in the lift?

  • Is the safe working load for lifting equipment prominently displayed and identified in the lift plan/ method statement?

  • Has a suitable and sufficient risk assessment been carried out that considers all aspects of the lifting operation including the location of obstructions etc?

  • Have suitable barriers and signage been erected to create an exclusion zone around the lifting area?

Temporary Works

  • Please tick all temporary works present on site at the time of the inspection

  • Falsework

  • Façade Retention

  • Scaffolding

  • Crane Supports

  • Formwork

  • Trench Support

  • Is there a formally appointed Temporary Works Coordinator / Supervisor?

  • Is there a temporary works register available on site, complete and up to date?

  • Is the relevant design information available for all temporary works on site?


  • Is all scaffolding inspected by a competent person at least once during any period of 7 days and the results entered in a register?

  • Is there a scaffold design/ compliance sheet available and has the scaffold been constructed in line with the design?

  • Are scaffolds in situ, suitable for the intended use?

  • Are all required guard rails, toe boards and brick guards in place?

  • Are platforms free from slip and trip hazards (e.g. lapped boards)?

  • Is there evidence that third party unauthorised alterations are being carried out?


  • Have excavations been suitably planned, with consideration for nearby hazards?

  • Have excavations been provided with suitable edge protection/ barriers to prevent fall of persons?

  • Are stacked materials, spoil or plant stored safely, and a safe distance from the edge of the excavation?

  • Are there suitable measures in place to support the excavation and prevent collapse? (physical supports such as trench box, battering etc.)<br>

Services (Underground and OHPL)

  • Are the presence of service considered and suitable information available?

  • Is calibrated service location equipment available on site and staff who are trained to use it?

  • Has suitable protection from OHPL's been implimented in line with GS6

  • Where excavation works are undertaken, have nearby services been identfied and clearly marked

  • Are safe digging practices followed in line with HSG47

  • Are materials prevented from being stored directly under OHPLs

  • Have permits to dig or enter been issued where necessary?

Confined Sapce

  • Has a suitable risk assessment been carried out for work in the confined space?<br>

  • Is a permit to work system in place for work in the combined space?

  • Is there competent persons available to carry out any confined space work?

  • Are provisions available for gas monitoring and Breathing Apparatus?

  • Are arrangements in place for venting the confined space prior to entry?


  • Is there a suitable demolition plan in place

  • Has a competent person been appointed to oversee demolition operations?

  • Is there evidence that the structural stability has been correctly assessed?

  • Where required has the scaffolding been netted, monoflexed or hoarded off?

  • Is there evidence to show that all services have been disconnected?

  • Is the demolition area and surround vicinity suitably sectioned off?

  • Is there adequate dust suppression where required?


  • Is there evidence that a suitable asbestos survey has been carried out and findings are recorded in an asbestos register

  • Is there evidence that operatives have been briefed on the presence of asbestos

  • Is there a process in place to manage the inadvertant discovery of ACM's

Dust (COSHH)

  • Are any present dust / fume issues being suitably controlled?

  • Is dust on site haul roads and material stockpiles damped down adequately on dry/windy days?

  • Are public roads regularly cleaned using a road sweeper ?

  • are dust emitting processes suitably assessed with sufficient control measures?

  • Are control measures implemented and followed by operatives?


  • Are there any additional risks that have not been covered in the previous sections?

  • Please provide detail of additional hazards and risks

  • Scoring


  • Please provide a summary of the overall conditions on site


  • Inspector

  • Site Representetive

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.