Title Page
Serial Number
Sales Order Number
Date of Pre Delivery Inspection
Conducted by
Dip Stick(s) fitted?
Engine Oil at an appropriate level?
Pump Oil at an appropriate level?
Have you topped the oil up?
Is there any damage to the electrical cables?
Are all hoses/accessories/connections compatible for this machine? (pressure rated, fit together etc)
High/Low pressure mode working?
Float valve operating correctly?
Bypass operating correctly?
Chemical injector working?
Burner operating correctly?
Thermostat operating correctly?
Pressure switch operating correctly?
Is the Engine Running Smooth?
All Switches operating correctly?
Are there any Leaks?
Has the Leak(s) been Rectified?
Operating Pressures (PSI)
Current Draw (amp)
Is there any Damage to the Machine or Accessories?
Clean Machine
Photo of Pre Delivered Machine and any Relevant Accessories