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Maintenance Activity Outcome Evaluation

Mowing Operations

  • Is Turfgrass cut evenly, to specified seasonal heights and without shredding or surface damage?

  • Is the Turfgrass surface free of grass clippings, debris and rubbish?

  • Is grass maintained according to seasonal mowing heights within all boundaries, including the external perimeter of the boundary fence and around infrastructure, e.g., spoon drains, cricket wickets, goals, valve boxes etc.?


  • Are Turfgrass fertiliser levels providing adequate vigour?

  • Are Turfgrass density levels adequate & uniform outside of high-wear areas?

Weed Control

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ broadleaf weed free condition? (hydrocotyle, capeweed, jo-jo, flatweeds, wireweed etc)

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ Summer Grass free condition?

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ Poa annua free condition? (Control of Poa annua)

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ Kikuyu Grass free condition? (On sportsfields being maintained as monostand or understorey of couch)

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ Grass Weed free condition? (goosegrass, crowsfoot grass etc)

Pest Control

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ pest free condition? (underground cockchafer and similar grubs)

Disease Control

  • Is the surface in a ‘near as practicable’ disease free condition? (e.g. Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Drechslera, Fairy Ring Disease, Yellow Tuft etc)

Ground Conditions

  • Is the sportsground surface even, free from holes, divots, trip hazards, subsided trenches, etc. to provide a safe and playable surface? (where issues are present have minor topdressing works completed within 1 week)

  • Have any damaged areas (no greater than 20m²) been reported to council and minor remedy strategies submitted?

  • Is the Sportsgrounds surface firmness uniform, free from excessive hardness or softness outside of seasonal influences or inherent issues?

  • Is the Cricket Pitch covering applied with sufficient material to effectively cover the entire synthetic pitch without causing damage to abutting turf?

  • Are adequate, timely and correct actions undertaken to rectify damaged areas?

Ground Fixtures

  • Are Sportsground in ground assets maintained to preserve weatherproofing / aesthetics and in safe condition?

  • Have any graffiti impacted fixtures been cleaned to remove, or where required, reported to council?

  • Is all Sportsground fencing maintained in good order, including access gates, service gates and padlocks?


  • Is the irrigation applying adequate moisture across the surface (system limitations notwithstanding)?

  • Is the turf surface free from any areas of visible moisture stress?

  • Is the irrigation system free from any visible bursts, or damaged / defective components?

  • Are all irrigation heads and valve boxes set to appropriate levels?

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