Project name
SSE reference number (if known)
Principal Contractor
Principal Contractor representative
Subcontractors present on site
SSE site representative
Prepared by
Inspection carried out on:
Site entrance
Please take a photograph of the site entrance
Outstanding previous actions
Are there any any outstanding actions from the previous visit?
Initial verification checks
Has everyone reversed parked on the site?
Is there a sign in book on the site?
Is there a valid F10 displayed?
Is a completed H&S Law poster displayed on site?
Is there a valid employer's liability compulsory insurance certificate displayed?
Is there a site induction register?
Is the an accident book on the site?
Is there an SSE risk board on site?
Does it clearly state who owns the risk board?
Does it state when this was last updated?
Are RAMS held on site for current activities?
Is there a current ladder register held on site?
Is there a current portable appliance testing register held on site?
Is there a lifting register held on site?
Is there a register of toolbox talks held on site?
Is there a current scaffold register held on site?
Is there a plant register held on site?
Activities / processes with the potential for loss of life or major injury (tick all the apply)
Confined space work
Drilling or blasting
Excavations (with or without plant)
Lifting plant
Movement of site plant
Underground working
Working with / near live electrical equipment
Working at height
Working above or adjacent to water
Activities or processes with potential for serious environmental damage
Re-fuelling of site plant
Storage of fuels, oils and chemicals
Matters of evident concern
Matter of concern
Corrective action agreed
Date for completion
Positive observations
Positive observation
What did you see?
Did you acknowledge this and, if so, how?
Sign off section
Principal Contractor representative
SSE site representative
SSE Safety Family visitor