Title Page
Site conducted
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Audit - If any defects are found a note must be completed with accompanying photo
Tips - Stockpiles
Are there any signs of instability, activity, or movement affecting the crest, face or toe of the tip (including loading out)?
Is the tipping area level?
If tipping on top is the edge protection too low or inadequate at the crest, edges or along ramps?
If tipping on top is end tipping prevented?
Is there Inadequate drainage with water ponded on top, running over crest, issuing from face, seeping out of toe or ponded around base?
Are there any Quality Issues in the stockpiles? Eg. Oversize, Contamination or Material Too Wet?
Any other recent or unexpected activities close to the tip which might affect safety, security and stability?
Tips - Raw Material to Plant
Are tipping operations of unprocessed material at the plant being undertaken?
Is the tipping area level?
If tipping on top is the edge protection too low or inadequate at the crest, edges or along ramps?
If tipping on top is end tipping prevented?
Is a Loading Shovel being used to manage the tip?
Are the tips safe, not showing signs of failure and have where applicable adequate bunding?
Is there Inadequate drainage with water ponded on top, running over crest, issuing from face, seeping out of toe or ponded around base?
Are there any signs of instability, activity, or movement affecting the crest, face or toe of the tip (including loading out)?
Any other recent or unexpected activities close to the tip which might affect safety, security and stability?
Haul Roads & Edge Protection
Is there a full safety bund along side edges and water bodies (except in restored areas where this is not applicable)?
Are there any edges without adequate 1.5m Edge Protection?
Are there any potholes, deterioration of surface or any obstructions that make driving conditions difficult or hazardous?
Are any haul roads of insufficient width?
Has any mineral from adjacent tip/face or dumper body spilled out onto the road?
Are there any gullies overflowing, water ponding on the road or erosion of the road surface due to inadequate drainage measures?
Any traffic control measures or signs along the road that are damaged, obscured or illegible?
Have you missed any new working areas that need edge protection?
Lakes - Including Silt Placement for Restoration
Any area signs of instability or movement affecting the crest, face or toe of the embankment?
Any areas of weak ground, over-steep banks, animal burrows, erosion or seepage posing a significant safety or stability hazard?
Is there Inadequate freeboard (<1m), impeded outflow, water over-topping embankment or escape of material in suspension or solution?
Is there impeded inflow, blockages or obstructions in drainage channels, water flooding surrounding area?
Is there any edge protection too low or inadequate, lifebuoys and signage missing or damaged?
Faces above working areas - Dry Excavations/Stripping
Are there any faces above working areas present?
Are there any signs of instability or movement affecting the crest, face or toe?
Description and Remedial Actions Required:
Any areas of loose material, weak ground conditions or overhangs which could cause harm or damage to people or plant working below?
Description and Remedial Actions Required:
Any water running over the crest, issuing from the face, seeping out at the toe or lying ponded above or below the face?
Description and Remedial Actions Required:
Any other recent or unexpected activities in or close to the face which might affect safety, security and stability?
Description and Remedial Actions Required:
Any edge protection at the crest of the face too low or inadequate?
Description and Remedial Actions Required:
Excavations - Dry including Stripping activities
Are Stripping Activities been undertaken?
Are working faces stable?
Is the temporary edge protection in place and adequate?
Are all dry excavation faces stable?
Is there adequate edge protection where vehicles have access?
Excavations (Casting Wet)
Are Excavations (Casting Wet) been undertaken?
Is the working area stable?
Are there suitable life buoys available?
Has the Daily Extraction From Under Water Risk Assessment been completed prior to work commencing?
Is there adequate edge protection where vehicles have access?
Short Term Tips (Active - Restoration)
Are tipping operations being undertaken?
Are the tips safe, not showing signs of failure and have adequate bunding? (Bunding not applicable in restoration tip)
Is the tipping area level?
Is end tipping prevented?
Are there any signs of cracks, slumping or movement appearing?
Is a Dozer being used to manage the tip? (Or if no tipping today, has a Dozer been used?)
What measures are in place to keep the tip level and prevent end tipping?
Is the material that is to be hauled for processing of a suitable quality?
Quality Issues / Remedial Actions:
Did you note any other points of interest or concern (if yes please give details)?
List of Interests or Concerns
Any defects requiring Geotechnical Department / Specialist Notification?
Details of recommended remedial works / actions
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