Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
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Untitled Page
Untitled Page
Safety plans and records
Haz-Com and MSDS sheets available?
Fall protection plan?
Steel erection safety plan?
First-aid kit available?
Weekly toolbox training?
Hard hats worn at all times?
Proper work boots and gloves as needed?
Safety glasses?
Hi-visibility vests or clothing?
Respirators, dust masks and ear plugs as needed?
Fall Protection
Harness and lanyards in satisfactory condition?
Personnel trained in proper fall protection procedures?
Anchorage points acceptable?
Guard rails and cables installed correctly?
Holes covered and marked
Welding and cutting
Harness and lanyards in satisfactory condition?
Hood, goggles and shields being worn?
Leads with tape within 10' of stinger?
No exposed copper on leads?
Oxygen & acetylene bottles upright and secured?
Fire extinguishers readily accessible?
Do operators have proof of training?
Equipment operating properly?
Seat-belts on fork lifts?
Tires, hydraulics and safety features?
Back up alarms operating?
Personnel Platforms
Scaffold use?
Do operators have records of training?
Scissor lifts?
Boom lifts?
Lifts being operated properly?
Fall protection being used?
All inspections up to date?
Operator manual and load charts on crane?
Swing radius barricaded?
Boom angle indicator and anti two block working?
Fire extinguishers charged and available?
Action taken to correct deficiencies?
Auditor's signature
Deficiencies corrected
On job superintendent's signature