
  • Post Stocktake Audit

  • Store

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by


  • Is there a facility to secure invoices, and are the invoices separated by EDSD or DGMS, with the correct stamps in use?

  • Are discrepancies with receipt being investigated, and is there evidence of this ie. stamping?

  • Are there any invoices or stock (direct deliveries) on the HRSH's desk that have not been actioned?

  • Does the HRSH understand the subject to check process?<br>Being checked line by line and credits being processed?<br>Policies & procedures/Stock Management/Receive/Other Deliveries/Receiving Subject to Check Vendors

  • Are loads being received correctly?

  • Check that paperwork and seal number on truck match?

  • Is the milk being received line by line? <br>Print "Received Orders Audit" from Isis to check.

  • Are gift cards received using delivery dockets - not invoice using RF unit to process 4-1-1-1 department F7-16 pick slip?

  • Does the HRSH or relevant Champion know how to action credits? Are all the following credits being actioned correctly?<br>Polices & Procedures/Stock Management/Returns & Credits

  • Milk -<br>Policies & Procedures/Stock Management/Returns & Credits/Paul's/parmalat, Lions

  • Magazines -<br>Policies & Procedures/Stock Management/Returns & Credits/Online Magazine Returns User Guide

  • Newspapers - Policies & Procedures/Stock Management/Returns & Credits/Request For Credit Newspaper

  • DVD's - Policies & Procedures/Stock Management/Inventory Management/DVD Management

  • Mobile Phones / Sim Cards - Policies & Procedures/Store Services/Services/Telecommunications/Mobile Phones Refunds Process Charts

  • Electrical Returns - Policies & Procedures/Stock Management/Returns & Credits/Request For Credit Small Appliances

  • Have the monthly statements been reconciled?

  • Is there evidence of "catch up" receiving of paperwork being completed the next day?

  • Is Food Rescue stock being managed as per procedure?<br>Storenet/supermarkets/Sustainability/waste and recycling/food recycling/program 2 reverse logistics

  • Is there evidence of the correct procedure for dumping damaged stock in use? Check dump stock log.

  • Is the damaged stock being actioned daily?

  • Is the repair station in good condition and being used?

  • Are the back dock bins locked? Are the back dock bin keys in a secure location?

  • Are all staff supervised by a designated manager when dumping rubbish into outside waste bins?

  • Do waste bins contain any unrecorded stock?

  • Are departments using clear bags for rubbish collection?

  • Are cleaners sweepings checked prior to disposal?



  • Are the back dock keys secured when not in use?<br>Are the keys traceable and or accountable at all times?

  • Is the dock alarmed when not in use (where applicable)?

  • Are security items being stored in a secure location?<br>Eg Cigarettes in lock up<br>

  • Are security and perimeter alarms turned on once the store is closed?

  • Is the Security After -Trade Checklist on display and being completed by the Duty Manager?

  • Are check seals available at the staff entry door and kept in a secure location when not in use?

  • Is there 3 known stolen bins located in store (back dock, service desk, lunch room)?<br>Are the bins being actioned weekly?

  • Is the Stock On Hand adjustment log clear of high theft lines eg razor blades?<br>If not please specify.

  • Have there been any Mobile Phone stock on hand adjustments over the last 4 weeks which have not been reversed to known stolen?

  • Are high theft risk lines managed with lower stock fill levels? Eg: Skincare , Razors

  • Are the MPL's reduced in these sensitive areas to reflect minimum amount of stock possible?

  • Are the entry gates working correctly ?

  • Are the EAS gates working correctly?

  • Are EAS tagging disciplines maintained on full range as detailed on the tagging list (from Storenet)?<br>Check the following lines<br>Eveready Super Heavy Duty AA 24 Packs - 173075<br>Maybelline Eyeliner unstoppable onyx - 230139<br>Pantene - all lines with the exception of 750ml which is source tagged.



  • Is the Inventory Manager random reviewing Mispicks for accurate PI verification? Print previous 4 weeks of random reviews completed by the Inventory Manager.

  • Review "Stock on Hand Adjustment Log" in Isis.<br>Are there any abnormal SOH adjustments?

  • Are scanning policies Over $50.00? Check previous 4 weeks Store Markdown Report.

  • Review the full deleted lines report. Does the oldest date on the report exceed 6 months?

  • Check 3 deleted lines on the trading floor. Are the counts accurate?

  • Is there any old dated recall/withdrawal items that have not yet been actioned in the security lock up?

  • Are IBTs actioned correctly? Are there any outstanding IBTs in ISIS that should have been authorised or cancelled?

  • Are IDTs being actioned correctly? Check that realistic amounts of store supplies (ie milk, coffee, tea) have been transferred.<br>( stock on hand adjustment log / IDT )

  • Are goods purchased by the social club being processed correctly? Refer to Storenet "Staff Social Clubs Accounts" for correct processing procedure.

  • Are instore batches and Buying & Marketing batches set up correctly? Eg; GM clearance. <br> ( Stock management / Inventory management / Markdown clearance and dumps / Markdowns )

  • Review clearance batches and check for anomalies.

  • Complete a review of the LR screen for all Longlife Departments covering the Stocktake Period. Have all errors in excess of $20 been actioned?

  • Are Managers on Duty aware of the limits and time frames for warehouse claims and direct vendor claims?

  • Ask what are the limitations for making a claim against the warehouse? (Eg number of cartons charged - not received.)<br>( 1 pallet or $500 )

  • Do they know where to find the information on Storenet?<br>( Company Policy / stock management )

  • Is the Damaged Egg Repair Station being used as per policy? Is it clean / organised and stocked with equipment to perform the process?



  • Print last week's Register Over/Short Report from Storeline (Office). Is there evidence of register discrepancies of $20 or more?

  • Are the following Frontend reports being utilised when investigating discrepancies?

  • Voids Report

  • Operator Voids Report

  • Refunds Report

  • No Sales

  • Unrecalled/Saved Transactions Report

  • Is the daily check on EAS antennas being completed?

  • Is daily check completed on register deactivates using the DV1000?

  • Are staff responding to EAS antenna alarms?

  • Are Service Cashiers bag checking?

  • Are SCO attendants conducting bag checks / trolley checks?

  • Is the SCO attendant using the MACE Model?<br>Mobile - Alert - Confident - Engaging

  • Are SCO attendants being observant to customer purchases and monitoring screen transactions?

  • Ask the Customer Service Team Manager what the correct cigarette filling process is.<br><br>Eg. 1 box brought to the Frontend and filled at a time.

  • Are registers not in use secured with a trolley?

  • Are Epay vouchers and gift card returns managed as per policy?<br>Storenet/store services/ gift cards

  • Are all registers used prior to using multiple operators? Check operator performance report.


CCTV (where applicable)

  • Review CCTV for the following.

  • Back Dock. Check the HRSH is completing seal checks.<br>

  • Back Dock. Security loads (cigarettes). Are they taken to security lock up immediately or left on the dock?

  • Back Dock. Check for adherence to the yellow line policy.

  • Staff Entry Door. After Hours. Is the Duty Manager or person responsible, checking bags upon staff exit?



  • Are returned online order credits being actioned correctly? Eg are we getting a credit on large amounts of perishable items?



  • Are liquor load checks being carried out and discrepancies raised on warehouse lines where applicable?

  • Is there evidence that BWS has excessive dumps?

  • Is there evidence of security tags being used on high theft lines?


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.