
  • Site Number

  • Site Name

  • Conducted on

  • Attended by

Site Information

  • Full Address
  • Site Contact

  • Site Closing Time (Weekend)

  • Parking Availability

  • Additional information


  • For which reason did you attend site?


  • What Model Tills does site have?

  • How many tills are on site?

  • Pictures of each till in location with perspective. (Incl. Cash drawer, surround and printer). Please annotate all pictures.

  • Pictures of each till from the back with evidence of cables being secured neatly with cable ties. Please annotate all pictures.

  • Pictures of each till's power and data points. Please annotate all pictures. On go live if data points are hidden by glasses then please use photo from handover report.

  • Are the tills labelled correctly?

  • Please label all tills correct

  • Are all tills working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

Cash Drawers

  • How many Cash drawers are on site?

  • What type of Cash Drawer has been installed?

  • Does site have cash drawer surrounds?

  • Are all the cash drawers working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

  • Have new cash drawer inserts been setup in Aztec if the sites cash drawer count has increased?

  • Advise the manager to setup in Aztec or the new cash drawer will not be able to be used


  • Printer Make/Model?

  • By which tills are the printers located?

  • Are these all working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

Loyalty Scanners

  • Is the site a Be at One or Common Room brand?

  • Have the scanners been installed and working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • How many loyalty scanners are on site?

  • Loyalty scanner locations

Chip and pin

  • Is it a Stonegate or CU PED install?

  • How many PDQs are on site?

  • Please list each PDQ with the following information...PDQ#, PDQ Location, PDQ type (680 or 820), serial #, PTID, mac address (if 680)

  • PDQ locations (please ensure no glare on the screens of the PDQs on these photos)

  • Are all PDQs labelled correctly?

  • Please label PDQs correctly

  • Are all PDQs working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

  • Have PDQs that are to be returned been collected?

  • How many PEDs are on site in total?

  • How many Fixed Peds (please note model)

  • How many Wireless Peds (please note model)

  • Pictures of PEDs

  • Are all PDQs working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number


  • Is site running KMS or Kitchen Printers?

  • KMS solution?

  • How many screens in total?

  • Details of screen locations

  • Screen locations. (Annotated for reference)

  • Are these all working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

  • KP Make/Model?

  • How many Kitchen printers in total?

  • Details of KP locations

  • KP locations

  • Are these all working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

EPOS Power

  • What EPoS power supply does site have?

  • Details of EPoS board location

  • Picture of board/location

  • Details of board locations and breaker specifics (bar, kitchen, EPoS, etc)

  • Picture of board/locations

  • Notes

Mobile POS

  • Does the site have mobile POS tills?

  • How many in tills in total?

  • Mobile POS PC location

  • Mobile POS tablets

  • Are the mobile pos tablets working correctly?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

HLS (Hotel sites only)

  • Does Site use HLS?

  • Can you successfully do a Post to Room charge?

  • Photo of Transaction on till

  • Reason Post to Room charge doesn't work?

  • Zonal Ref Number


  • Is it a Stonegate or CU phone install?

  • What technology phones are they?

  • Phone locations

  • Phone locations

  • Has the phone divert been removed?

  • Please confirm directly with the manager that the phone with the divert on now does not ring when the site is called. We require the manager to sign this off as the divert has now been removed.

  • Please call RTS helpdesk to remove divert and record helpdesk name and reference here. Please check divert again once confirmation of removal has been received.

  • Has the phone divert now been removed?

  • Please confirm directly with the manager that the phone with the divert on now does not ring when the site is called. We require the manager to sign this off as the divert has now been removed.

  • Are all the phones working?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

  • If the site has the option to make a booking when you call it, call the site and select make a booking option. Please ask the booking person you reach which call centre they are in. For all sites except Be at One it should be the Derby call centre, for Be at One it should be London. Has the correct booking centre been reached?

  • Please confirm which call centre was reached?


  • Is this an RTS, Daisy or Other Install?

  • Who is the ISP?

  • How many Access Points are at site?

  • AP Model?

  • Access Point locations (please ensure AP is shown in relation to where the nearest bar or floor till is so we have perspective on its area)

  • Is the RTS or Daisy Wi-Fi installed and working?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number

  • What is the Wi-Fi landing page and does it match the site's format?

  • Sky Streaming Service Installed?

  • Photo of Line Installed

  • Photo of Router Installed (should be within AV rack)

  • Photo of Laptop

  • Serial Number of Laptop

Public printer

  • Does the site have a public printer?

  • Details of location

  • Picture of Printer in Location

  • Is the printer working?

  • Picture of test print

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

Back office equipment

  • Pos Server Make and Model

  • How many manager workstations are on site?

  • Manager workstations Make/Model?

  • Manager workstation locations

  • Manager workstation locations

  • Amount of BOH switches?

  • Switch Models

  • Do they have an AV switch?

  • AV switch location

  • Picture of AV switch location

  • Primary ADSL location and number

  • Picture of Primary line ADSL location

  • Secondary line ADSL location and number

  • Picture of Secondary line ADSL location

  • Picture of BOH kit (Comms cab or loose switches, PC, etc.)

  • POS Anywhere to Comms Box and capture picture of Z500 Version

  • Are all BOH items working?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number?

  • How many BOH printers are on site?

  • Location of BOH printers

  • Make/Model of BOH printers?

  • Pictures of BOH printer and locations

  • Back office printer working? (Please test both printing and scanning)

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Supplier and reference number?

Music/AV System

  • Is it a Stonegate or CU Music Install

  • What Music/AV system does site have (Select all)

  • Is the music system working and Online? To confirm call Imagesound on 01246 572997 or Kaleidovision on 01992 503773<br><br>

  • What seems to be the problem? Please give as much information as possible and brief Stonegate IT PM

  • Has a call been logged?

  • Call reference number

  • Please give a short description on how it is networked

  • Please confirm name of helpdesk contact and call reference number (if available)

  • Location of Data Point

  • Add media

ID Scanner

  • Does the site have an ID Scanner?

  • Is the ID Scanner working and online?

  • Pictures of ID Scanner in Location and network patching

  • What is the model/make of ID Scanner

  • How is the ID Scanner networked

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

EPOS Till Data

  • Has all EPOS till data been checked against PAR and on-site menus?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Is all data correct?

My Pub App

  • Has the My Pub App been tested?

  • Does it work correctly (full order put through with it printing at correct printer)?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

Red Care Alarm

  • Does the site have a Red Care Alarm line?

  • What is the number of the Red Care Alarm?


  • Does the site have bodycam kit?

  • Is the kit working as it should?

  • Please take a photo of the bodycam kit in situ

  • What is the issue?

Sign Off

  • Any Issues that requires Stonegate's attention?

  • What are they?

  • Have calls been logged for these?

  • Suppliers and reference numbers

  • Pictures of issues (if applicable)

Functional Testing

  • Log on to each till individually, open a table reflecting the till number (ie. Till 1 = Table 1) and put through a Starter, Main Course and dessert; a hot drink and a cocktail. Ensure all items go to the correct printers/screens.

  • Has all functional Till tests pass?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Complete a Test transaction on every PED and confirm they are assigned to the correct bases.

  • Has all functional PED tests pass?

  • Please give as much information as possible. Issues, solution eta, call log numbers etc

  • Has the tills been upgraded?

  • Please take a picture of the "7 day statement of trade" showing sales data for the dry runs. This proves that the till transaction IDs were reset successfully.

  • Are you at a Craft Union Site?

  • Is SOPHOS Installed?

  • What is the host name applied to the device?

  • Can you access the host remotely via the SOPHOS Portal?

  • Details why?

  • Details why?

  • Please summarize all New/Additional/Upgrade works that were completed at site

  • Engineer


The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.