Site Info
Site Conducted
Conducted on
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Exterior Info
Where is the Sky Dish Located?
Image of the dish
Is the dish compatible with a Sky Q LNB?
Will the dish need to be replaced?
What access equipment is required to safely work on the LNB/Dish?
- None
- Small Steps
- 2 Section Straight Ladders
- 3 Section Combi Ladders
- Roof Apex Ladders
- Mi-Tower Standard
- Mi-Tower PLUS
- Full Size Mobile Scaffold Tower
- Genie/Mupe
In your opinion, is the sky dish location suitable and fit for purpose?
If 'No' please explain why?
How many feeds go down to the existing boxes?
Do any EXTERNAL cables need replacing or NEW feeds adding?
Interior Info
Where are the Sky Boxes located?
How many Sky Boxes are there?
Please note the existing sky card numbers
Is there sufficient power for the Sky Boxes?
Is there sufficient power to add a Network Switch, dSCR Multiswitch and any DACs/Audio Delays?
How many additional DOUBLE GANG sockets are required?
Is there Sufficient physical space in the rack for the NEW Sky-Q Boxes, A Network Switch, any dSCR Multiswitches and any DAC's/Delays?
Qty of DAC's required for audio breakout?
How many existing DAC's can we reuse?
Where is the audio signal from each CURRENT sky box connected to?
- Optimal
- BSS Soundweb Blu100
- BSS Soundweb BIB
- Cloud Z4/Z8
- DJ Mixer
- Mixer Amp
- Other
Please specify 'Other'
Where is the existing network equipment?
Video Infrastructure.
How are the EXISTING sky channels changed?
- Sky remote to an RF Magic eye
- Sky remote to an NHD/JAP system
- Sky remote directly to the boxes
- HDA UControl
- Demopad
- Enado
- Other
Please specify 'Other'
What type of video distribution is installed at this venue?
- RF Analogue
- RF DVB-T Modulators
- Wyrestorm NHD
- Wyrestorm Matrix
- Just add Power
- HDAnywhere MHUB Matrix
- Pulse8 Matrix
- Enado
How many outputs does the RF Amplifier have?
How many Analogue RF Modulators are connected to the system?
What make and model Network Switch is installed?
What series NHD TX/RX are installed in the venue?
What model(s) are installed?
What make and model network switch is installed to control the JAP system?
How is the JAP system controlled/switched?
What type/series of JAP units are installed?
What model HDAnywhere MHUB matrices are installed in the venue?
What model Pulse8 matrices are installed in the venue?
How TV's are there in the trading area?
How many Projectors/Screens are there in the trading area?
Are there any other notable points that need raising about the site that may impact a successful Sky-Q upgrade?
Where is the AV Rack located
Where is the AV Rack Located
Example of EPOS comms cabinet
Is the AV Rack located in the same room as the EPOS comms cabinets
Where is the comms cab located?
Please list below cabling requirments
Do you see any challenges with the cabling route between comms cab and AV rack?
Please detail any possible challanges and why? With recommended solution if possible?
Please include any supporting photos of cabling route
Is there a possibility the route runs externally?
Provide details on cable route. Provide as much details as possible
Length of cable run from the office to the AV position (avg in meters)
Will there be trunking required?
Colour of trunking required?
- White
- Brown
- Black Conduit
Number of metres required?
Detail cabling route
Take a perspective photo of the cab and AV rack
Provide annotated photos of cabling route
Is there a patch panel in the AV rack?
Example of unloaded patch panel
Is the patch panel loaded or unloaded?
Model of Patch Panel?
Is there room for a patch panel?
Provide photo of location
Provide photo of where should data be terminated on the wall?
Is an AV switch required?
Is there existing PDU in AV rack?
Is there spare socket on the PDU?
Comms Cab
Size of Comms cab
- 6u
- 9u
- 12u
- 15u
- 18u
- 21u
- None
Where is the switches and routers situated
Provide photo
Example of unloaded patch panel
Model of Patch Panel?
Is the patch panel loaded or unloaded?