Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
**** Report is to be considered an uncontrolled and/or unverified document if there is no original signature next to the electronic versions. ****
Stop, Step Back, Observe
Has a Risk assessment (JSA) been completed for the site/task?
Have you got the correct PPE for the site/task?
Have you been inducted to this site?
If no, is there one available?
Are you going to be escorted?
Have you looked close, looked wide and looked above for hazards?
Walk-Through Tasks
Is the work area in good order?
Is access okay?
Are Safe Operating Procedures available for this task?
Do you understand the job/task requirements?
Identify Hazards
Assess the risk of being struck by vehicles or mobile plant (outside walkways = at risk)
Assess the risk of being or becoming isolated from others (> 50m = at risk)
Assess the risk of communicating with others if in trouble (language or no reception = at risk)
Assess the risk of manual handling activities (over 15kg = at risk)
Assess the risk of accessing and working at heights (at heights = at risk)
Assess the risk of accessing and working in confined spaces (confined space = at risk)
Assess the risk of plant/equipment fail due to poor maintenance, etc (damaged = at risk)
Are identified risks covered by the JSA?
Have you the means to control these additional hazards?<br>Detail hazards and controls.
Access and Control Risk
Is risk assessment available?
What is the level of risk?<br>(If high or extreme - perform a full risk assessment)<br>
Are Hazard(s) removed or controlled?<br>(Provide details)
Have potential problems been discussed/resolved?
Safely Complete Task
Can this job/task continue safely?
Sign off
Sign off as confirmation of understanding
Name, Company, Position & Sign