Title Page
Monthly Store Inpspection
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are the auto doors in good working order?
Is there roller shutters in good working order?
Is the signage free from damage?
Is the exterior fabric of the building in good condition?
Take a picture of the front entrance
Fire Alarm & Sprinkler system
Is the fire alarm fault free?
Is the service sticker in date?
Take a picture of the fire panel
Is there a sprinkler system in store?
Is the service sticker in date?
Take a picture of the fire panel
Entrance Matt
Is the front entrance matt in good & safe condition?
Take a picture of the front entrance matt
Lifts (Passenger/Goods) & escalators
Is the passenger lift(s) working?
Are the passenger lift(s) free from faults?
Take a picture of the passenger lift
Is the goods lift(s) working?
Are the goods lift(s) free from faults?
Take a picture of the goods lift
Are the escalator(s) working?
Take a picture of the escalator(s)
Sales floor lighting
BOH Lighting
Fitting room lighting
Take a picture of the lighting
Sales Floor General Fabric i.e. Walls, flooring, ceiling tiles, mirrors, decor
BOH General Fabric
Fitting room General Fabric
Take a picture
HVAC System
Air Conditioning all works
Are all filters cean
Take a picture
Does the BMS controller fault free
Take a picture
Is there an Air Handling Unit?
Are all filters cean
Take a picture
Is the plant area and equipment in an acceptable condition
Take a picture
Is the BMS panel fault free?
Take a picture
Q-Line Drinks Chiller
Has the filter been cleaned?
Take a picture
Utility Supplies
Are the electrical distribution boars in an acceptable condition?
Take a picture
Water isolation point in an accessible location?
Take a picture
Gas meter in an accessible location?
Take a picture
Has the external fabric, guttering, roofing part of the build been checked?
Is external areas inspected in an acceptable condition?
Take a picture
Other Services/Information
Note any further information which may affect the store trading, branding, health & safety and security.
Take a picture