Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Conducted By
Stores Yard
Is the ground level and free of potholes and defects?
Is the area outside the entrance clean, is it clear for the forklift to be driven around?
Is there adequate signage for pedestrians, i.e. forklifts in use, designated parking areas, etc?
Signage erected to identify hazardous goods ?
Do all of the external lights work?
Is there adequate lighting for the work being conducted?
Spill kits or clean up devices readily available?
Emergency instructions available?
Are demarcation lines in place and free of clutter?
MSDS available for any chemicals used or stored on site?
Guarding fitted to plant and equipment where required?
Adequate signage and all signage displayed?
Fire extinguishers identified, checked and unobstructed?
Materials, tools and equipment stored correctly?
Area free of slips, trips and fall hazards?
Waste containers provided and used?
Any rubbish or debris lying on the ground?
Are pallets stacked correctly?
Required PPE readily available?
All COSHH substances stored in a bunded where required or in a designated area or exclusion zone?
Compressed gases stores correctly and upright?
Site Representative
Livv Housing Group or Livv Maintenance Representative