
Food Premises Details

  • Inspection Conducted On:

  • Premises Name:

  • Trading Address:

  • CIVICA Number:

  • Mailing Address (if different from trading address):

  • ABN/ACN:

  • Proprietor / Company Name:

  • Proprietor Email:

  • Proprietor Phone No.:

Inspection Details and Result

  • Inspection Type

  • Food Risk Rating

  • Inspection Result:<br>Note: All assessment items marked as' Fail' must be addressed by the specified due date.<br>Items marked as 'Fail-Major' or 'Fail-Critical' have the potential to significantly impact food safety and should be<br>addressed as a priority.

  • Further Action Required:

  • Inspection conducted by:

I have read this report and understand the contents.

  • Proprietor/Employee Name and Signature

General Requirements

  • 1. Food business has notified details to Strathfield Council (Appropriate Regulatory Authority) - 1

  • Due Date

  • 2. If needed, Food Safety Supervisor is appointed and certificate is on the premises - 1

  • ACTION REQUIRED: 1. Appoint a Food Safety Supervisor or complete recertification training if applicable; and 2. Send a copy of the Food Safety Supervisor Certificate to; and 3. Keep the Food Safety Supervisors Certificate on the premises at all times.

  • Due Date

  • 3. Food handlers have skills and knowledge to handle food safely - 1

  • Due Date

  • 4. No handling or sale of unsafe or unsuitable e.g. food that is damaged, deteriorated or perished; no use of cracked or dirty eggs or food past use by date - 4*

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Dispose of all damaged food (includes cracked or dirty eggs), deteriorated food, perished food, and food past its use by date; and do not handle or sell food that is unsafe or unsuitable.

  • Due Date

Food Handling Controls FSS 3.2.2 cl 5 - 12

  • 5. Food protected from the possibility of contamination; food receipt, storage, display and transport - 1,4,8*

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Take all practicable measures to ensure that the food received, stored, prepared, displayed is protected from the likelihood of contamination.

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure all raw foods, such as meat, chicken and seafood are stored BELOW or separate to cooked and ready-to-eat food to prevent cross-contamination.

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure all opened food is stored in food grade containers with tight fitted lids, covered with cling film, or similar to protect food from contamination.

  • Due Date

  • 6. Names and addresses are available for manufacturer, supplier or importer of food - 1

  • Due Date

  • 7. Potentially hazardous food (PHF) is under temperature control: food receipt, storage, display and transport; less than 5 degrees or above 60 degrees Celsius . Frozen food is hard frozen - 1, 4,8*

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure potentially hazardous food that is required to be kept COLD is maintained at 5 degrees Celsius or less.

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure potentially hazardous food that is required to be kept HOT is maintained at 60 degrees Celsius or more.

  • Due Date

  • 8. Processing of foods; take all practical measures to process only safe and suitable food; prevent likelihood of contamination; use process step if necessary. - 4,8*

  • Due Date

  • 9. Cooked PHF is cooled rapidly (2+4 hr rule); items thawed correctly, processed quickly - 4,8*

  • Due Date

  • 10. Reheating of PHF is rapid - oven, stovetop or microwave but not bain marie - 8*

  • Due Date

  • 11. Self serve food bar is supervised, has separate utensils and sneeze guard -1

  • Due Date

  • 12. Food wraps and containers will not cause contamination - 1

  • Due Date

  • 13. Food for disposal is separated from normal stock - 1

  • Due Date

Health and Hygiene FSS 3.2.2 cl 13-18

  • 14. Food handlers wash and dry hands thoroughly using hand wash facilities -4*

  • Due Date

  • 15. Food handlers avoid unnecessary contact with ready to eat food or food contact surfaces by use of utensils, a gloved hand, food wraps etc. - 1

  • Due Date

  • 16. Food handlers do not spit or smoke in food handling areas or eat over exposed food or food contact surfaces - 4*

  • Due Date

  • 17. Food handlers have clean clothing, waterproof covering on bandages - 1

  • Due Date

  • 18. Food handlers wash hands before commencing/recommencing work and after: using the toilet, coughing, sneezing, smoking, handling raw meat, cleaning, etc - 8*<br>

  • Due Date

  • 19. Food handlers do not handle food if ill (eg vomiting, gastro) - 8*

  • Due Date

  • 20. Hand washing facilities easily accessible and used only for washing of hands, arms and face - 1<br>

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Ensure there is easy access to the hand washing facilities at all times; and, the hand washing facilities are only used for the washing of hands, arms and face.

  • Due Date

  • 21. Hand washing facilities have warm running water through single spout, single use towels and soap - 4, 8*

  • ACTION REQUIRED: 1. Maintain at all times a supply of soap, single use towels and warm running water at each of the hand washing facilities (including hand washing facilities at toilets).

  • Due Date

Cleaning and Sanitising FSS 3.2.2 cl 19-20

  • 22. Premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment maintained to an appropriate standard of cleanliness - 1,4,8*

  • Due Date

  • 23. Food contact surfaces, eating and drinking utensils in a clean and sanitary condition/appropriate sanitising method in use (eg chemicals or dishwasher) - 1,4,8*

  • Due Date

Temperature Measuring Devices FSS 3.2.2

  • 24. Accurate temperature measuring device readily accessible (eg digital probe thermometer) Accurate to +/- 1 degree Celsius - 1

  • ACTION REQUIRED: Provide a digital probe thermometer that is accurate to +/- 1 °C; and ensure the thermometer is working and readily accessible at all times. Ensure the thermometer is cleaned and sanitised before and after use.

  • Due Date

  • 25. Single use items protected from contamination and not reuse (eg drinking straws, disposable utensils) -1<br>

  • Due Date

Animal and Pests FSS 3.2.2 cl 24

  • 26. Live animals not permitted in areas in which food is handled -1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 27. Practical pest exclusion measures used (eg screens, door seals) - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 28. Practicable measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage of pests (eg housekeeping, stock rotation, pest controller) - 1

  • Due Date

  • 29. No signs of insect infestation or rodent activity in premises - 1,4,8

  • Due Date

Design and Construction FSS 3.2.3

  • 30. General design and construction of premises appropriate - 1

  • Due Date

  • 31. Adequate supply of potable water available - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 32. Premises has adequate sewage and waste water disposal system - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 33. Premises has adequate storage facilities for garbage and recyclable matter - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 34. Premises has sufficient lighting - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 35. Floors are able to be effectively cleaned, appropriate designed and constructed and don't permit harbourage of pests - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 36. Walls and ceilings are sealed and able to be effectively cleaned appropriate designed and constructed and don't permit harbourage of pests- 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 37. Fixtures, fittings and equipment are able to be effectively cleaned and where necessary sanitised - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 38. Adequate ventilation is provided within the premises - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 39. Premises has adequate storage facilities (eg chemicals) - 1<br>

  • Due Date

Maintenance FSS 3.2.2 cl 21

  • 40. Premises, fixtures, fittings and equipment in a good state of repair and working order - 1<br>

  • Due Date

  • 41. No chipped, broken or cracked eating or drinking utensils observed - 1<br>

  • Due date


  • 42. Food Labelling complies with the Food Standards Code - 1<br>

  • Due date

  • 43. For 'Standard Food Outlet', nutritional information displayed

  • Due date

  • 44. Food business is aware of the Raw Egg Guidelines

  • Due date

  • 45. Food business is aware of its obligations regarding allergens

  • Due date

Email the following items to Council at

  • Photos to demonstrate your compliance with this report

  • Pest Control Report

  • Food Safety Supervisor Certificate

  • Business Registration Form

Scores on Doors

  • Points Total

  • Star Rating

  • Checklist items scoring 4 or 8 points have potential to impact directly on food safety and should be addressed as a priority

Council Contact Details

  • Strathfield Council
    65 Homebush Road
    Phone: 9748 9999
    Fax: 9764 1034

  • NB: Assessment report contains findings from date/time of inspection only

Inspection End Time

  • Select date

Inspection Payment Method

  • At the end of this inspection, payment can be made with a credit card or debit card. Alternatively, an invoice will be issued if payment is not made at the end of this inspection.

  • Payment for this inspection will be made by

  • The proprietor of this business has chosen to pay for this inspection on-site using a credit card or debit card. As the proprietor/ manager, or authorised person of the above food business, I have agreed to make an on-site payment of $196 for this routine food shop inspection by credit card/ debit card in accordance with Council's Fees and Charges.

  • Receipt Number

  • Signature of proprietor/ manager, or authorised person

  • Signature of Authorised Officer

Explanatory Notes and Definitions (Food Standards Code Ch3 standards 3.2.2 and 3.2.3)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.