
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel



  • Add location

Date - Time

  • Select date



Specific task being performed

  • Maine line

  • Service

  • HDD

  • Leak repair

  • Sewer repair

  • Purge

  • Emergency repair

Other task not listed above

Operator Qualifications

  • Does the contractor have proper OQ documentation

  • Are there at least 2 OQ operators present

Safety items

  • Has the contractor completed the mandatory JSA

  • Has the inspector identified any employees not wearing the required PPE

  • List the name / names of any employee who is not wearing the correct PPE below

  • Has the inspector visually confirmed that the fire extinguisher is fully charged

  • Does the task require the use of a flash suit

  • Has the employee worn the suit during the necessary time


  • Has the Dig Safe ticked been verified

  • Has the proposed excavation been properly pre-marked

  • Depth of excavation

  • Is there a trench box being used

  • Are there egress ladders in use every 25' for excavations over 4' deep

  • Are the spoil piles set back to the required minimum of 2'

  • Are there any unprotected holes that require immediate attention

Listed below are any comments that the inspector feels necessary related specifically to safety items

Job-Site Set Up

  • Has proper site set up been completed including proper signage per MUTCD

  • Are there flaggers in use

  • Are the flaggers posted at the beginning of the taper

  • Do the flaggers hold a valid certification

  • Do the flaggers have an escape route

  • Have provisions been made for safe pedestrian access including proper signs

  • Has the site set up properly barricaded the public from entering the work zone

  • Has the inspector had to make any corrections to the job site

Electro-Fusion Inspection Checklist


  • Fusion Technicians Name:

  • Company:

  • Did the operator complete an inspection of equipment for cleanliness and proper operation

  • Did the operator clean pipe ends with a clean, dry, lint-free, non-synthetic cloth, such as cotton


  • Were the pipe ends cut square and even

  • Was the stab depth marked on the pipe with an approved marking tool

  • Was the pipe scraped properly and the stab depth re-marked on the pipe

  • Was the OD of the pipe and the ID of the coupling cleaned with 96% solution isopropyl alcohol and allowed to dry

  • Was an approved scraper used and if so list the type

  • Was the pipe inserted into the coupling to the stab depth marks

  • Was the barcode on the fitting scanned using the reader wand on the processor

  • Was a check made to ensure the fitting was read correctly

  • Was the cooling time recorded on the pipe wall

Sidewall Fittings ( Including patches and tapping tees ):

  • Was the area to be fused marked with a non petroleum based marker

  • Was the area to be fused upon scraped with an approved pipe penetration tool

  • Was an approved scraper used and if so list the type

  • Was the area to be fused re-marked with a non petroleum based marker

  • Was the area to be fused cleaned with 96% solution isopropyl alcohol

  • Was the fitting to be fused cleaned with 96% solution isopropyl alcohol

  • Was the barcode on the fitting scanned using the reader wand on the processor

  • Was a check made to ensure the fitting was read correctly

  • Was the cooling time recorded on the pipe wall

  • Pass

  • Fail

  • Quantity of Fusions Inspected

  • Quantity of Fusions Found Unsatisfactory

  • Actions Taken

Additional Comments


  • Add media

Butt Fusion Inspection Checklist

  • Fusion Technician

  • Company

  • Did the operator complete an inspection of equipment for cleanliness and proper operation

  • Did the operator clean the pipe ends with a clean, dry, lint-free, non-synthetic cloth, such as cotton

  • Were the pipe ends faced to the facer stops

  • Were shavings and chips removed after facing pipe

  • Had the facer stopped rotating before the jaws were opened

  • When the pipe ends were brought together under pressure were any visual gaps observed

  • Did the operator check the alignment of the pipe ends

  • What is the measured amount of misalignment ( inches or MM)

  • Was the operation checked for pipe slippage at fusion pressure

  • Was drag pressure properly calculated

  • Drag pressure observed

  • How was Theoretical Fusion Pressure calculated ( not required for manual machines)

  • Data logger

  • Fusion Pressure Calculator

  • McCalc

  • Formula

  • What was the observed gauge pressure ( Theoretical Fusion Pressure + Drag) that was used to fuse the pipe

  • Was the heater cleaned and the surface temperature checked with a pyrometer

  • What was the observed pyrometer temperature reading

  • Was the recommended shift sequence followed ( hydraulic machines)

  • Was pressure applied during heat soak ( manual machines)

  • Did the bead size against the heater before the heater removal

  • Inspected pipe interfacial area after heater removal

  • Was the condition acceptable

  • Was the locking cam engaged during the cooling cycle ( manual machines)

  • Is the finished bead size uniform and acceptable

  • Completed cooling cycle time (under fusion pressure)

  • Hours

  • Minutes

  • Seconds

  • Is the operator proficient with the Data logger set up and operation

  • Was the joint Data logged

  • Pass

  • Fail

  • Quantity of Fusions Inspected

  • Quantity of Fusions Found Unsatisfactory

Additional Comments


  • Add media

Pipeline Pressure Test Report

  • This form must be completed for each section of newly installed section of pipe or service line that is disconnected from the main for any reason

Pipeline Data

  • Line Location

  • Pipeline Installed By:

  • Completion Date:

Test Data

  • Type of Pipe

  • Size of Pipe (Inches)

  • Length of Line (Linear Foot)

Test Medium

  • Nitrogen

  • Air

  • Natural Gas

  • Water

  • Other (please describe)

  • Time Started

  • Am

  • Pm

  • Time Ended

  • Am

  • Pm

  • Test Pressure Start (PSIG)

  • Test Pressure Stop (PSIG)

  • Line Loss

  • Corrective Measures Taken

Pressure Test Approval

  • Pass

  • Fail

  • Remarks

  • Contractor Representative:

  • Select date

  • Summit Natural Gas Inspector:

  • Select date


  • Add media

Daily Inspection Report - Mains/ Headers

  • Is this a main

  • Is this a header

  • CYBD Number

  • Service a Order Number

  • Tailgate Meeting Held

  • Increased Inspection Frequency

  • Nunber of Days

Crew Member Name and Title - Include OQ Approved ( List Task Numbers)

Inspection Checklist - Task

  • Are at least two OQ'd fusion operators present

  • Were pressure test reports reviewed

  • Were exposed main reports reviewed

  • Are photographs of all crossings within 14' attached

  • Was site material inspected for correctness and quality

  • Was backfill inspected for depth and quality

  • Are as-built drawings current and accurate

  • Quantity of fusions inspected

  • Quantity of fusions found unsatisfactory

  • Crew member performing functions

  • Action taken


  • Add signature

  • Select date

Daily Inspection Report - Services

Crew Members Name and Title - Include OQ Approved (List Task Numbers

Service #1

  • Location - Street

  • Closest Intersection

  • Were pressure test reports reviewed

  • Were exposed main reports reviewed

  • Are photographs of all crossings within 14' attached

  • Was pipe protection required

  • Was the site material inspected for correctness and quality

  • Was backfill inspected for depth and quality

Service #2

  • Location - Street

  • Closest Intersection

  • Were pressure test reports reviewed

  • Were exposed main reports reviewed today

  • Are photographs of all crossings within 14' attached

  • Was pipe protection required

  • Was site material inspected for correctness and quality

  • Was backfill inspected for depth and quality

Service #3

  • Location - Street

  • Closest Intersection

  • Were pressure test reports reviewed

  • Were exposed main reports reviewed

  • Are photographs of all crossings within 14' attached

  • Was pipe protection needed

  • Was the site material inspected for correctness and quality

  • Was backfill inspected for depth and quality

Inspection Checklist - Task

  • Do all new crew members have OQ documentation approved by SNG-ME Forman prior to work

  • Are at least two OQ'd fusion operators present

  • Was fusion plates checked for temperature today

  • Are as-built drawings current and accurate

  • As-built should align with Commercial Report

  • Were pipe fusions inspected

  • Quantity of fusions inspected

  • Quantity of fusions found unsatisfactory

  • Crew member performing fusions

  • Action taken

  • Inspector

  • Add signature

  • Select date

Inspection of Exposed Pipe

  • Location - Street

  • Select date

By house number

By pole number





Depth of Pipe

Types of Pipe

  • Plastic

  • Steel

Condition of Pipe

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • If Pitting, Depth if Pits


  • Condition

Coating Material

  • Epoxy (Green)

  • Plastic (Yellow)

  • Pritec ( Black)

Interior Condition

  • Checked

  • Not checked

If checked:

  • Tap Coupon

  • Pipe Segment


  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Wall thick


  • Signature of Person Reporting:

  • Add signature

  • Signature of Secondary Qualified Reporter:

  • Add signature

Conclusion - Final thoughts and or Comments


  • Add media

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.