Superfly Client Waiver

  • Date & Time

  • Name of Client

  • Gender


  • The Service Provider shall provide the Service Receiver with the possibility to use the entertainment services – gratuitous flights in the AERODIUM wind tunnel (herein after referred to as the Service). In course of the Service free fall conditions are simulated by holding human body in the air by an upward airflow. 2. The Service Receiver shall follow the Terms of Service provided by the Service Provider. The Service Provider shall submit the Terms of Service to the Service Receiver in writing, and the Service Receiver, after reading them, shall confirm his/her consent with these instructions by signing a copy of the Rules of Use of the Service - which remains with the Service Provider. 3. Delivery of the Service shall commence after the Service Receiver has signed both this Agreement and the Terms of Service. 4. The Service Provider shall ensure that the equipment and wind tunnel device used for the Service is properly working and shall continuously monitor the device during the Service delivery. The Service Provider shall adjust the power of the airflow according to the Service Receiver’s weight and skill set. The Service Provider shall bear no liability whatsoever for any consequences that are due to discontinued performance of the device. If the discontinuation has been caused by an interruption in the electricity feeding, then the Service Provider bears no fault whatsoever. 5. The Service Provider shall provide the necessary special clothing and equipment — overalls, helmet, and protective glasses. The Service Receiver shall ensure that he/she meets all other necessary clothing requirements. The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any incident resulting from the behavior of non-compliance by the Service Receiver in regards to this clause. 6. The Service Receiver shall provide everything that is deemed necessary by the Service Provider, to follow the requirements for the use of the Service. This excludes what has been herein defined as an obligation of the Service Provider. 7. Upon the Service Receiver’s request, the Service Provider shall offer the Service Receiver a Consultant’s (Instructor’s) advice on acquiring, retaining, and improving the Service Receiver’s skills and techniques. The Consultant’s (Instructor’s) advice shall not be binding to the Service Receiver. The Service Receiver shall apply the Consultant’s (Instructor’s) recommendations at his/her own discretion, only if he/she is certain that he/she has understood it, is certain about his/her ability to successfully perform it and assumes responsibility of all of the risks during the application of the recommendation. 8. The Service shall be deemed as delivered when a legal possibility to use the Service has been provided to the Service Receiver, and the Service Provider has performed all its aforesaid obligations, in order to deliver the Service. 9. The Service Provider shall have the right to refuse delivery of the Service, if the Service Receiver does not follow the requirements provided in the Terms of Service - especially the requirement that prohibits the Service Receiver from being under the influence of intoxicating substance. If during the Service delivery, the Service Receiver uses intoxicating substances, violates the Terms of Service, or acts in any other way that results in the Service Provider’s reasonable suspicions of the Service Receiver’s ability to make use of the Service without inducing harm to his/her own life, health, or property, the Service Provider has the right to terminate the Service delivery immediately without refunding the paid Service fee. 10. The Service Receiver is aware that by using the Service, he/she performs activities which put him/her at an increased risk of trauma. The Service Receiver upon his/her discretion may acquire insurance that covers against the damages to his/her life, health, and property, which may result from the use of the Service. The Service Receiver is aware that his/her life and health insurance coverage may exclude risks that are related to the use of the Service, and that the Service Receiver can be deprived of insurance payments for any damages resulting from the use of the Service, according to such insurance conditions. 11. The Service Provider shall bear no liability whatsoever for the quality of the Service Receiver’s acquired skills and further, the potential consequences of the application of such skills in his/her other activities.


  • By checking YES, the Service Receiver permits the Service Provider to record-in photographs, video, and audio recordings, or in other ways-- the Service Receiver’s actions. The Service Receiver also permits the Service Provider to use any recordings in any manner upon the Service Provider’s discretion, worldwide, without limitation of term and without obligation to pay any compensation for the use of such recordings. Service Receiver permits the use of his/her image, property image, voice recording, and name for exhibitions, publicity and marketing materials, without limitations. Should the Service Receiver sign this Agreement on behalf of his/her child or minor under guardianship, the said permissions are considered given on the behalf of the child or minor under guardianship. By checking NO, the Service provider forbids the aforesaid.ON RECEIVING THE INFORMATION*<br> YES<br> NO

  • Any Health issues?

  • Can Promotion message/emails can be sent? By checking YES, the Service Receiver permits the Service Provider to use the Service Receiver’s personal information, and further permits the Service Provider to send information on new offers and activities to the Service Receiver. The supervisor of the personal data processing is the Service Provider. The basis of the personal data processing is the Service Receiver’s consent. By checking NO, the Service provider forbids the aforesaid

  • Country

  • City

  • ID Number

  • Email ID

  • Contact Number

  • TERMS OF SERVICE: 1.Service Receiver shall receive the Service individually during the allocated time. During the time of the Service, there may initially be other persons inside the wind tunnel however, when the airflow is turned on, only the Service Receiver shall use the Service. 2.Service Receiver may not use the Service if any of the following circumstances exists: 2.1. Service Receiver is pregnant. 2.2. Service Receiver has recently suffered a bone fracture, or recently had surgery. 2.3. Service Receiver has any form of spinal disorder or has suffered a spinal injury. 2.4. Service Receiver’s shoulder joints are highly susceptible to dislocation. 2.5. Service Receiver is heavier than 140 kg. 2.6. Service Receiver is younger than 4 years or lighter than 15 kg. 2.7. Service Receiver has a disability that deprives him/her the agility, physical endurance (especially cardiovascular endurance), freedom of movement, or dexterity that is necessary for use of the Service. 2.8. Service Receiver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.3. By signing these Terms of Service, the Service Receiver affirms that none of the circumstances mentioned in Article 2 of these Terms applies to him/her. If however any of the circumstances mentioned in Article 2 of these Terms applies to the Service Receiver, the Service Provider may, at any moment, refuse rendering the Service to the Service Receiver-- without obligation to return the money paid for the Service. The Service Provider is also not liable for the damage caused to the Service Receiver, as a result of rendering the Service. 4. Service Receiver’s clothing and accessories necessary for the use of the Service are as follows: 4.1. Service Receiver shall use the overalls, helmet, and protective glasses provided by the Service Provider. Service Receiver must wear close-toed shoes that are firmly fixed to his/her feet. 4.2. Before the use of the Service, the Service Receiver shall take off all jewelry (earrings, necklaces, hair clips, rings, etc.), empty his/her pockets, take off clothing that may restrict free movement (tight vests, jackets, etc.), take off glasses (it is also advised to take contact lenses out of eyes), take off all prostheses, and leave all other objects that may distract the Service Receiver’s attention, or may be torn away by the air flow during the use of the Service, outside of the wind tunnel. During the use of the Service, the Service Receiver shall not take along any objects (belongings which could fall out from his/her pockets etc.).5. While using the Service, the Service Receiver must be able to move freely, and his/her attention must not be distracted by any objects that the Service Receiver may have taken with him/her notwithstanding Article 4.2. 6. The Service Receiver shall consider that the devices used for the Service hold a human body in the air by aerodynamic resistance against the upward airflow of air. 7. By reducing the surface directed against the airflow (for example, when turning one’s side to the airflow) aerodynamic resistance decreases, and the upward airflow may become insufficient to hold a human body in the air. The direction and trajectory of one’s movement in this case is unpredictable. 8. The Service Receiver, on his/her own, shall make sure that his/her health condition complies with the use of the Service. Any examination done by the Service Provider shall be done for the purposes of reducing the Service Provider’s risk, and shall not, in any way, replace an examination that may be done by qualified medical personnel. 9. It is forbidden to use the Service under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The use of alcohol or drugs may lead to great tiredness, sleepiness, delayed reactions, and similar unfavorable physiological conditions of the Service Receiver. 10. The Service Receiver shall obey the Service Provider’s instructions regarding the behavior at the Service delivery location, before and after the use of the Service.



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