Title Page
Site conducted
Vendor Name
Vendor Representative
Vendor Contact (Email)
Vendor Contact (Phone)
Was this Vendor audited in the past?
Date of last audit
Previous Audit Score (%)
Current Audit Start Date
Current Audit End Date
Audit Questions
Vendor Type
Education & Training
The Inspector's qualification certificates, including vision requirements, shall be available for review at the inspection location
Are the Inspectors on location certified in accordance with requirements of DS-1 Standards and DSI?
Are Level 2 MPI certifications available?
Are Level 2 LPT/I certifications available?
Are Vision test results available?
The Calibration of an instrument must be verifiable at the point of use.
Verify a minimum of 3 samples (Click on '+ Inspection Equipment' to add additional equipment)
Inspection Equipment
Equipment Name
Serial Number
Calibration Date
Calibration Expiry Date
Verify if expiry of the equipment is within the calibration frequency specified in the table below.
Add a picture of the calibration tag / sticker
Add a picture of the equipment
Equipment Status
Black Light Connection Inspection
Confirm availability of the below equipment
Blacklight Source
Calibrated Blacklight Intensity Meter
DC Coil (Magnetic field of 1200 amp-turns per inch of connection OD, minimum)
Magnetic Particle Field Indicators (Pocket Magnetometer and either flux indicator strip or magnetic penetrameter/pie gauge)
Calibrated Light Meter
Booth / Tarps to darken the area (if necessary)
Verify whether the minimum intensity of the blacklight is 1000 microwatt/cm2 @ 15 inches from light source)
Black light Surface preparation
Are all surfaces being inspected cleaned such that there are no traces of grease, dope, or other contaminants?
Particle concentration
Is the Particle concentration within the range specified?
Verify field magnitude & orientation under blacklight by placing either magnetic fluxindicator strip or magnetic penetrameter on the internal surface of the connection while the solution is being applied and power is activated.
Was the field magnitude and orientation verified under blacklight and magnetization confirmed
Liquid Penetrant Inspection
Verify that the Penetrant & Developer shall be from the same manufacturer
Labeling in the Penetrant specifies it meets requirements of ASTM E165
Labeling in the Developer specifies it meets requirements of ASTM E165
The Penetrant being used is valid & still within expiry
The Developer being used is valid & still within expiry
Verify quality of the penetrant materials and inspection procedure on a cracked test piece (Liquid Penetrant Comparator)
Is a Liquid Comparator available?
Was the test piece thoroughly cleaned such that there are no traces of grease, thread dope or other contaminants?
Apply penetrant. The penetrant shall not be allowed to dry. Additional penetrant may be applied to prevent drying but part shall be recleaned if the penetrant dries.
Verify that the dwell time is a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes (subject to manufacturer recommendations)
What was the dwell time? (in minutes)
How was the excess penetrant removed, after the dwell time?
Was the part air dried or dried by blotting with dry lint free clith?
Ensure developer was applied within 5 minutes of removing penetrant
Developing time is not less than 7 minutes or more than 30 minutes
Was the crack on the test piece visible?
Recheck inspection procedure!!
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Is the AC yoke capable to lift 10 pound weight? Demonstrate
Are all surfaces being inspected cleaned such that there are no traces of grease, dope, or other contaminants?
Verify that the White Contrast & Magnetic Ink shall be from the same manufacturer or specified as compatible by the product manufacturer
Is a pre-mix bath available?
Is the pre-mix bath valid, within expiry?
Does the inspector have a copy of the latest DS-1, 5th Edition Volume 4 standard?
Does the Inspector have a copy of the latest DSI inspection procedure?
Does the inspector have a copy of the latest PBL connection recut limits?
Does the inspector understand the importance of the recut limits?
Reiterate importance of Recut Limits (raise as an action item)
Does the organization have a QMS / IMS in place
To what standards is the organization certified to?
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2019
- ISO 45001:2018
- ISO 22301:2019
- API Spec Q1 / Q2
- No Certifications
- Others
Please specify
Control of Documents
Are documents required for the QMS controlled?
Is there a procedure or process that requires the approval of documents for adequacy prior to issue?
Is there a procedure or process that includes the requirement to review, update as necessary and the re-approval of documents?
Is there a procedure or process that requires changes and the current revision status of documents are identified?
Does a procedure or process include the requirement to ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use?
Does a procedure or process require that documents remain legible and readily identifiable?
Does a procedure or process require that documents of external origin (for example PBL drawings) are identified and their distribution controlled?
Does a procedure or process require preventing the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained?
Control of Records
Have records been established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the QMS?
Does the procedure or process include a control for identification?
Does the procedure or process include a control for storage? (Storage must be adequate to prevent unauthorized access and organized to allow for the remaining elements of this section.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for retrieval? (Request a DSI order from at least 5 years ago.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for protection? (The control should take into account certain potential natural disasters and back up systems protected as well. An off-site back up for electronic data is preferable.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for retention Time? (Minimum 5 years per API Q1, 9th Edition.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for disposition?
Competency, Awareness and Training
Determined the necessary competency for personnel performing work affecting product quality?
Provided training or taken other actions to satisfy these needs?
Evaluated the effectiveness of the actions taken?
Maintained appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience?
To achieve conformity of product, does the organization identify, provide, and maintain the facilities including:
Buildings, Workspace and associated utilities?
Process equipment, hardware and software?
Product Realization
Does the facility perform required verification, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to the product and criteria for product acceptance?
Records needed to provide evidence that the resulting product fulfills requirements?
Has the organization determined requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for delivery and post-delivery activities? Where the customer has not provided a documented statement of requirements, are customer requirements confirmed by the organization before acceptance?
Has the organization determined requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use, where known?
Has the organization determined statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product?
Are results of reviews and actions arising from these reviews recorded and maintained as records?
Where product requirements are changed, does the organization ensure that relevant documentation is amended and relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements?
Has top management ensured that customer requirements are determined and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction?
Are the purchasing processes controlled to ensure purchased product (or service) conforms to requirements?
Are suppliers selected based on their ability to supply product in accordance with the organization's requirements?
Does purchasing information describe the requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment?
Does purchasing information describe requirements for qualification of personnel?
Does purchasing information describe QMS requirements?
If DSI's work is being outsourced (subcontracted), has the subcontractor been evaluated for the ability to meet DSI's requirements? Are the results documented?
Is there a confidentiality agreement in place between the Vendor and sub contractor
Production and Service Provision
Are the production and service provision planned and carried out under controlled conditions including:
Availability of information that describes the product characteristics?
Availability of work instructions, as necessary?
Use of suitable equipment?
Availability and use of monitoring and measuring devices?
Implementation of monitoring and measurement?
Implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities?
Identification and Traceability
Is the product identified by suitable means throughout product realization?
Is the product status identified with respect to monitoring and measurement? (Review job order or work order to determine if the monitoring and measuring is taking place according to the requirements? Is the product clearly marked to show pass or fail status
When traceability is a requirement, is the product uniquely identified and controlled? (Verify heat numbers on bar material and traceability on pieces cut from bar stock)
Is the unique identification maintained as a record?
Preservation of Product
Are controls in place for identification?
Are controls in place for handling?
Are controls in place for packaging?
Are controls in place for storage?
Are controls in place for protection?
Are the same controls applied to constituent parts of a product?
If calibrations are performed at the supplier location, are the environmental conditions controlled and monitored so as to prevent adverse effects on the equipment being calibrated?
Is equipment calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurements standards; where no such standards exist, is the basis used for calibration or verification recorded?
Is measuring equipment adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary?
Is measuring equipment Identified to enable the calibration status to be determined?
Is measuring equipment safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result?
Is measuring equipment protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage?
Has the organization assessed and recorded the validity of the previous measuring results when equipment is found not to conform to requirements, and taken the appropriate action on the equipment and any product affected?
Are records of the calibration results maintained?
Where computer software is used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, is the ability of the computer software to satisfy the intended application confirmed prior to initial use?
Monitoring and Measurement of Product
Is evidence of conformity with acceptance criteria documented and maintained?
Are records maintained to indicate the person(s) authorizing release of product?
Control of Nonconforming Product
Are there any nonconformities issued to the vendor by DSI /SB group, during the last 12 months?
How many nonconformities were issued?
Is nonconforming product identified and controlled to prevent use or delivery?
Has a procedure or process been established to define controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product?
Actions taken to eliminate the detected nonconformity?
Authorized use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer.
Are action's taken to preclude its original intended use or application?
Are records maintained identifying the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, including any concessions?
When nonconforming product is detected after delivery, has the supplier notified the customer of the product non-conformity?
Corrective Action
Recording and maintaining the results of actions taken? (Verify a Non-Conformance Report / Corrective Action Report)
Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the cause of nonconformities and to prevent reoccurrence?
Are corrective actions appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered?
Has a procedure or process been established to review nonconformities, including customer complaints?
Does the procedure or process require a determination of the causes of the nonconformity?
Does the procedure or process require an evaluation of the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur?
Does the procedure or process have a requirement to determine and implement action needed?
Are the results of the actions taken to eliminate the nonconformity been evaluated to ensure effectiveness and are those results documented? (Follow-up check to determine the nonconformity has not recurred.)
Does the organization have a QMS / IMS in place
To what standards is the organization certified to?
- ISO 9001:2015
- ISO 14001:2019
- ISO 45001:2018
- ISO 22301:2019
- API Spec Q1 / Q2
- No Certifications
- Others
Please specify
Control of Documents
Are documents required for the QMS controlled?
Is there a procedure or process that requires the approval of documents for adequacy prior to issue?
Is there a procedure or process that includes the requirement to review, update as necessary and the re-approval of documents?
Is there a procedure or process that requires changes and the current revision status of documents are identified?
Does a procedure or process include the requirement to ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use?
Is there a documented procedure that defines communication of updates to interested parties?
Does a procedure or process require that documents remain legible and readily identifiable?
Does a procedure or process require that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled?
Does a procedure or process require preventing the unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained?
Control of Records
Have records been established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to requirements and of the effective operation of the QMS?
Does the procedure or process include a control for identification?
Does the procedure or process include a control for storage? (Storage must be adequate to prevent unauthorized access and organized to allow for the remaining elements of this section.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for retrieval? (Request a DSI order from at least 5 years ago.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for protection? (The control should take into account certain potential natural disasters and back up systems protected as well. An off-site back up for electronic data is preferable.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for retention Time? (Minimum 5 years per API Q1, 9th Edition.)
Does the procedure or process include a control for disposition?
Competency, Awareness and Training
Determined the necessary competency for personnel performing work affecting product quality?
Provided training or taken other actions to satisfy these needs?
Evaluated the effectiveness of the actions taken?
Maintained appropriate records of education, training, skills and experience?
To achieve conformity of product, does the organization identify, provide, and maintain the facilities including:
Buildings, Workspace and associated utilities?
Process equipment, hardware and software?
Product Realization
Does the facility perform required verification, monitoring, inspection and test activities specific to the product and criteria for product acceptance?
Records needed to provide evidence that the resulting product fulfills requirements?
Has the organization determined requirements specified by the customer, including the requirements for delivery and post-delivery activities? Where the customer has not provided a documented statement of requirements, are customer requirements confirmed by the organization before acceptance?
Has the organization determined requirements not stated by the customer but necessary for specified or intended use, where known?
Has the organization determined statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product?
Are results of reviews and actions arising from these reviews recorded and maintained as records?
Where product requirements are changed, does the organization ensure that relevant documentation is amended and relevant personnel are made aware of the changed requirements?
Has top management ensured that customer requirements are determined and met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction?
Are the purchasing processes controlled to ensure purchased product (or service) conforms to requirements?
Are suppliers selected based on their ability to supply product in accordance with the organization's requirements?
Does purchasing information describe the requirements for approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment?
Does purchasing information describe requirements for qualification of personnel?
Does purchasing information describe QMS requirements?
If DSI's work is being outsourced (subcontracted), has the subcontractor been evaluated for the ability to meet DSI's requirements? Are the results documented?
Is there a confidentiality agreement in place between the Vendor and sub contractor
Production and Service Provision
Are the production and service provision planned and carried out under controlled conditions including:
Availability of information that describes the product characteristics?
Does the procedure outline criteria for 'Reline of Stators'?
Does the procedure outline criteria for 'TC coating or rechroming of Rotors'?
Availability of work instructions, as necessary?
Use of suitable equipment?
Availability and use of monitoring and measuring devices?
Implementation of monitoring and measurement?
Implementation of release, delivery and post-delivery activities? Is there a process or flow chart that outline delivery instructions.
Is there a procedure that defines criteria for rerun of a Mud Motor that was used in hole?
Is there a document, criteria or procedure that defines the Rotor / Stator fit methodology?
Is there a procedure available that determines the requirements for Boroscoping of Stator.
Are there instructions or procedures available for distribution to end users on how to handle the Mud motors?
Identification and Traceability
Is there a procedure available that defines 'Labelling' for Motors?
Is the product/ spare part identified by suitable means throughout product realization?
Is the product/ spare part traceable by suitable means throughout product realization?
Is the product status identified with respect to monitoring and measurement? (Review job order or work order to determine if the monitoring and measuring is taking place according to the requirements? Is the product clearly marked to show pass or fail status
When traceability is a requirement, is the product uniquely identified and controlled? (Verify heat numbers on bar material and traceability on pieces cut from bar stock)
Is the unique identification maintained as a record?
Preservation of Product
Is there a procedure in place that defines 'Storage for Motors'
Is there a procedure that describes the duration a Mud Motor can be stored in the horizontal position.
Are controls in place for handling?
Are controls in place for packaging?
Are controls in place for storage?
Are controls in place for protection?
Are the same controls applied to constituent parts of a product?
Is there a procedure that defines the shelf life of the motor and spares?
If calibrations are performed at the supplier location, are the environmental conditions controlled and monitored so as to prevent adverse effects on the equipment being calibrated?
Is equipment calibrated or verified at specified intervals, or prior to use, against measurement standards traceable to international or national measurements standards; where no such standards exist, is the basis used for calibration or verification recorded?
Is measuring equipment adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary?
Is measuring equipment Identified to enable the calibration status to be determined?
Is measuring equipment safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement result?
Is measuring equipment protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage?
Has the organization assessed and recorded the validity of the previous measuring results when equipment is found not to conform to requirements, and taken the appropriate action on the equipment and any product affected?
Are records of the calibration results maintained?
Where computer software is used in the monitoring and measurement of specified requirements, is the ability of the computer software to satisfy the intended application confirmed prior to initial use?
Monitoring and Measurement of Product
Is evidence of conformity with acceptance criteria documented and maintained?
Are records maintained to indicate the person(s) authorizing release of product?
Control of Nonconforming Product
Are there any nonconformities issued to the vendor by DSI /SB group, during the last 12 months?
How many nonconformities were issued?
Is nonconforming product identified and controlled to prevent use or delivery?
Has a procedure or process been established to define controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with nonconforming product?
Actions taken to eliminate the detected nonconformity?
Authorized use, release or acceptance under concession by a relevant authority and, where applicable, by the customer.
Are action's taken to preclude its original intended use or application?
Are records maintained identifying the nature of nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken, including any concessions?
When nonconforming product is detected after delivery, has the supplier notified the customer of the product non-conformity?
Corrective Action
Recording and maintaining the results of actions taken? (Verify a Non-Conformance Report / Corrective Action Report)
Are corrective actions taken to eliminate the cause of nonconformities and to prevent reoccurrence?
Are corrective actions appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered?
Has a procedure or process been established to review nonconformities, including customer complaints?
Does the procedure or process require a determination of the causes of the nonconformity?
Does the procedure or process require an evaluation of the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur?
Does the procedure or process have a requirement to determine and implement action needed?
Are the results of the actions taken to eliminate the nonconformity been evaluated to ensure effectiveness and are those results documented? (Follow-up check to determine the nonconformity has not recurred.)
Audit location
Facility Overview
What is the reason for this score?
Take at least ten (10) pictures or one (1)video (less than 3 minutes) of the facility mainly focusing on processes related to DSI. (Do not repeat any pictures already uploaded in the inspection earlier)
9.1- Is there a dedicated person responsible for QHSE?
Name of person responsible for QHSE
Email ID
Is the QHSE responsibilities assigned to another employee?
Name of person assigned QHSE responsibilities
Email ID
9.2- Were you given a HSE induction when arrived at the facility or prior to entering the work area?
9.3- Does the company have an observation card system?
9.4- Does the company have a system to report HSE Incidents?
9.5- Does the company have a database of HSE incidents?
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
What efforts do you take to minimize your environmental impact?
Do you track and report greenhouse gas emissions or other environmental metrics?
Note for Auditor: Check for energy and water consumption data for previous year ('FY') and from 'Jan' till date (current year).
What are the CO2 emissions for the previous year? (in tons)
Note for Auditor: Check for energy and water consumption data for previous year ('FY') and from 'Jan' till date (current year).
What is the electricity consumption during the previous year (in kwh)
CO2 Emissions for the year (in tons)
What is the total water consumption during the previous year (in cubic meter)
Do you use renewable energy in your facility? Or, is a percentage of electricity purchased is sourced from renewable energy?
What percentage of energy is from renewable sources?
What steps do you take to ensure your supply chain is environmentally friendly?
How do you ensure fair labor practices and working conditions for your employees?
Are there policies regarding anti-corruption and bribery?
Are there plans in place to avoid/ mitigate business disruptions?
Business Continuity and Risk Management
Can you provide details of your company's business continuity plan, including how it identifies potential risks, such as natural disasters, supply chain disruptions, or cyber-attacks, and the measures in place to mitigate these risks?
How often is your business continuity plan reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness in responding to evolving threats and disruptions?
What steps does your company take to identify, assess, and prioritize risks that could disrupt your business operations or impact the supply of goods and services to our company?
Can you describe any recent incidents or disruptions that your company has experienced and how they were managed, including any lessons learned and improvements made to prevent similar incidents in the future?
Remarks & Sign Off
Auditor Remarks
Vendor Representative
DSI Auditor Name