Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • All Food items are day coded / labeled & within shelf life.

  • All Food items are covered and protected from physical, bacterial contamination

  • Food equipment utensils, and food contact surfaces are properlywashed, rinsed, and sanitized before every use

  • Are food is handled with suitable utensils, such as single use gloves or tongs?

  • Are food stored correctly, covered and separated in frideges and freezers?

  • Is work table clean?

  • After use Knives are kept store correctly ( sterilizer box)

  • First in First Out (FIFO) followed for all products all the time

  • Frozen food is thawed under refrigeration, cooked to proper temperature from frozen state, or in cold running water

  • Thawed Food is not Frozen?

  • Food is tasted using the proper procedure.

  • Floor surface, walls are clean especially under the equipments

  • Temperature control records completed - all sections

  • Are thermometers are available and calibrated?

  • Are thermometers are cleaned and sanitized?

  • Are refuse bins empty and cleaned?

  • Are Fish/ Poultry/ Meat stored separately and labeled with correct suitable Plastic container?

  • Are all raw /cooked products separated?

  • Are food not stored directly on the floor?

  • Opened Food containers correctly labeled

  • Any cartons are staked in food premises?

  • Food is prepared in small batches to limit the time it is in the temperature danger zone

  • Does location have any Maintenance issues?

  • Does Food preparation area have adequate Lighting system

  • Visual cleanliness and order of all tables, working surfaces and equipments


  • All Food items are day coded / labeled & within shelf life.

  • All Food items are covered and protected from physical, bacterial contamination

  • Are the chillers temperature forms filled in correctly? (Check food temperature in chillers).

  • Is the chiller clean and free from rust? (Including shelves, handles and rubbers).

  • Is the temperature of foods in the chillers below 5 ºC? (Check 3 items).

  • Are the cooked foods segreggated away or stored above raw foods?

  • Are the freezer units free from ice build-up and no slipping hazards?

  • Is color coding of containers been followed?


  • Refrigerators are kept clean and organized.

  • Temperature of cold food being held is at or below 5 ºC.

  • Food is protected from contamination

  • All Food items are day coded / labeled & within shelf life.

  • Are frying cooking oil replaced regularly and properly monitored?


  • Refrigerators are kept clean and organized.

  • Temperature of cold food being held is at or below 5 ºC.

  • Food is protected from contamination

  • All Food items are day coded / labeled & within shelf life according to ERP?


  • Refrigerators are kept clean and organized.

  • Temperature of cold food being held is at or below 5 ºC.

  • Food is protected from contamination

  • All Food items are day coded / labeled & within shelf life according to ERP?

  • Hot holding unit is clean.

  • Food is heated to the required safe internal temperature before placing in hot holding. Hot holding units are not used to reheat potentially hazardous foods

  • Hot holding unit is pre-heated before hot food is placed in unit

  • Temperature of hot food being held is at or above 63 ºC.

  • Food is protected from contamination


  • Employees wear clean and proper uniform including shoes.

  • Effective hair restraints are properly worn

  • Fingernails are short, unpolished, and clean (no artificial nails).

  • Jewelry is limited to a plain ring, such as wedding band and a watch and no bracelets

  • Hands are washed properly, frequently, and at appropriate times Burns, wounds, sores or scabs, or splints and water-proof bandages on hands are bandaged and completely covered with a gloves while handling food

  • Employees use disposable tissues when coughing or sneezing and then immediately wash hands

  • Employees appear in good health

  • Hand sinks are unobstructed, operational, and clean

  • Hand sinks are stocked with soap, disposable towels, and warm water

  • A handwashing reminder sign is posted

  • Employee restrooms are operational and clean.


  • Pot washing sink is properly set up for ware washing

  • Dish washing machine is working properly (such as gauges and chemicals are at recommended levels).

  • Water is clean and free of grease and food particles

  • Water temperatures are correct for wash and rinse

  • If using a chemical sanitizer, it is mixed correctly and a sanitizer strip is used to test chemical concentration

  • Work surfaces and utensils are clean.

  • All small equipment and utensils, including cutting boards and knives, are cleaned and sanitized between uses


  • Temperatures of dry storage area is between 21 ºC and 24 ºC

  • All food and paper supplies are stored 6 to 8 inches off the floor

  • Is food within "USE BY or BEST BEFORE "date?

  • Are goods free of visible evidence of pest infestaion

  • The FIFO (First In, First Out) method of inventory management is used

  • There are no bulging or leaking canned goods

  • Food is protected from contamination

  • All food surfaces are clean ( floors, walls, ceiling & shelves)

  • All dry food items are stored off the floor

  • Does location have the good lighting system


  • Does Supplier Have Dubai Municipality vechile certificate

  • No out of date food

  • Are receiving temperature as per hygiene requirements? & records available using FOOD TRANSPORTATION MONITORING FORM.

  • Is there a plastic/air curtain in supplier's vehicle?

  • All food items are stored off the floor ( food should stored above pallets and wooden pallets not allowed)

  • Is the vehicle clean and tidy?

  • Does vehicle contain only food stuffs? No cleaning chemical allowed

  • Is the vehicle driver clean and wearing suitable protective clothing?

  • Procedures are in place to prevent cross-contamination

  • Vegetable prepartion area compliance with Hygiene Sanatizing Procedures?

  • Are cleaned / Sanitized Crates available to store the food

  • Are EFK's working condition

  • After Sanatized all food is correctly labeled i.e Day code

  • Vegetable prepartion area clean & Tidy


  • Garbage Chutes are clean and kept covered

  • Garbage bins are emptied as necessary

  • Recycling items and food waste containers are removed from site

  • Loading dock and area around dumpster are clean

  • Dumpsters are clean and odor-free


  • Outside doors have screens, are well-sealed, and are equipped with a self-closing device

  • No evidence of pests is present

  • There is a regular/ Weekly/monthly schedule of pest control by a licensed pest control

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.