Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Personal Hygiene

  • All employees should wash and sanitize their hands before entering to the workplace and when needed during the work

  • All staff is wellgroomed, in neat uniforms, and following company standards

  • All staff is wearing face masks & gloves

  • All employees are wearing hairnets in proper way (covering ears) and facial hair (mustache/beard) is covered by a mask

  • All employees keeping their fingernails clean & short.no nail varnish are being allowed by staff in the kitchen/food preparation area

  • The staff is adhering to the food hygiene rules relating to personal hygiene

  • All employees are following the procedure for reporting illnesses of food handlers


  • Storage area, cold rooms, refrigerators area clean, free of debris, empty boxes and other refuse & well maintained & not over stocked

  • Raw Material & Food Products have been arranged / stored in rotation and uses on FIFO (First in First Out) and FEFO (First Expiry and First Out) basis and marked

  • Food product crates are stored away from the wall & above the ground

  • Are all stored products (dry, chilled and frozen) properly stored, adequately labelled and within date codes?

  • There is no expired items

  • All freezers, refrigerators, and chill rooms are operating at or below their specified temperatures

  • Is there any evidence of pests / pets in the kitchen or storage areas

Preparation & Handling

  • Is there a risk of Cross Contamination?

  • Is there any Physical or Chemical Contamination?

  • Cleaning materials are kept in a separate area away from food

  • Checking food temperatures regularly by metal probe thermometer

  • Food products including cooked food are always kept covered after preparation and cooking

  • Cutting boards should be in good shape and not overly worn out. Regular washing to be carried out during operational hours. Color coding to be maintained

  • Standard procedures are following while thawing and cooling process

  • Not using a single ladle to handle different sauce or products

  • Fruits and vegitables washed and sanitized according to the procedure

  • Potentially hazardous foods are cooked immediately after processing

  • All smaller containers filled from bulk containers also display correct labels

  • Crockery, cutlery, and utensils are properly washed dried, and stored at its proper place


  • Refrigerators & freezers are clean and working properly? (Chiller teprature (14 C) freezer temperature 18 C or less)

  • Gaskets of the chilling & freezing units are clean and not damaged

  • The pot wash area has running cold & hot water

  • All insect trappers are in working condition , effective and clean

  • The machinery and equipment are regularly inspected & maintained

  • Exhaust hoods / Fresh Air grills are clean & working effectively

  • All equipment in working order, clean & well maintained

  • All lights and electrical fittings/ switchboards, must be clean, no loose fittings & free from pest infestation/droppings and food debris

  • The heating elements of the kitchen pass is in working condition and is kept switched on during operational hours

  • Are the floors, walls, ceilings, doors, and windows, etc in a satisfactory state of repair and easily cleanable?


  • All procedures are followed

  • All forms are maintained and recorded correctly

Occupational Health & Safety

  • Fire extinguishers are easily accessible; refilling date mentioned on them

  • First Aid Kit with all necessary medicines & ointments is available, Medicines & ointments in the First Aid Box are within the expiry date

  • The mechanical ventilation system is adequate and operating correctly

  • The lighting bright is enough, especially overwork surfaces & cookers

  • Electrical sockets and equipment are placed away from sinks and hotplates

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.