
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

General Information

  • Is a SWPPP binder on site and records available?

  • Are the SWPPP drawing on site and current?

  • Is a spill containment kit on site?

  • Type of inspection?

  • Inspection start time?

  • Present phase of construction?

Weather Information

  • Has it Rained since the last inspection?

  • If yes, provide:

  • Approximate Rainfall (in):

  • Weather at time of inspection?

  • Do you suspect that discharges have occurred since the last inspection?

  • Are there any discharges at the time of inspection?

BMPs inspection

Temporary Construction Entrance

  • Are all ingress and egress points covered by a temporary construction entrance?

  • Is the entrance adequately preventing tracking of mud, dirt, and sediment onto roadways?

Perimeter Erosion Control

  • Is silt fence or BMP installed properly?

  • Is the silt fence or BMP maintained and in good condition?

  • Is chain link fence screen maintained and in good condition?

Site Stabilization

  • Have all disturbed areas been stabilized with temporary or permanent measures within 7 days of the end of active hydrologic disturbance?

  • Are stabilization measures effective?

Soil Stockpile

  • Is the stockpile located in an approved location? (i.e. not in floodplain or wetland)

  • Is the stockpile properly enclosed with silt fence?

  • Has the stockpile been stabilized?

Silt Dikes

  • Are silt dikes install per the Illinois Urban Manual?

  • Have the locations changed per the SWPP plan of record? If yes, is it noted on plans?

Wetlands and Waters Protection

  • Are all adjacent offsite wetlands protected from impact?

  • Are wetland buffers protected?

  • Are ponds and water runways protected from impact?

Sediment Basins

  • Are sediment basins install per the Illinois Urban Manual?

  • Have the locations changed per the SWPP plan of record? If yes, is it noted on plans?


  • Are appropriate dewatering BMP's in place and functioning effectively?

  • Are dewatering activities conveying sediment laden water?

  • If a sediment bag is being used, is it capturing sediment effectively?

  • Are all points of off site runoff stabilized?

Dust Control

  • Are dust control measures being used as needed?

  • Are roadways being swept and cleaned as needed?

Inlet Protection

  • Are all inlets that are or will be functional during construction protected?

  • Is the inlet protection being maintained?

Site Debri

  • Are all construction materials kept within the project limits?

Wash Outs

  • Are washouts adequate for the amount of material being discharged?

  • Are liners free from rips and tares?

  • Are washouts located in a location that will not effect water inlets?


  • Inspector

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.