Store :
Conducted on
Manager on Duty :
1.1 - Has the last Audit been reviewed?
1.2 - Has the previous months non compliance been dealt with?
2.1 - SECURITY GATES<br><br>Gates tested and working to agreed operational standard.
2.2 - CABINETS AND CAGES<br><br>Are all cabinets/cages locked and secure?
2.3 - DETAGGERS<br><br>Are detaggers securely stored out of reach of customers?
2.4 - RF TAGGED PRODUCT<br><br>Is all agreed product tagged? Refer to RF Tagging Guide for full list.
2.5 - LAPTOP AND TABLET ALARMS<br><br>Are all laptops and tablets alarmed? <br>Test the system to confirm it is working correctly.
2.6 - TELCO SECURITY ALARMS AND CLAMPS<br><br>Are all alarms working and clamps installed correctly?
2.7 - FITNESS SECURITY <br><br>Are all watches/bands secured for display?<br>Are dummy boxes and take to counter cards being used correctly?
2.8 - PORTABLE AUDIO<br><br>Are all displays alarmed or secured?<br>Is back up stock secured according to agreed standards?
2.9 - GENERAL CASH AND CARRY SECURITY<br><br>Are all agreed standards of cash and carry security up to date?<br>Check the price point for hangsell-locked product, dummy boxes/slicks, RF tagging, spider clamps, etc.
2.10 - FLOOR MODEL BAR CODING<br><br>All display/floor stock has barcode.
2.11 - SALES FLOOR OVERHEADS<br><br>All products stored on overheads are either out of reach of customers or appropriate from a security and OHS perspective.
2.12 - WORKSTATIONS<br><br>Confirm there is no stock in drawers being used by sales staff.<br>Check PDAs, keys and detaggers are being stored securely, not left on top of desks.
3.1 - KEY LOG, PDA LOG AND CABINET KEYS<br><br>Does the store have a key log and is it being used daily?<br>Is the store using the PDA log correctly?<br>Check no keys are being left on lanyards or in lockers.
3.2 - CUSTOMER PICK UP's/LAYBYS<br>Is there a Customer Order Pick up section? Does each product have a copy of the Customer Order Receipt?<br>Is there evidence the section has been updated recently and old stock returned to the floor?<br>Is the layby report being run at least fortnightly?<br>Is there evidence the layby section is being kept up to date?
Section 3 follow up date for non compliance
4.1 - SOLVEUP<br><br>Are there any repairs marked as 'In Store' over 2 days that have not been sent to the repairer?<br>Are there any outstanding repairs over 25 days without a recent update in the case notes?<br>Is the Store Manager aware of the current status of all repairs over 25 days?
4.2 - MOVEIT COMPLIANCE<br><br>Is the store using the correct reference numbers for despatches (eg. Transfer number, Online order number, Solvup repair number)?<br>
4.3 - MOVEIT MANIFESTS<br><br>Check previous 14 days of manifests to ensure driver manifests are in use and being signed.
4.4 - FREIGHT AWAITING DESPATCH<br><br>Check outbound cons waiting for despatch - do all items have correct labelling and packaging appropriate to the product and destination?
4.5 - OUTSTANDING TRANSFERS<br><br>Does the store have any outstanding transfers over 7 days?<br>What action has been taken to resolve the outstanding transfers?<br>Is the Store Manager aware of the outstanding transfers and the reason they are outstanding?<br><br>
4.6 - CUSTOMER PICK-UP LOG<br><br>Is there a log in use? Is it being used correctly?<br>Are receipts being photocopied and attached to the log?<br>Is there evidence the TV Handover Checklist being used and paperwork completed?<br>
5.0 - JBRL / SOR
5.1 - JBRL BAY<br><br>Does the store have a separate section of the warehouse for a JBRL bay?<br>Is this section clearly separated from the manual credits area of the warehouse?
5.2 - JBRL RETURNS<br><br>Are items suitably boxed or wrapped for transit?<br>Do all items have correct paperwork? Solvup paperwork + receipt.<br>Are all items current? Is there any evidence of items not being sent in the next despatch after being returned?
5.3 - JBRL PALLET WRAPPING STANDARDS<br><br>Has the store had any non compliance raised by the JBRL?<br>Has the store had any units written off due to poor wrapping standards?
5.4 - JBRL NON-COMPLIANCE<br><br>Check recent JBRL Compliance reports - was the store listed on the non-compliance report? If so - why, and is this behaviour consistent?
5.5. - SOR COMPLIANCE<br><br>Has the store achieved a minimum compliance of 95% for the previous four SORs?
6.1 - MANUAL CREDITS BAY<br><br>Does the store have a dedicated section for manual credits that is clearly labelled?
6.2 - CREDITS BOOK<br><br>Is the store using only one credit book?<br>Are the most recent entries in the book up to date? Have all credits in the book been raised in TDC?
6.3 - PROBLEM CREDITS<br><br>Is there evidence that all problem credits have been followed up by the store?<br>Have all credits had an RA requested within 2 days of arriving in store?<br>Is there evidence the Store Manager is aware of the status of all outstanding manual credits?
6.4 - CREDITS PROCEDURES<br><br>Is there evidence of Storeroom, Managers and Admin all understanding the correct procedures for requesting an RA and raising a credit in TDC?
7.1 - BACK OF HOUSE CAGES<br><br>Are all cages locked and secure?
7.2 - BACK DOORS<br><br>Are any staff using the back doors to enter or exit during trade hours?
7.3 - RUBBISH<br><br>Is there evidence of a manager checking rubbish before it leaves the store?
7.4 - SECURITY CAMERAS<br><br>Are all cameras working and unobscured (no banners or signs blocking the cameras)?<br>Check that at least two managers and the Admin know how to use the system and record footage onto a USB.
8.0 - OHS
8.1 - WAV MACHINE<br><br>If the store has a machine -<br>Only staff trained by an authorised trainer are using the machine.<br>The daily checklist is up to date and there is evidence of daily use.<br>There is no damage to the machine.
8.2 - SAFETY KNIVES<br><br>Staff are only using approved (retracting) safety knives.<br>All other kinds of knives removed from store.
8.3 - BULKY STORAGE<br><br>Is all large product being stored in line with the JB Bulky goods policy?<br>Are the Small/Medium/Large signs and labels in place?
9.1 - NEGATIVE STOCK ON HAND<br><br>Is there evidence of the Store Manager investigating NSOH?<br>Has there been any reduction in the number of NSOH items in the previous month?
9.2 - VARIANCE TRACKER / SOH INACCURACY REGISTER<br><br>Is the Variance Tracker in use and easy to locate in store?<br>Is there evidence of follow up by the manager in the last two weeks?
9.3 - STOLEN STOCK<br><br>Is there a box of stolen stock near the manager's desk?<br>Are all items tagged with the date found, time, location and by whom?<br>Has an adjustment for stolen stock been submitted in the last month?
9.4 - EDI REPORT<br><br>Is the Admin handling the report to Store and Media Manager daily?<br>Is there evidence of follow-up by managers?
9.5 - INVOICE COMPLIANCE<br><br>Are all agreed invoices being double-checked by a Manager? Eg. Apple, Telco, etc.
Manager signature
RLPC signature