Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Overview of original sale
Description of Sale.
Is the System Web Hosted, if "no" please specify.
Initial Purchase including number of staff
Is the customer aware of the Annual License Fee costs, When is the Annual License Fee due
Is there anything unique in the way the customer uses the system.
What training was provided at time of initial purchase
In regards to the training provided to super users, do the persons involved in the original training still work for customer.
What additional services have been supplied since initial sale
What training has been supplied since initial training was provided
Is the system up to date with the latest version,if no, What version of Vault is the Customer running
Is the email server connected to sytem.This drives the escalations/notifications service.
System Levels of Access & Strength of Access
Super Users Group-Number of staff in Group
Supervisors Group-Number of staff in Group
Managers Group-Number of staff in Group
Directors Group-Number of staff in Group
OHS Group-Number of staff in Group
System Status Report (Modules Only) 1-Not Used".............."10-Very Well Used
Use of Edit Menu
- 1
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- 3
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- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Personnel Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Training Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Risk Management Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of PPE Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Substances Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Incident Management Module
- 1
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- 4
- 5
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Reference Library Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Reports Module
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Organiser Module
- 1
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- 4
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Use of Dashboard Module
- 1
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- 9
- 10
Edit Menu Focus
Have components of the edit menu been used to customise the system. Supply details of the key areas .
Has the Options and Preferences Tab been established with customers requirements enabled.
Has the Customers Risk Matrix been established in the system, this including hints, consequence ,severity.
Has customer established KPI targets in the module
Has customer turned on the Notifications/Escalations functions.
Have the email SMTP settings been established between Vault and the email server.
Has customer turned on the Notifications/Escalations functions.
Dashboard Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Dashboard visable in the system to the superusers group.
After viewing the Overall Status tab, does the information shown indicate full use of system considering the length of time the system has been used by the customer.
Is the Performance Indicators tab showing a true reflection of items coming from the Incident Management module
Is the Corrective Action tab understood.
NGB recommendations to assist customer in using the Dashboard Module
Site Manager
Personnel Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Personnel Module visable in the system.
How many Employees exist in the system and is there email addresses associated to all staff.
Is the license holdings area being used. It's is recommended this area be used for personal drivers licenses only, not company licenses.
Are there Photos associated to staff, is the customer aware of the safety passport system in Vault.
Have key appointments been established in the system.
Contact details tab, is this connected to the synchroniser.
Have any skill assessments been performed and is the Skill Matrix being used to record the results.
Does the Health and Safety group reflect photos of the key persons, and is there contact numbers associated to the printable reports.
Is the Contractor Management module used
Apart from third party Tab, are any other Tabs used such as Volunteers and/ or Students.
NGB recommendations that may assist customer in the Personnel Module
Training Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Training Module visable in the system.
How well is the Training Categories used and is the customer aware of the recertification component of course details.
Is the system controlling the scheduling of training, does this training include categories such as Inductions, Licenses, Permits to mention a few.
Is the Vault training Module synced with any external training system such as is the training Aurion.
Is the Training Needs Analysis (TNA) tab visually displaying training records by Category of Employees and Contractors.
Does the Training by Position TAB provide good positional information and training required detail for the position.
NGB recommendations regarding the Training Module usage.
Risk Management Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Risk Management Module visable in the system.
How many Hazards have been entered into the system
Upon reviewing the Hazard Registers what is the opinion of the reviewer to this key area, are the registers tidy and in logical order
Have any JSA/SWMS Been developed in system.
Is the Plant and Equipment tab being used, have all fields in the tab been used.
Is the Transport Tab used
Is the Emergency Management Module being utilised well, detail and sub tabs that may need to be worked on such as Emergency Response Plans, Checks and Registers and Emergency Contacts.
NGB recommendations regarding the Risk Management Module usage.
Substances Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Substances Module visable in the system.
Have Material Safety Data Sheets been attached to the Substances.Are any expired in the system.
Is the substance register precise, are all fields showing completed data.
Does the substance location Tab show detail pertaining to substance location and quantity.
Is the Health surveillance Tab being used. When was the last health surveillance done on staff and loaded into Vault.
Is the Environmental Monitoring tab being used, what type of monitoring is done by client.
Is the Substances Module Register Review tab used, when was the last review completed.
NGB recommendations regarding the Risk Management Module usage.
Incident Management Focus
Are all Tabs in the Incident Management Module visable in the system.
Is all incident registers information displaying correctly.
Are photographs being added to incidents
Is the Incident Location free text box being used to associate the incidents to the exact location on or off sites.
Is the injury details edited via the edit menu displaying in the injury details tab.
Have the mandatory fields for incident management been scoped by customer in the edit menu. Does it suit the process driven by customer.
Have any Hazards, Risk Assessments, and or incidents been related using the related to incidents using the related Tab.
Is the lock incident tab being used in the system.
NGB recommendations regarding the Incident Management Module usage.
PPE Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the PPE Module visable in the system.
Has PPE been linked to the respective Positional requirements.
Looking in Dashboard is PPE issued to employees or contractors current and not expired
Is PPE expiry linked into escalations/notifications groups
Is the stock inventory component of the module being used by customer, could it be managed better
Reference Library Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Reference Library Module visable in the system.
Is the module effectively being used
Is the module linked with other document control systems such as Sharepoint.
Are the folders in a logical order, easy to read, easy to find
Reports Module Focus
I relation to recent releases, have the new reports been allocated to the user groups.
Are all modules showing printable reports
Testing of the system, does PDF writer display properly, what web browser and what version is system being used.
Organiser Module Focus
Are all Tabs in the Organiser Module visable in the system.
Have safety plans been entered into the safety plans TAB.
V Tools
Is V Forms tool used within the customer organisation
Is V Risk used within the customers organisation.
Is the customer aware of the Vault online training room.
Additional Services recommended upon Quarterly System review
Would customer be interested in expanding expanding into other modules of the system.
Would customer be interested in receiving more training on system use.
Would you be interested in receiving more information on V Series of tools such as V Risk, V Sync, V Forms.
Would you Value in more user group days were users get together and discuss system and future developments
Are you aware of any external aids that may assist a Vault user in allowing direct data entry into Vault while on site auditing,inspecting,monitoring or completing JSA /SWMS, Risk Assesments.
Customer Feedback
Is the help menu in Vault used by the customer.
Key Areas of Improvement
System Support Calls in the llast 3 months
Have you used System support over the last 3 Months.
# of support Calls
- 1
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- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Are there any outstanding development queries
# of outstanding development queries
- 1
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- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 10+
Are there any outstanding Support Faults
# of outstanding Support Faults
- 1
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- 9
- 10
- 10+