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菜品制作效率和质量 (根据实际案例进行评估)
综合评估员工菜品制作质量 (随机抽查4样菜品并附上照片) ,一样得一分
员工出品速度 (随机抽查员工出品速度)
周一至周四 (6pm-9pm) 烤鱼 (随机抽查3种口味)请附上 Time Mark 拍摄的图片
周五至周日 (6pm-9pm) 烤鱼 (随机抽查3种口味)请附上 Time Mark 拍摄的图片
人均出菜量 (店长会提供数据)
厨房前提计划表执行情况 (店长进行评估)
门店厨房岗位卫生标准 (根据厨房前提计划表,每5项扣1分)
门店的平均食材成本是否处在健康水平?Is the average food cost of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为降低所管辖门店的食材成本付出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释 What efforts have you made to reduce the cost of ingredients in the stores you manage? Please explain in PNG format
所管辖门店的平均人力成本是否处在健康水平?Is the average labor cost of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为降低所管辖门店的人力成本付出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释 What efforts have you made to reduce labor costs in the stores you manage? Please explain in PNG format
所管辖门店平均人效是否处在健康水平?Is the average labor productivity of the stores under your jurisdiction at a healthy level?
您为您所管辖门店的人效水平付出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释 What efforts have you made to improve the efficiency of the stores you manage? Please explain in PNG format
所管辖门店OEC考核表 平均得分 Average score of OEC assessment form for stores under jurisdiction
您为门店OEC达标付出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释 What efforts have you made to ensure your store meets OEC standards? Please explain in PNG format
所管辖门店实际总销售额是否有达到总月度销售目标?Did the actual total sales of the stores under your jurisdiction reach the total monthly sales target?
主管评估-员工反馈 Supervisor Evaluation-Employee Feedback
”主管评估“ 得分 "Supervisor Evaluation" score
您对人员管理方面做出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释 What efforts have you made in personnel management? Please explain in PNG format
消防安全 Fire safety
当月是否发生消防安全事件? <br> Did any fire safety incidents occur during the month?
您对减少门店发生消防安全事件做出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释What efforts have you made to reduce fire safety incidents in your stores? Please explain in PNG format
食品安全 Food safety
当月是否发生食品安全事件?(异物) <br> Did any food safety incidents occur during the month?
您对减少门店发生食品安全事件做出了什么努力?请用PNG的方式解释What efforts have you made to reduce food safety incidents in your stores? Please explain in PNG format
个人纪律及出席率 Personal discipline and attendance
每月无薪假 <br> Monthly unpaid leave
每月工作准时 Monthly work on time
完成 Completion
查看上面的总分并选择相关的总体绩效评级。 <br> Review the total score above and select the relevant overall performance rating.
Reference Guide
区域经理评价和期待 Area Manager Evaluation and Expectations
店长将在下个月安排什么任务? What tasks will the Store manager arrange for next month?
总体表现评价 Overall performance evaluation
本人对以上问题确认无误 I confirm that the above questions are correct
员工全名和签名 Employee's full name and signature
区域经理全名和签名 Area Manager Full Name and Signature