Title Page
Document No.
Conducted on
Person undertaking assessment:
Full Description of Task/Activity:
Provide details of people affected by the activity:
- Employees
- Contractor/Sub-contractor
- Visitor
- Public
Personnel Involved with the Task/Activity:
Task Assessment
Identify ALL hazards present:
- Electricity
- Machinery/Plant/Equipment
- Moving & Handling
- Work Environment
- Noise
- Vibrating Tools
- Hot Works
- Fire/Expolsion
- Confined Space
- Excavations
- Access/Egress
- Work at Height
- Lifting Operations
- Pressure Systems
- Vehicles/Traffic
- Combustible Liquids/Gases
- Hazardous Substances
- Fume/Dust
- Pollution
- Asbestos
- Work on/over water
- Other
Provide details of ALL hazard(s) not listed:
Identify ALL risks associated with the hazards:
- Electric Shock
- Burns
- Fall from Height
- Entrapment
- Crush Injury
- Nip Injury
- Musculoskeletal Injury
- Strain
- Slip
- Trip
- Fall (same level)
- Sprain
- Bruising
- Noise Induced Hearing Loss
- Deafness
- Tinitus
- Nerve Damage
- Cold
- Vibration White Finger
- Fire
- Spark
- Oxygen Depletion
- Heat Exhaustion
- Drowning (liquid and solid)
- Ground Collapse
- Smothering
- Fracture
- Concussion
- High Pressure Injury
- Striking Injury
- Poisoning
- Respiritory Injury
- Other
Provide details of ALL risks not listed:
Provide details of all measures taken to control the hazard(s):
- Electrical lock-out and prove dead
- Follow safe systems of work, procedures, instructions
- Work carried out by competent person
- Machinery guards in place
- Interlock safety devices in place
- Wearing of hearing protection
- Wearing of appropriate gloves for the activity
- Wearing of eye/face protection
- Wear hard hat
- Use mechanical aid(s)
- Use correct lifting techniques
- Share the load with colleague
- Reduce load size/split load
- Switch machinery off
- Remove power supply
- Have fire extinguishers available
- Remove flammable materials
- Prove and confirm confined space is safe to enter
- Use working platform
- Lift supervisor controls lifting activity
- Drain down pressure systems
- Remove pressurised cylinders from area
- Close all valves
- Store flammable materials and gases appropriately
- Use banksman for vehicle movements
- Use signaller for lifting operations
- Use RCD on electrical equipment/installations
- Use battery operated tools and equipment
- Use low voltage equipment (110v)
- Vehicles to have reverse alarms fitted
- Vehicles to have warning beacons
- Hi-Viz clothing to be worn
- COSHH assessments undertaken
- Ensure sufficient ventilation in place
- Respiritory protective equipment to be worn
- Lifejacket to be worn
- Thermal clothing worn
- Information, instruction, training and supervision provided to all persons
- Communication systems in place
- Drowning
- Cold water shock
- Hypothermia
- Other
Provide details of additional controls implemented:
Are the controls taken adequate to control risks associated with this task?
If the answer is NO, a full risk assessment MUST be conducted for the work activity.
Provide details of all safety equipment to be used, personal protective equipment (PPE) and respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to be worn and work instructions to be followed:
Provide detail of all personnel involved in the task assessment/toolbox talk.
Insert appropriate photos.